gpt4 book ai didi

javascript - 如何仅为某些用户添加按钮 -

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 03:47:01 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike



下面您可以看到聊天程序的图像。我指的按钮位于左侧。 enter image description here

---更新并添加代码:正如您所看到的,当客户端连接(服务器端)时,客户端自己的 id 通过函数“sendingOwnName”发出。

在客户端(在代码的开头),id 被推送到名为“currentUser”的数组中。再往下,在“update-people”中,我将 currentUser 与新登录用户的 ID 进行比较。

这个想法是,如果这两个 id 匹配,则对象的名称(新用户登录)不会添加到列表中。然而它不起作用。


var socket = io.connect("localhost:3000");
var $msg = $("#msg");
var $NamingRoom = $("#NamingRoom");
var $rooms = $("#rooms");
var $chat = $('#chat');
var $people = $('#people');
var typing = false;
var timeout = undefined;
var currentUser = [];
//Mere der skal gemmes
socket.on("sendingOwnName", function(id){


var name = $("#name").val();
if (name.trim() != "") {
socket.emit("join", name);
ready = true;
$("#msg").prop("readonly", true);
$("#msg").attr("placeholder", "Start conversation or create/join room to chat");
$("#send").attr("disabled", true);

if(e.which == 13) {
var name = $("#name").val();
if (name.trim() != "") {
socket.emit("join", name);
ready = true;
$("#msg").prop("readonly", true);
$("#msg").attr("placeholder", "Start conversation or create/join room to chat");
$("#send").attr("disabled", true);

socket.on("update", function(newmsg) {
$chat.append("<div class='well well-sm'>" + msg + "</div>");

socket.on("updateToSelf", function(msg) {
$("#chat").append('<div class="infoMessage">' + msg + "</div>");

socket.on("updateToOthers", function(msg) {
$("#chat").append('<div class="infoMessage">' + msg + "</div>");

socket.on("update-peopleCount", function(data){
$('#peopleCount').append("<li class=\"list-group-item active\">People online <span class=\"badge\">"+data.count+"</span></li>");

socket.on("update-people", function(data, id){
$.each(data.people, function(a, obj, id) {
//if (currentUser[0] === {
if (currentUser[0] == {
} else {
$('#people').append("<li class=\"people-item\"><a href=\"#\" class=\"list-group-item\"><span class="">" + + "</span></a></li>");

//Updating room list
socket.on("roomList", function(data) {
$("#rooms").append("<li class=\"list-group-item active\">List of rooms <span class=\"badge\">"+data.count+"</span></li>");

if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(data.rooms)) {
$.each(data.rooms, function(id, room) {

var html = "<button id="+id+" class='joinRoomBtn btn btn-default btn-xs' >Join</button>" + " " + "<button id="+id+" class='removeRoomBtn btn btn-default btn-xs'>Remove</button>" + " " + "<button id="+id+" class='leaveRoomBtn btn btn-default btn-xs'>Leave</button>";

//var userButtons = "<button id="+id+" class='joinRoomBtn btn btn-default btn-xs' >Join</button>" + "" + "<button id="+id+" class='leaveRoomBtn btn btn-default btn-xs' >Leave</button>";
//var ownerButton = "<button id="+id+" class='removeRoomBtn btn btn-default btn-xs'>Remove</button>";
//var html = (room.owner === room.people? userButtons : ownerButton);
$('#rooms').append("<li id="+id+" class=\"list-group-item\"><span>" + + "</span> " + html + "</li>");
} else {
$("#rooms").append("<li class=\"list-group-item\">There are no rooms available.</li>");
$("#msg").prop("readonly", true);
$("#msg").attr("placeholder", "Start conversation or create/join room to chat");
$("#send").attr("disabled", true);

