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python - 如何获得 helpers.bulk 函数(elasticsearch API)的 python 响应?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 02:34:38 25 4
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我在 helpers.bulk function 上找到了很好的例子但我找不到响应代码。我得到的一切

helpers.bulk(es, actions)

(1, [])


documentation 中所写:

It returns a tuple with summary information - number of successfully executed actions and either list of errors or number of errors if stats_only is set to True [...] If you need to process a lot of data and want to ignore/collect errors please consider using the streaming_bulk() helper which will just return the errors and not store them in memory.

对于streaming_bulk(),您必须使用raise_on_error参数来引发错误。如果你想收集大量数据我建议使用 parallel_bulk()更快、更直观

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