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java - 如何在希尔伯特曲线空间上绕主轴进行旋转

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所以这是我从 获取 Doug Moore 代码的问题并将其转换为 java,以便在我的硕士论文中使用,该论文是关于实现在光子映射射线赛车中存储光子的 LSH 方法。但问题就出在这里。由于我稍后在流程中使用希尔伯特索引的方式,因此使用了阈值。但阈值与希尔伯特曲线中的裂缝对齐,并在我的最终图像中造成伪影。根据研究,我完成的解决方案是围绕主轴稍微旋转希尔伯特曲线空间,但我不知道如何实现这一点。如果有人对此有任何想法,我现在陷入了困境,需要一些帮助。

temp = photonsBH[i].key = h.hilbert_c2i(三、十六、坐标);这条线是我如何调用希尔伯特函数的,它需要 3 个参数,第一个是维度数,第二个是位数,第三个是通过以下方程发送的点,以保持精度并将点移为正值。

xi = (int) (EPSILONSHIFT * photonsBH[i].pos[0]) + XYZ_shift[0];
yi = (int) (EPSILONSHIFT * photonsBH[i].pos[1]) + XYZ_shift[1];
zi = (int) (EPSILONSHIFT * photonsBH[i].pos[2]) + XYZ_shift[2];
coord[0] = new BigInteger("" + xi);
coord[1] = new BigInteger("" + yi);
coord[2] = new BigInteger("" + zi);

来自 的代码

public class hilbert
// BigInteger bitmask_t;
// BigInteger halfmask_t;

public int size;

public hilbert(int s)
size = s;

* #define adjust_rotation(rotation,nDims,bits) \ do { \ // rotation =
* (rotation + 1 + ffs(bits)) % nDims; \ bits &= -bits & nd1Ones; \ while
* (bits) \ bits >>= 1, ++rotation; \ if ( ++rotation >= nDims ) \ rotation
* -= nDims; \ } while (0)

public BigInteger adjust_rotation(BigInteger rotation, BigInteger nDims,
BigInteger bits, BigInteger nd1Ones)

bits = bits.and(nd1Ones.and(bits.negate()));
while (bits.signum() > 0)
bits = bits.shiftRight(1);
rotation = rotation.add(BigInteger.ONE);
if ((rotation = rotation.add(BigInteger.ONE)).compareTo(nDims) >= 0)
rotation = rotation.subtract(nDims);

return rotation;

// #define ones(T,k) ((((T)2) << (k-1)) - 1)
public BigInteger ones(BigInteger k)
BigInteger r = new BigInteger("2");
r = r.shiftLeft(k.subtract(BigInteger.ONE).intValue());
r = r.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
// System.out.println("r:" + r);
return r;

// #define rdbit(w,k) (((w) >> (k)) & 1)

public BigInteger rdbit(BigInteger w, BigInteger k)
BigInteger r = w;
r = r.shiftRight(k.intValue());
r = r.and(BigInteger.ONE);
return r;

// #define rotateRight(arg, nRots, nDims) ((((arg) >> (nRots)) | ((arg) <<
// ((nDims)-(nRots)))) & ones(bitmask_t,nDims))
public BigInteger rotateRight(BigInteger arg, BigInteger nRots,
BigInteger nDims)
BigInteger r1 = arg.shiftRight(nRots.intValue());
BigInteger r2 = nDims.subtract(nRots);
BigInteger r3 = arg.shiftLeft(r2.intValue());
BigInteger r4 = r1.or(r3);
BigInteger r5 = r4.and(ones(nDims));
return r5;

// #define rotateLeft(arg, nRots, nDims) ((((arg) << (nRots)) | ((arg) >>
// ((nDims)-(nRots)))) & ones(bitmask_t,nDims))

public BigInteger rotateLeft(BigInteger arg, BigInteger nRots,
BigInteger nDims)
BigInteger r1 = arg.shiftLeft(nRots.intValue());
BigInteger r2 = nDims.subtract(nRots);
BigInteger r3 = arg.shiftRight(r2.intValue());
BigInteger r4 = r1.or(r3);
BigInteger r5 = r4.and(ones(nDims));
return r5;

public BigInteger bitTranspose(BigInteger nDims, BigInteger nBits,
BigInteger inCoords)
BigInteger nDims1 = nDims.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
BigInteger inB = nBits;
BigInteger utB;
BigInteger inFieldEnds = BigInteger.ONE;
BigInteger inMask = ones(inB);
BigInteger coords = BigInteger.ZERO;