//Updating list of conversations
socket.on("update-conversations", function(data) {
$("#conversations").append("<li class=\"list-group-item active\">Conversations <span class=\"badge\">"+data.count+"</span></li>");

if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(data.conversations)) {
$.each(data.conversations, function(id, conversation) {
var html = "<button id="+id+" class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove'</button>";
$('#conversations').append("<li id="+id+"><a href=\"#\" class=\"list-group-item\">" + + "</a> " + html + "</li>");
} else {
$("#conversations").append("<li class=\"list-group-item\">There are no conversations.</li>");

socket.on("newMessageToOthers", function(people, msg){
if(ready) {
$("#chat").append('<div class="grey">'+ people + " says: " + msg + '</div>');

socket.on("ownMessage", function(msg){
if(ready) {
$("#chat").append('<div class="blue">' + msg + '</div>');

socket.on("disconnect", function(){
$chat.append("The server is not available");
$("#msg").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#send").attr("disabled", "disabled");

// Sending the message (either by button click or enter)
var msg = $("#msg").val();
if (msg.trim() == "") {
} else {
socket.emit("send message", msg);

var msg = $("#msg").val();
if (msg.trim() == "") {
} else {
if (e.which == 13) {
socket.emit("send message", msg);

// Initiate new room window
$("#roomModal").on('', function(){
$("#createRoomBtn").attr("disabled", true);

// Creating new room
var roomName = $("#createRoomName").val();
if (roomName.trim() == "") {
} else {
socket.emit("serverCreateNewRoom", roomName);
$("#msg").prop("readonly", false);
$("#msg").attr("placeholder", "Your message");
$("#send").attr("disabled", false);

var roomName = $("#createRoomName").val().trim();
if (roomName!="") {
if (e.which == 13) {
socket.emit("serverCreateNewRoom", roomName);
$("#msg").prop("readonly", false);
$("#msg").attr("placeholder", "Your message");
$("#send").attr("disabled", false);
} else {
$("#createRoomBtn").attr("disabled", "true");

// Joining room
$("#rooms").on('click', '.joinRoomBtn', function(){
var roomName = $(this).siblings("span").text();
var roomID = $(this).attr("id");
socket.emit("joinRoom", roomID);
$("#msg").prop("readonly", false);
$("#msg").attr("placeholder", "Your message");
$("#send").attr("disabled", false);

//Starting conversation
$("#people").on('click', '.list-group-item', function(){
var peopleName = $(this).children("span").text();
var peopleID = $(this).attr("id");
//this har INTET id! Hvordan tilføjer jeg det til update-people, når user logger ind?
socket.emit("serverCreateConversation", peopleName, peopleID);
$("#msg").prop("readonly", false);
$("#msg").attr("placeholder", "Your message");
$("#send").attr("disabled", false);

socket.on("addConversation", function(peopleName) {
$(".chatToInfo").append('<div class="green">Message to ' + peopleName + '</div>');

//Removing conversation
$("#conversations").on('click', '.glyphicon', function(){
var conversationName = $(this).siblings("a").text();
var conversationID = $(this).attr("id");
socket.emit("removeConversation", conversationID);
$("#msg").prop("readonly", true);
$("#msg").attr("placeholder", "Start conversation or create/join room to chat");
$("#send").attr("disabled", true);

//Navigating conversations
$("#conversations").on('click', '.list-group-item', function(){
console.log("clicking on conversation works!");
var conversationName = $(this).text();
var conversationID = $(this).attr("id");
socket.emit("navigateToConversation", conversationName, conversationID);
$("#msg").prop("readonly", false);
$("#msg").attr("placeholder", "Your message");
$("#send").attr("disabled", false);

// Removing room
$("#rooms").on('click', '.removeRoomBtn', function(){
var roomName = $(this).siblings("span").text();
var roomID = $(this).attr("id");
socket.emit("removeRoom", roomID);

// Leaving room
$("#rooms").on('click', '.leaveRoomBtn', function(){
var roomName = $(this).siblings("span").text();
var roomID = $(this).attr("id");
socket.emit("leaveRoom", roomID);
$("#msg").prop("readonly", true);
$("#msg").attr("placeholder", "Start conversation or create/join room to chat");
$("#send").attr("disabled", true);

