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jquery - domReady 似乎在 RequireJS 中启动较晚

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 03:14:19 25 4
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在我的应用程序中,当我使用 require (来自 RequireJS)时, domReady 事件会触发实际上是加载事件的事件(当所有图像、脚本等完成加载时)。这是预期的吗?

我有一堆使用 document.ready (来自 jQuery)的代码,但它无法正常运行,因为 domReady 事件触发得很晚。我编写了一个示例脚本来显示我面临的问题。

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
paths: {
"jquery": '//',
"jquery.validate": '//'
shim: {
"jquery.validate": ["jquery"]

require(["jquery"], function (){
console.log("the document is ready");
<img src="" width="300" height="300">

此 HTML 示例加载一个非常大的图像。我希望 $(document).ready 中的代码会在加载 jQuery 后立即触发。但它仅在大图像下载完成后才会触发。



使用以下jsfiddle test ,这会将监听器附加到 window.DOMContentLoaded , window.load , $()require["domReady!] :

// IE patch
if (Function.prototype.bind && window.console && typeof console.log == "object") {
["log","info","warn","error","assert","dir","clear","profile","profileEnd"].forEach(function (method) {
console[method] = this.bind(console[method], console);

startTime = +new Date();
require = {
paths: {
"domReady": "",
"jquery": ""
waitSeconds: 60
<script src=""></script>
function log() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
var evt = args[0];
var type = evt && evt.type;
args = [+new Date() - startTime + "ms", type].concat(args);
console.log.apply(console, args);

require(["jquery"], function($) {
require(["domReady!"], log);
window.addEventListener('load', log, false);
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', log, false);

<img id="theImg" src="" width="300" height="300">

var theImg = document.getElementById("theImg");
log("I am the trailing script and this is the image", theImg,, theImg.parentNode, theImg.nextSibling);

我得到这些结果(FF 23、Chrome 29、IE 9):

FF 清理缓存。

[22:08:47.477] "488ms" undefined "I am the trailing script and this is the image" [object HTMLImageElement] "theImg" [object HTMLBodyElement] [object Text]
[22:08:47.478] "489ms" "DOMContentLoaded" [object Event]
[22:08:47.838] "849ms" undefined "jquery.ready"
[22:09:00.770] "13781ms" "load" [object Event]
[22:09:00.773] "13783ms" undefined [object HTMLDocument]

FF 启动缓存。

[22:09:19.881] "3ms" undefined "I am the trailing script and this is the image" [object HTMLImageElement] "theImg" [object HTMLBodyElement] [object Text]
[22:09:19.881] "3ms" "DOMContentLoaded" [object Event]
[22:09:19.883] "5ms" "load" [object Event]
[22:09:19.908] "30ms" undefined "jquery.ready"
[22:09:20.176] "298ms" undefined [object HTMLDocument]

Chrome 清理缓存。

745ms undefined I am the trailing script and this is the image <img id=?"theImg" src=?"http:?/?/?" width=?"300" height=?"300">? theImg <body>?…?</body>? #text
751ms DOMContentLoaded Event {clipboardData: undefined, cancelBubble: false, returnValue: true, srcElement: document, defaultPrevented: false…}
2024ms undefined jquery.ready
16105ms load Event {clipboardData: undefined, cancelBubble: false, returnValue: true, srcElement: document, defaultPrevented: false…}
16127ms undefined #document

Chrome 启动缓存。

503ms undefined I am the trailing script and this is the image <img id=?"theImg" src=?"http:?/?/?" width=?"300" height=?"300">? theImg <body>?…?</body>? #text
508ms DOMContentLoaded Event {clipboardData: undefined, cancelBubble: false, returnValue: true, srcElement: document, defaultPrevented: false…}
1211ms undefined jquery.ready
14952ms load Event {clipboardData: undefined, cancelBubble: false, returnValue: true, srcElement: document, defaultPrevented: false…}
14953ms undefined #document

IE 清理缓存。

LOG: 363msundefinedI am the trailing script and this is the image[object HTMLImageElement]theImg[object HTMLBodyElement][object Text] 
LOG: 364msDOMContentLoaded[object Event]
LOG: 1171msundefinedjquery.ready
LOG: 13743msload[object Event]
LOG: 13747msundefined[object Document]

IE 启动缓存。

LOG: 6msundefinedI am the trailing script and this is the image[object HTMLImageElement]theImg[object HTMLBodyElement][object Text] 
LOG: 126msDOMContentLoaded[object Event]
LOG: 128msload[object Event]
LOG: 164msundefinedjquery.ready
LOG: 416msundefined[object Document]

因此,当缓存干净时,FF、Chrome 和 IE 中的回调顺序是相同的:

  • DOMContent已加载
  • jquery.ready
  • 窗口加载
  • dom准备好了!

但是当缓存启动时,IE 的顺序会发生变化。 FF 和 Chrome 保持不变。

而且 FF 和 IE 似乎第二次运行得快得多。尽管缓存已准备就绪,但 Chrome 的延迟似乎大致相同。



您当然可以忽略所有这些回调,只需在 </body> 内的页面末尾添加一个脚本 block 即可。标签。脚本 block 上方的所有 DOM 元素都应可用于某些操作。同样,您必须测试您的特定页面/网站。

关于jquery - domReady 似乎在 RequireJS 中启动较晚,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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