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我正在尝试使用 scipy 的 curve_fit 拟合分布。我尝试拟合一个单分量指数函数,结果几乎是一条直线(见图)。我还尝试了两分量指数拟合,似乎效果很好。两个分量仅意味着方程的一部分使用不同的输入参数重复。无论如何,这是单组件拟合函数:
def Exponential(Z,w0,z0,Z0):
z = Z - Z0
termB = (newsigma**2 + z*z0) / (numpy.sqrt(2.0)*newsigma*z0)
termA = (newsigma**2 - z*z0) / (numpy.sqrt(2.0)*newsigma*z0)
return w0/2.0 * numpy.exp(-(z**2 / (2.0*newsigma**2))) * (numpy.exp(termA**2)*erfc(termA) + numpy.exp(termB**2)*erfc(termB))
fitexp = curve_fit(Exponential,newx,y2)
def ExponentialNew(Z,w0,z0,w1,z1,Z0):
z = Z - Z0
termB = (newsigma**2 + z*z0) / (numpy.sqrt(2.0)*newsigma*z0)
termA = (newsigma**2 - z*z0) / (numpy.sqrt(2.0)*newsigma*z0)
return w0/2.0 * numpy.exp(-(z**2 / (2.0*newsigma**2))) * (numpy.exp(termA**2)*erfc(termA) + numpy.exp(termB**2)*erfc(termB))
from scipy.special import erfc
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
#setup data
x = [-58.,-54.,-50.,-46.,-42.,-38.,-34.,-30.,-26.,-22.,-18.,-14.,-10.,-6.,-2.,2.,6.,10.,14.,18.,22.,26.,30.,34.,38.,42.,46.,50.,54.,58.]
y = [23.06763817, 16.89802085, 17.83258379, 16.63446237, 13.81878965, 12.97965839, 14.30451789, 16.98288216, 22.26811491, 28.56756908, 33.06990344, 38.59842098, 54.19860393, 86.37381604, 137.47253315, 199.49724512, 238.66047662, 219.89405445, 160.68820199, 103.88901303, 65.92405727, 43.84596266, 31.5395342, 25.9610156, 22.71683709, 18.06740651, 13.85362374, 11.12867065, 10.36502799, 11.31855619]
y_err = [17.9823065, 4.13684885, 1.66490726, 2.4109372, 2.93359141, 1.9701747, 3.19214881, 3.65593012, 2.89089074, 3.58922121, 4.25505348, 4.72728874, 6.77736567, 11.3888196, 21.87771722, 39.0087495, 56.6910311, 51.7592369, 26.39750958, 10.62678862, 7.85893395, 8.11741621, 7.91731416, 7.07739132, 5.41818744, 6.11286843, 8.27070757, 7.85323065, 4.26885499, 0.9047867]
#function to fit
def Exponential2(Z, w0, z0, w1, z1, Z0):
z = Z - Z0
s = 3.98098937586
a = z**2 / (2.0*s**2)
b = (s**2 + z*z0) / (numpy.sqrt(2.0)*s*z0)
c = (s**2 - z*z0) / (numpy.sqrt(2.0)*s*z0)
d = (s**2 + z*z1) / (numpy.sqrt(2.0)*s*z1)
e = (s**2 - z*z1) / (numpy.sqrt(2.0)*s*z1)
return w0/2.0 * numpy.exp(-a) * (numpy.exp(c**2)*erfc(c) + numpy.exp(b**2)*erfc(b)) + w1/2.0 * numpy.exp(-a) * (numpy.exp(e**2)*erfc(e) + numpy.exp(d**2)*erfc(d))
#derive and set initial guess
ymaxpos = x[numpy.where(y==numpy.max(y))[0]]
p0_2 = [numpy.max(y),5,numpy.max(y)/2.0,20,ymaxpos]
fitexp2 = curve_fit(Exponential2,x,y,p0=p0_2,sigma=y_err)
#get results
w0err = numpy.sqrt(numpy.diag(fitexp2[1]))[0]
z0err = numpy.sqrt(numpy.diag(fitexp2[1]))[1]
w1err = numpy.sqrt(numpy.diag(fitexp2[1]))[2]
z1err = numpy.sqrt(numpy.diag(fitexp2[1]))[3]
w0 = fitexp2[0][0]
z0 = fitexp2[0][1]
w1 = fitexp2[0][2]
z1 = fitexp2[0][3]
Z0 = fitexp2[0][4]
#new x array for smoother curve
smoothx = numpy.arange(-58,59,0.1)
y2 = Exponential2(smoothx,w0,z0,w1,z1,Z0)
print 'Exponential 2: w0: '+str(w0.round(3))+' +/- '+str(w0err.round(3))+' \t z0: '+str(z0.round(3))+' +/- '+str(z0err.round(3))+' \t w1: '+str(w1.round(3))+' +/- '+str(w1err.round(3))+' \t\t z1: '+str(z1.round(3))+' +/- '+str(z1err.round(3))
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
正如您所看到的,该图确实看起来不错,但返回值 z1 完全不切实际。
Exponential 2: w0: 312.608 +/- 36.764 z0: 8.263 +/- 1.158 w1: 12.689 +/- 9.138 z1: 1862257.883 +/- 45201809883.8
有时可以发挥作用并坚持使用参数的初始值。我怀疑在你的情况下添加一些假参数会改变相关参数初始化方式的启发式(尽管这与文档中的声明相矛盾,即在没有给出初始值的情况下,它们都默认为 1)。
如果您为拟合参数指定合理的边界和初始值(我的意思是 p0
和 bounds
关键字),这对获得可靠的拟合有很大帮助。默认起始值应全部为 1
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