// Detect typing

function timeoutFunction() {
typing = false;
socket.emit("typing", false);
socket.emit("notTyping", true)

if (e.which !== 13) {
if (typing === false && $("#msg").is(":focus")) {
typing = true;
socket.emit("typing", true);
timeout = setTimeout(timeoutFunction, 3000);
} else {

socket.on("isTyping", function(data) {
if (data.isTyping) {
if ($("#"+data.person+"").length === 0) {
$("#chat").append("<div id='"+ data.person +"'><span class='grey'>" + data.person + " is typing...</div>");
timeout = setTimeout(timeoutFunction, 3000);
} else {
//$("#chat").remove("<div id='"+ data.person +"'><span class='grey'>" + data.person + " is typing...</div>");

// Disconnect

socket.on("disconnect", function(){
$("#chat").append("<li class='well'><span class='text-warning'>The server is not available</span></li>");
$("#msg").prop("readonly", true);
$("#send").attr("disabled", true);

socket.on("reconnect", function(){
$("#msg").prop("readonly", false);
$("#send").attr("disabled", false);

// End of script


// Setting up the server
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var path = require('path');
var server = require('http').createServer(app);
var socket = require("").listen(server);
var Room = require('./room.js');
var Conversation = require('./conversation.js');
var _ = require('underscore')._;
var uuid = require ('uuid');
server.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000);
console.log('Server is running...');

socket.set("log level", 1);
var people = {};
var rooms = {};
var conversations = {};
var clients = [];
var chatHistory = {};

Array.prototype.contains = function(k, callback) {
var self = this;
return (function check(i) {
if (i >= self.length) {
return callback(false);
if (self[i] === k) {
return callback(true);
return process.nextTick(check.bind(null, i+1));

// Gets the html file
app.get('/', function(req, res){
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/index.html');

// Gets the css file
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));

// When connecting
socket.on("connection", function(client) {
client.on("join", function(name){
var ownerRoomID = inRoomID = null;
roomID = null;
conversationID = null; // This line probably has to go, since users should be able to create several conversations.
people[] = {"name" : name, "owns" : ownerRoomID, "inroom" : inRoomID, "id" :, "room" : roomID, "conversation" : conversationID};
var id = uuid.v4();
sizePeople = _.size(people);
sizeRooms = _.size(rooms);
sizeConversations = _.size(conversations);
socket.sockets.emit("update-peopleCount", {people: people, count: sizePeople});
socket.sockets.emit("update-people", {people: people});
socket.sockets.emit("roomList", {rooms: rooms, count: sizeRooms});
socket.sockets.emit("update-conversations", {conversations: conversations, count: sizeConversations});
client.emit("updateToSelf", "You have connected to the server. Start conversation or create/join room to chat");
client.broadcast.emit('updateToOthers', name + " is online.");
clients.push(client); //populates the clients array with the client object
console.log("Someone joined the chat", people[].id);
client.emit("sendingOwnName", people[].id);

//Creating room
client.on("serverCreateNewRoom", function(name){
console.log("About to create a room", name)
if (people[].inroom != null) {
var id = uuid.v4();
var room = new Room(name, id,;
rooms[id] = room;
sizeRooms = _.size(rooms);
socket.sockets.emit("roomList", {rooms: rooms, count: sizeRooms}); //update the list of rooms on the frontend = name; //name the room
client.join(; //auto-join the creator to the room
room.addPerson(; //also add the person to the room object
people[].room = id; //Update the room key with the ID of the created room
chatHistory[] = [];
client.emit("updateToSelf", "You have left a room and created your own");
else if (people[].room === null) {
var id = uuid.v4();
var room = new Room(name, id,;
rooms[id] = room;
sizeRooms = _.size(rooms);
socket.sockets.emit("roomList", {rooms: rooms, count: sizeRooms}); //update the list of rooms on the frontend = name; //name the room
client.join(; //auto-join the creator to the room
room.addPerson(; //also add the person to the room object
people[].room = id; //Update the room key with the ID of the created room
chatHistory[] = [];
client.emit("updateToSelf", "You have created a room");
console.log("First time creating a room", name);
people[].owns = id;
} else {
client.emit("updateToSelf", "You are already in a room, that you have created. Remove it to join a room");

