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x86 - "unscrambled"在这种情况下是什么意思?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 03:51:34 25 4
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有没有人可以告诉我什么词 “解密”意味着从本手册?

根据英特尔手册,第 5.10.3 节,解释了 LSL 指令:

Ff the privilege level and type checks pass, loads the unscrambled limit (the limit scaled according to the setting of the G flag in the segment descriptor) into the destination register and sets the ZF flag in the EFLAGS register. If the segment selector is not visible at the current privilege level or is an invalid type for the LSL instruction, the instruction does not modify the destination register and clears the ZF flag.


根据 G 标志,限制以不同的方式解释。

When the G flag is clear (byte granularity), the effective limit is the value
of the 20-bit limit field in the segment descriptor. Here, the limit ranges
from 0 to FFFFFH (1 MByte). When the G flag is set (4-KByte page granularity),
the processor scales the value in the limit field by a factor of 212 (4 KBytes).
In this case, the effective limit ranges from FFFH (4 KBytes) to FFFFFFFFH
(4 GBytes).

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