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data-structures - 哪个更容易实现 : 2-3-4 Tree or Red-Black Tree?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 02:40:12 25 4
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我从 (Lafore) 学习的教科书首先介绍了红黑树,并且不包含任何伪代码,尽管所介绍的相关算法似乎相当复杂,有许多独特的情况。

接下来,他展示了 2-3-4 棵树,在我看来,这些树更容易理解,我猜想实现。他包含了一些非常清晰的实际 Java 代码。他似乎暗示 2-3-4 更容易实现,根据我目前所见,我同意。


2-3-4 trees are an isometry of red-black trees, meaning that they are equivalent data structures. In other words, for every 2-3-4 tree, there exists at least one red-black tree with data elements in the same order. Moreover, insertion and deletion operations on 2-3-4 trees that cause node expansions, splits and merges are equivalent to the color-flipping and rotations in red-black trees. Introductions to red-black trees usually introduce 2-3-4 trees first, because they are conceptually simpler. 2-3-4 trees, however, can be difficult to implement in most programming languages because of the large number of special cases involved in operations on the tree. Red-black trees are simpler to implement, so tend to be used instead.


作为旁注......虽然我同意 Lafore 所说的大部分内容,但我认为与维基百科所说的常见内容(RB 之前的 2-3-4)相比,他以相反的顺序呈现它们很有趣。我确实认为首先使用 2-3-4 会更有意义,因为 RB 很难概念化。也许他选择这个顺序是因为 RB 与他在上一章中刚刚完成的 BST 更密切相关。


the part about the "larger number of special cases" seems quite backward to me (I think it is the RB which have the large number of special cases, not the 2-3-4)

RB Trees 可以用十几行代码实现,如果你的语言有模式匹配的话:
data Color = R | B
data Tree a = E | T Color (Tree a) a (Tree a)

balance :: Color -> Tree a -> a -> Tree a -> Tree a
balance B (T R (T R a x b) y c ) z d = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d)
balance B (T R a x (T R b y c)) z d = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d)
balance B a x (T R (T R b y c) z d ) = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d)
balance B a x (T R b y (T R c z d)) = T R (T B a x b) y (T B c z d)
balance col a x b = T col a x b

insert :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Tree a
insert x s = T B a y b where
ins E = T R E x E
ins s@(T col a y b)
| x < y = balance col (ins a) y b
| x > y = balance col a y (ins b)
| otherwise = s
T _ a y b = ins s

这个著名的定义 from Okasaki's paper

关于data-structures - 哪个更容易实现 : 2-3-4 Tree or Red-Black Tree?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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