//joining room
client.on("joinRoom", function(id) {
var room = rooms[id];
if ( === room.owner) {
client.emit("updateToSelf", "You are the owner of this room and you have already been joined.");
} else {
room.people.contains(, function(found) {
if (found) {
client.emit("updateToSelf", "You have already joined this room.");
} else {
if (people[].inroom != null) { //make sure that one person joins one room at a time
client.emit("updateToSelf", "You have to leave this room before you can join another");
console.log("User is already in a room");
} else {
var id = uuid.v4();
people[].inroom = id; =;
client.join(; //add person to the room
user = people[];"updateToOthers", + " has connected to " +;
client.emit("updateToSelf", "Welcome to " + + ".");
client.emit("sendRoomID", {id: id});
console.log("User joined a room" +;

// When sending
client.on("send message", function(msg){
if (_.size(chatHistory[]) > 10) {
} else {
chatHistory[].push(people[].name + ": " + msg)
}"newMessageToOthers", people[].name, msg);
client.emit("ownMessage", msg);
console.log("Message send");

//When leaving room
client.on("leaveRoom", function(id){
console.log("Someone is trying to leave room");
var room = rooms[id];
if ( === room.owner) {
console.log("Owner is leaving the room");
var i = 0;
while(i < client.length) {
if (client[i].id == room.people[i]) {
people[clients[i].id].inroom = null;
delete rooms[id];
people[room.owner].owns = null; //reset the owns object to null so new room can be added
socket.sockets.emit("roomList", {rooms: rooms});
delete chatHistory[];"updateToOthers", "The owner (" + people[].name + ") is leaving the room. The room is removed.");
client.emit("updateToSelf", "You left your room");
people[].room = null;
sizeRooms = _.size(rooms);
socket.sockets.emit("roomList", {rooms: rooms, count: sizeRooms});
} else {
room.people.contains(, function(found){
if (found) { //make sure that the client is in fact part of this room
var personIndex = room.people.indexOf(;
room.people.splice(personIndex, 1);
people[].inroom = null
client.emit("updateToSelf", "You left the room");
console.log("Left the room");

//when removing a room (only the owner of the room can remove it)
client.on("removeRoom", function(id){
var room = rooms[id];
if (room) {
if ( === room.owner) { //only the owner can remove the room
var personCount = room.people.length;
if (personCount > 2) {
console.log('there are still people in the room warning'); //This will be handled later
} else {
if ( === room.owner) {
delete chatHistory[];
client.emit("updateToSelf", "You removed the room.");"updateToOthers", "The owner (" +people[].name + ") removed the room.");
var i = 0;
while(i < clients.length) {
if (clients[i].id === room.people[i]) {
people[clients[i].id].inroom = null;
delete rooms[id];
people[].room = null;
sizeRooms = _.size(rooms);
socket.sockets.emit("roomList", {rooms: rooms, count: sizeRooms});
} else {
console.log("Someone who is NOT the owner is trying to remove a room");
client.emit("updateToSelf", "Only the owner can remove a room.");

// Creating conversation
client.on("serverCreateConversation", function(name) {
// Missing a if-statement that makes sure a conversation with the same person isn't already open
console.log("About to create conversation");
var id = uuid.v4();
var conversation = new Conversation(name, id,;
conversations[id] = conversation;
sizeConversations = _.size(conversations);
socket.sockets.emit("update-conversations", {conversations: conversations, count: sizeConversations});
client.conversation = name;
people[].conversation = id;
console.log("Created conversation");
client.emit("addConversation", name);

client.on("removeConversation", function(id){
console.log("About to remove conversation");
var conversation = conversations[id];
//if (conversation) {
console.log("Removing conversation function");
delete conversations[id];
people[].conversation = null;
sizeConversations = _.size(conversations);
socket.sockets.emit("update-conversations", {conversations: conversations, count: sizeConversations});

