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java - 我的表单中存在验证错误

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 04:30:08 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

当我将文本框留空时,文本框旁边会显示错误。示例:需要输入类型。我有一个文件名交易表单 result.php,它定义了我的所有验证和插入到数据库中的price.php。它将进入第一个 if 语句,如果没有错误,该语句允许插入到数据库中。但事实上,我提交了一个空表格,它会提示我所有的错误。它只是没有发生。即使有错误,它也会将表单提交到price.php(插入)。感谢所有答案

$selection = '';
$type = '';
$size = '';
$bidprice = '';
$offerprice = '';
$stoploss = '';
$takeprofit = '';
$Error = '';
$selectionError = '';
$typeError = '';
$sizeError = '';
$bidpriceError = '';
$offerpriceError = '';
$stoplossError = '';
$takeprofitError = '';

$message = '';

$errors = array();

$noErrors = true;

$haveErrors = !$noErrors;


if ($noErrors && $userArriveBySubmittingAForm) {

require_once('price.php');// INSERTION

echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
echo "alert('Trade is successfully executed!');\n";
echo "</script>";

else if ($haveErrors && $userArriveBySubmittingAForm) {

echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
echo "alert('Please re-enter your parameters.);\n";
echo "</script>";

$message = "\t\t" . '<font color="red">Fail!</font><br />' . "\n";
$message = $message . "\t\t" . 'Validation errors : <br />' . "\n";

$message = $message . "\t\t" . '<ol>' . "\n";

foreach ($errors as $key=>$errorMessage) {
$message = $message . "\t\t\t" . '<li>' . $errorMessage . '</li>' . "\n";
if ($key == 'selection') {
$selectionError = $errorMessage;
if ($key == 'type') {
$typeError = $errorMessage;
if ($key == 'size') {
$sizeError = $errorMessage;
if ($key == 'bidprice') {
$bidpriceError = $errorMessage;
if ($key == 'offerprice') {
$offerpriceError = $errorMessage;
if ($key == 'stoploss') {
$stoplossError = $errorMessage;
if ($key == 'takeprofit') {
$takeprofitError = $errorMessage;

$message = $message . "\t\t" . '</ol>' . "\n";

else if ($userArriveByClickingOrDirectlyTypeURL) { // we put the original form inside the $message variable
$newTitle = 'The link is broken';

$h1Title = '';

$message = '';


$userArriveBySubmittingAForm = !empty($_POST);

// user arrives by GET
$userArriveByClickingOrDirectlyTypeURL = !$userArriveBySubmittingAForm;

// check if user arrives here via a POSTBACK

if ($userArriveBySubmittingAForm) {

$selectionNotGiven = empty($_POST['selection']);

// if name not given
if ($selectionNotGiven) {

// we add new error into $errors
$errors['selection'] = "Symbol is required";
$typeNotGiven = empty($_POST['type']);

// if name not given
if ($typeNotGiven) {

// we add new error into $errors
$errors['type'] = "Type is required";
$sizeNotGiven = empty($_POST['size']);

// if name not given
if ($sizeNotGiven) {

// we add new error into $errors
$errors['size'] = "Size is required";
$bidpriceNotGiven = empty($_POST['bidprice']);

// if name not given
if ($bidpriceNotGiven) {

// we add new error into $errors
$errors['bidprice'] = "Bid Price is required";

$offerpriceNotGiven = empty($_POST['offerprice']);

// if name not given
if ($offerpriceNotGiven) {

// we add new error into $errors
$errors['offerprice'] = "Offer price is required";

$stoplossInvalid = ($_POST['stoploss'])>($_POST['offerprice'])||($offernodecimal-$stoplossnodecimal)< 200
||($_POST['stoploss'])<($_POST['bidprice'])||($bidnodecimal-$stoplossnodecimal)< 200;

if ($stoplossInvalid) {

// we add new error into $errors
$errors['stoploss'] = "Stop Loss is invalid";

$takeprofitInvalid = ($_POST['takeprofit'])<($_POST['offerprice'])||($takeprofitnodecimal-$bidnodecimal)< 200
||($_POST['takeprofit'])>($_POST['bidprice'])||($offernodecimal-$takeprofitnodecimal)< 200;

if ($takeprofitInvalid) {

// we add new error into $errors
$errors['takeprofit'] = "Take Profit is invalid";

$noErrors = (count($errors) == 0);

// haveErrors is the opposite of noErrors
$haveErrors = !$noErrors;

if (!empty($_POST['selection'])) {
$selection = $_POST['selection'];
} // end if name NOT empty

if (!empty($_POST['type'])) {
$type = $_POST['type'];
} // end if name NOT empty

if (!empty($_POST['size'])) {
$size = $_POST['size'];
} // end if password NOT empty

if (!empty($_POST['bidprice'])) {
$bidprice = $_POST['bidprice'];
} // end if password NOT empty

if (!empty($_POST['offerprice'])) {
$offerprice = $_POST['offerprice'];
} // end if sex NOT empty

if (!empty($_POST['stoploss'])) {
$stoploss = $_POST['stoploss'];
} // end if sex NOT empty

if (!empty($_POST['takeprofit'])) {
$takeprofit = $_POST['takeprofit'];
} // end if diploma NOT empty

// end if no errors

/** end of proceed as normal **/

// @TODO code expected here to assign the variables in Ex1-5/registerform.php lines 10-17
// remember that $interests is an array, so we need to check $_POST['interests'] for empty and also ????

/** end of proceed as normal **/



您在 tradeformresult.php 中似乎有几个放错位置的右大括号。因此,如果没有给出出价,您只需设置 $noErrors。据我所知,最后两个大括号应该像这样向上移动:

if ($bidpriceNotGiven) {

// we add new error into $errors
$errors['bidprice'] = "Bid Price is required";
} // <===== Moved from below

$offerpriceNotGiven = empty($_POST['offerprice']);

// if name not given
if ($offerpriceNotGiven) {

// we add new error into $errors
$errors['offerprice'] = "Offer price is required";
} // <===== Moved from below

关于java - 我的表单中存在验证错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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