while ((utB = (inB.divide(new BigInteger("2")))).compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) != 0)
BigInteger shiftAmt = nDims1.multiply(utB);
BigInteger utFieldEnds = inFieldEnds.or((inFieldEnds.shiftLeft((shiftAmt.add(utB)).intValue())));
BigInteger utMask = utFieldEnds.shiftLeft(utB.intValue()).subtract(utFieldEnds);
BigInteger utCoords = BigInteger.ZERO;
BigInteger d;

if ((inB.and(BigInteger.ONE)).compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0)
BigInteger inFieldStarts = inFieldEnds.shiftLeft((inB.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)).intValue());
BigInteger oddShift = shiftAmt.multiply(new BigInteger("2"));

for (d = BigInteger.ZERO; d.compareTo(nDims) < 0; d = d.add(BigInteger.ONE))
BigInteger in = inCoords.and(inMask);
inCoords = inCoords.shiftRight(inB.intValue());
BigInteger x1 = in.and(inFieldStarts);
BigInteger x3 = x1.shiftLeft(oddShift.intValue());
oddShift = oddShift.add(BigInteger.ONE);
coords = coords.or(x3);
in = in.and(inFieldStarts.not());
in = (in.or(in.shiftLeft(shiftAmt.intValue()))).and(utMask);
utCoords = utCoords.or(in.shiftLeft((d.multiply(utB)).intValue()));
for (d = BigInteger.ZERO; d.compareTo(nDims) < 0; d = d.add(BigInteger.ONE))
BigInteger in = inCoords.and(inMask);
inCoords = inCoords.shiftRight(inB.intValue());
in = (in.or(in.shiftLeft(shiftAmt.intValue()))).and(utMask);
utCoords = utCoords.or(in.shiftLeft((d.multiply(utB)).intValue()));
inCoords = utCoords;
inB = utB;
inFieldEnds = utFieldEnds;
inMask = utMask;
coords = coords.or(inCoords);
return coords;


* hilbert_i2c
* Convert an index into a Hilbert curve to a set of coordinates. Inputs:
* nDims: Number of coordinate axes. nBits: Number of bits per axis. index:
* The index, contains nDims*nBits bits (so nDims*nBits must be <=
* 8*sizeof(bitmask_t)). Outputs: coord: The list of nDims coordinates, each
* with nBits bits. Assumptions: nDims*nBits <= (sizeof index) *
* (bits_per_byte)

public double[] hilbert_i2c(BigInteger nDims, BigInteger nBits,BigInteger index)
double[] coord = new double[3];
if (nDims.intValue() > 1)
BigInteger coords;
BigInteger nbOnes = ones(nBits);

if (nBits.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) > 0)
BigInteger nDimsBits = nDims.multiply(nBits);
BigInteger ndOnes = ones(nDims);
BigInteger nd1Ones = ndOnes.shiftRight(1);
BigInteger b = nDimsBits;
BigInteger rotation = BigInteger.ZERO;
BigInteger flipBit = BigInteger.ZERO;
BigInteger nthbits = ones(nDimsBits).divide(ndOnes);
index = index.xor((index.xor(nthbits).shiftRight(1)));
coords = BigInteger.ZERO;

BigInteger bits = index.shiftRight((b = b.subtract(nDims)).intValue()).and(ndOnes);
coords = coords.shiftLeft(nDims.intValue());
coords = coords.or(rotateLeft(bits, rotation, nDims).xor(flipBit));
flipBit = (BigInteger.ONE).shiftLeft(rotation.intValue());
rotation = adjust_rotation(rotation, nDims, bits, nd1Ones);
} while (b.intValue() > 0);
for (b = nDims; b.compareTo(nDimsBits) < 0; b = b.multiply(new BigInteger("2")))
BigInteger c1 = coords.shiftRight(b.intValue());
coords = coords.xor(c1);
coords = bitTranspose(nBits, nDims, coords);
coords = index.xor(index.shiftRight(1));

for (int i = 0; i < coord.length; i++)
coord[i] = coords.and(nbOnes).doubleValue();
coords = coords.shiftRight(nBits.intValue());
coord[0] = index.doubleValue();

return coord;