//Navigating conversations
client.on("navigateToConversation", function(name){
console.log("caught navigation");
client.emit("addConversation", name);

// Detect typing

client.on("typing", function(data) {
if (typeof people[] !== "undefined")
//"isTyping", {isTyping: data, person: people[].name});"isTyping", {isTyping: data, person: people[].name});
console.log("Someone is typing");

// When disconnecting
client.on("disconnect", function(id) {
console.log("someone disconnected");
var room = rooms[id];
if (people[]) {
if (people[].owns != null) { //Check if user is an owner of a room
var room = rooms[people[].owns];
var i = 0;
while(i < clients.length) {
if (clients[i].id === room.people[i]) {
people[clients[i].id].inroom = null;
delete rooms[people[].owns];
socket.sockets.emit("updateToOthers", "The owner (" + people[].name + ") is leaving the room. The room is removed.");
delete rooms[id];
delete people[];
sizePeople = _.size(people);
socket.sockets.emit("update-peopleCount", {people: people, count: sizePeople});
socket.sockets.emit("update-people", {people: people});
sizeRooms = _.size(rooms);
socket.sockets.emit("roomList", {rooms: rooms, count: sizeRooms});
else if (people[].inroom != null ) { //Check if user who is not owner is in room
socket.sockets.emit("updateToOthers", people[].name + " has left the room.");
delete people[];
sizePeople = _.size(people);
socket.sockets.emit("update-peopleCount", {people: people, count: sizePeople});
socket.sockets.emit("update-people", {people: people});
else { //A user who is not in a room
socket.sockets.emit("updateToOthers", people[].name + " has left the server.");
delete people[];
sizePeople = _.size(people);
socket.sockets.emit("update-peopleCount", {people: people, count: sizePeople});
socket.sockets.emit("update-people", {people: people});

client.on("test", function(currentUser){
console.log("testing", currentUser);

// End of script



"RoomId1": {
"name": "A Room Name"
"RoomId2": {
"name": "An Other Room"

也许您可以在对象上添加所有者 ID 以获得如下内容:

"RoomId1": {
"name": "A Room Name",
"ownerId": "user1"
"RoomId2": {
"name": "An Other Room",
"ownerId": "user2"


//replace this line:
var html = "<button id="+id+" class='joinRoomBtn btn btn-default btn-xs' >Join</button>" + " " + "<button id="+id+" class='removeRoomBtn btn btn-default btn-xs'>Remove</button>";
//with those:
var joinButton = "<button id="+id+" class='joinRoomBtn btn btn-default btn-xs' >Join</button>";
var removeButton = "<button id="+id+" class='removeRoomBtn btn btn-default btn-xs'>Remove</button>"
//Here the userId must be define before, i don't know how you can get it.
var html = (room.ownerId === userId?" removeButton : joinButton);

我使用ternary operator将所有内容放在一行中,但您可以使用 if 语句。如果您不想显示运算符的最后一部分,可以将其替换为 ""



//Updating room list
socket.on("roomList", function(data) {
$("#rooms").append("<li class=\"list-group-item active\">List of rooms <span class=\"badge\">"+data.count+"</span></li>");

if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(data.rooms)) {
$.each(data.rooms, function(id, room) {
var joinButton = "<button id="+id+" class='joinRoomBtn btn btn-default btn-xs' >Join</button>";
var removeButton = "<button id="+id+" class='removeRoomBtn btn btn-default btn-xs'>Remove</button>";
var html = (room.ownerId === userId?" removeButton : joinButton);
$('#rooms').append("<li id="+id+" class=\"list-group-item\"><span>" + + "</span> " + html + "</li>");
} else {
$("#rooms").append("<li class=\"list-group-item\">There are no rooms.</li>");
$("#msg").prop("readonly", true);
$("#msg").attr("placeholder", "Join or create room to chat");
$("#send").attr("disabled", true);

关于javascript - 如何仅为某些用户添加按钮 -,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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