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javascript - 函数参数中的 Math.random ,其中函数保存在变量中 - 答案始终相同

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 03:10:01 27 4
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我一直在用 JS 开发一个基于文本的浏览器游戏,并创建了一些“类”(玩家、技能、元素、法术、敌人)。我创建了一个治疗功能,可以重复用于治疗技能、法术或元素。


// Skill: name, description, effect
// heal(amt, cost) <-- amount of HP to heal, cost in MP or Stamina
var healingWind = new Skill('Healing Wind', 'A gust of wind that refreshes the
user.', heal(15, 10));

我的heal 函数运行良好,healingWind.effect() 完全按照其应有的方式运行。我现在想做的是获得治愈 15 HP + 基于玩家统计数据(在我们的 Player 类中定义)的随机数量的能力。


// player is an instance of our Player class
var healingWind = new Skill('Healing Wind', 'A gust of wind that refreshes
the user.', heal(15 + Math.floor(Math.random() * (player.agility * 2)), 10));

一切都按照我的预期进行,尽管每次使用该技能时,数量都保持完全相同。然后我尝试创建一个返回 Math.random() 的函数,并用它代替上面代码中的 Math.random(),结果是相同的。

然后,我尝试让随机函数返回一个返回 Math.random() 的函数,结果为 NaN。



heal()函数 - 当使用healingWind.effect()时,玩家的HP会增加amt,而玩家的耐力会减少cost。

function heal(amt, cost){
return function(){
if( == 'Item'){
game.innerHTML += '<br>Using ' + + '!';
player.currentHp += amt;
} else if( == 'Spell'){
if(player.currentMp >= cost){
game.innerHTML += '<br>Casting ' + + '!';
player.currentHp += amt;
player.currentMp -= cost;
} else {
game.innerHTML += '<br>You don\'t have enough Mana to cast this!';
} else if( == 'Skill'){
if(player.currentStamina >= cost){
game.innerHTML += '<br>Using skill - ' + + '!<br>Healed ' + amt + ' HP!';
player.currentHp += amt;
player.currentStamina -= cost;
} else {
game.innerHTML += '<br>You don\'t have enough Stamina to use this ability!';

请注意 - if(currentHP >= maxHp) 的逻辑尚未实现到此函数中,但我会解决这个问题。


function heal(base_amt, cost, attribute, multiply){
return function(){
var amt = base_amt;
if(attribute === 'AGI'){
amt = Math.floor(amt +(Math.random() * (player.agility * multiply)));
} else if(attribute === 'STR'){
amt = Math.floor(amt + (Math.random() * (player.strength * multiply)));
} else if(attribute === 'END'){
amt = Math.floor(amt + (Math.random() * (player.endurance * multiply)));
} else if(attribute === 'INT'){
amt = Math.floor(amt + (Math.random() * (player.intellect * multiply)));
} else if(attribute === 'WIL'){
amt = Math.floor(amt + (Math.random() * (player.willpower * multiply)));

if( == 'Item'){
game.innerHTML += '<br>Using ' + + '!';
player.currentHp += amt;
if(player.currentHp >= player.maxHp){
player.currentHp = player.maxHp;
} else if( == 'Spell'){
if(player.currentMp >= cost){
game.innerHTML += '<br>Casting ' + + '!';
player.currentHp += amt;
player.currentMp -= cost;
if(player.currentHp >= player.maxHp){
player.currentHp = player.maxHp;
} else {
game.innerHTML += '<br>You don\'t have enough Mana to cast this!';
} else if( == 'Skill'){
if(player.currentStamina >= cost){
game.innerHTML += '<br>Using ' + + '!<br>Healed ' + amt + ' HP!';
player.currentHp += amt;
player.currentStamina -= cost;
if(player.currentHp >= player.maxHp){
player.currentHp = player.maxHp;
} else {
game.innerHTML += '<br>You don\'t have enough Stamina to use this ability!';


// All of these work :D note the extra params of the Skill.
var cure = new Spell('Cure', 'Heals a small amount of HP.', heal(40, 15), 'Restoration');
var healingWind = new Skill('Healing Wind', 'A gust of wind that refreshes the user.', heal(15, 11, 'AGI', 2));
var weakPotion = new Item('Weak Healing Potion', 'A weak healing potion.', 5, heal(20));


正如Jaromanda X已经说过的,heal函数创建了一个amt永远不会改变的闭包。因此,您必须随机化该闭包内的 amt

function heal(base_amt, cost){
return function(){
var amt = base_amt + Math.floor(Math.random() * (player.agility * 2))



关于javascript - 函数参数中的 Math.random ,其中函数保存在变量中 - 答案始终相同,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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