* hilbert_c2i
* Convert coordinates of a point on a Hilbert curve to its index. Inputs:
* nDims: Number of coordinates. nBits: Number of bits/coordinate. coord:
* Array of n nBits-bit coordinates. Outputs: index: Output index value.
* nDims*nBits bits. Assumptions: nDims*nBits <= (sizeof bitmask_t) *
* (bits_per_byte)

public BigInteger hilbert_c2i(BigInteger nDims, BigInteger nBits,BigInteger[] coord)
if (nDims.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) > 0)
BigInteger index;
BigInteger nDimsBits = nDims.multiply(nBits);
BigInteger d;
BigInteger coords = BigInteger.ZERO;

for (int i = nDims.intValue(); i > 0; i--)
coords = coords.shiftLeft(nBits.intValue());
coords = coords.or(coord[i - 1]);

if (nBits.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) > 0)
BigInteger ndOnes = ones(nDims);
BigInteger nd1Ones = ndOnes.shiftRight(1);
BigInteger b = nDimsBits;
BigInteger rotation = BigInteger.ZERO;
BigDecimal rotation2 = new BigDecimal(""+ (-45.0 * (Math.PI/180)));
BigInteger flipBit = BigInteger.ZERO;
BigInteger nthBits = ones(nDimsBits).divide(ndOnes);
coords = bitTranspose(nDims, nBits, coords);
coords = coords.xor(coords.shiftRight(nDims.intValue()));
index = BigInteger.ZERO;

BigInteger bits = coords.shiftRight((b = b.subtract(nDims)).intValue()).and(ndOnes);
bits = rotateRight((flipBit.xor(bits)), rotation, nDims);
index = index.shiftLeft(nDims.intValue());
index = index.or(bits);
flipBit = (BigInteger.ONE).shiftLeft(rotation.intValue());
rotation = adjust_rotation(rotation, nDims, bits, nd1Ones);
} while (b.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0);

index = index.xor(nthBits.shiftRight(1));
index = coords;
for (d = BigInteger.ONE; d.compareTo(nDimsBits) < 0; d = d.multiply(new BigInteger("2")))
index = index.xor((index.shiftRight(d.intValue())));
return index;
return coord[0];


嗯。好吧,我有一个想法,但我不确定这是否是你所要求的 - 它基本上看起来太简单了。我可能严重误解了你的问题。但是,在我看来,如果您想围绕主轴旋转空间(我假设第一个坐标是主轴),您可以更改第一个代码块:

xi = (int) (EPSILONSHIFT * photonsBH[i].pos[0]) + XYZ_shift[0];
yi = (int) (EPSILONSHIFT * photonsBH[i].pos[1]) + XYZ_shift[1];
zi = (int) (EPSILONSHIFT * photonsBH[i].pos[2]) + XYZ_shift[2];
coord[0] = new BigInteger("" + xi);
coord[1] = new BigInteger("" + yi);
coord[2] = new BigInteger("" + zi);



double theta = 0.1; // in radians
xi = (int) (EPSILONSHIFT * photonsBH[i].pos[0]) + XYZ_shift[0];
yi = (int) (EPSILONSHIFT * ((Math.cos(theta) * photonsBH[i].pos[1])-(Math.sin(theta) * photonsBH[i].pos[2]))) + XYZ_shift[1];
zi = (int) (EPSILONSHIFT * ((Math.sin(theta) * photonsBH[i].pos[1])+(Math.cos(theta) * photonsBH[i].pos[2]))) + XYZ_shift[2];
coord[0] = new BigInteger("" + xi);
coord[1] = new BigInteger("" + yi);
coord[2] = new BigInteger("" + zi);

我基本上只是应用 中的矩阵(或方程) 。 theta 是您想要的旋转程度(以弧度为单位)。请记住,当您转换回来时,您需要向后旋转。就像,这是我撤消上述功能的方法:

xi = coord[0].intValue();
yi = coord[1].intValue();
zi = coord[2].intValue();
photonsBH[i].pos[0] = (int)((xi - XYZ_shift[0]) / EPSILONSHIFT);
double yt = (yi - XYZ_shift[1]) / EPSILONSHIFT;
double zt = (zi - XYZ_shift[2]) / EPSILONSHIFT;
photonsBH[i].pos[1] = (int)((Math.cos(theta) * yt)+(Math.sin(theta) * zt));
photonsBH[i].pos[2] = (int)((-Math.sin(theta) * yt)+(Math.cos(theta) * zt));


关于java - 如何在希尔伯特曲线空间上绕主轴进行旋转,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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