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idris - 有没有办法在没有模型的情况下证明 Idris 中的东西?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 03:17:38 25 4
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interface (Eq point) => Plane line point where
-- Abstract notion for saying three points lie on the same line.
colinear : point -> point -> point -> Bool
coplanar : point -> point -> point -> Bool
contains : line -> point -> Bool

-- Intersection between two lines
intersects_at : line -> line -> point -> Bool
intersection_def : (contains l a = True) -> (contains m a = True) -> (intersects_at l m a = True)

-- For any two distinct points there is a line that contains them.
line_contains_two_points : (a,b : point) -> (a /= b) = True -> (l : line ** (contains l a = True, contains l b = True ))

-- If two points are contained by l and m then l = m
two_pts_define_line : contains l a = True -> contains l b = True -> contains m a = True -> contains m b = True -> l = m

-- There exists 3 non-colinear points.
three_non_colinear_pts : (a : point ** b : point ** c : point ** (colinear a b c = False, (a /= b) = True, (b /= c) = True, (a /= c) = True))

-- Any lines contains at least two points.
contain_two_pts : (l : line) -> (a : point ** b : point ** (contains l a = True, contains l b = True))

intersect_at_most_one_point : (l, m : line) -> (a : point) -> (intersects_at l m a = True) -> (intersects_at l m b = True) -> a = b


Given two lines, if they intersect at two points a and b then it must be that a = b.

When checking type of Main.intersect_at_most_one_point:
When checking argument x to type constructor =:
Can't find implementation for Plane line point

所以我怀疑这意味着它想要某种 data我可以显示的值满足入射几何的想法。我在数学上解释了这一点,因为我需要一个系统模型。问题是有很多“几何”满足这些截然不同的公理。

是否可以在不需要任何显式 data 的情况下推导出有关接口(interface)的定理?跟...共事?


您需要添加 Planeintersect_at_most_one_point 类型签名的约束:

intersect_at_most_one_point : Plane line point => 
(l, m : line) -> (a : point) ->
(intersects_at l m a = True) -> (intersects_at l m b = True) ->
a = b

关于idris - 有没有办法在没有模型的情况下证明 Idris 中的东西?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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