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我正在阅读 the GC, Chapter 21 in Real World OCaml ,并有一些关于次要堆的问题。
The minor heap is a contiguous chunk of virtual memory that is usually a few megabytes in size so that it can be scanned quickly.
The runtime stores the boundaries of the minor heap in two pointers that delimit the start and end of the heap region (caml_young_start and caml_young_end, but we will drop the caml_young prefix for brevity). The base is the memory address returned by the system malloc, and start is aligned against the next nearest word boundary from base to make it easier to store OCaml values.
In a fresh minor heap, the limit equals the start, and the current ptr will equal the end. ptr decreases as blocks are allocated until it reaches limit, at which point a minor garbage collection is triggered.
You may wonder why limit is required at all, since it always seems to equal start. It's because the easiest way for the runtime to schedule a minor heap collection is by setting limit to equal end. The next allocation will never have enough space after this is done and will always trigger a garbage collection. There are various internal reasons for such early collections, such as handling pending UNIX signals, and they don't ordinarily matter for application code.
start is aligned against the next nearest word boundary from base
您可以在 minor_gc.c
中找到您要询问的代码. (我不是 OCaml GC 高手——我不得不四处寻找代码。)
void caml_set_minor_heap_size (asize_t size)
char *new_heap;
void *new_heap_base;
if (caml_young_ptr != caml_young_end) caml_minor_collection ();
new_heap = caml_aligned_malloc(size, 0, &new_heap_base);
if (new_heap == NULL) caml_raise_out_of_memory();
if (caml_page_table_add(In_young, new_heap, new_heap + size) != 0)
if (caml_young_start != NULL){
caml_page_table_remove(In_young, caml_young_start, caml_young_end);
free (caml_young_base);
caml_young_base = new_heap_base;
caml_young_start = new_heap;
caml_young_end = new_heap + size;
caml_young_limit = caml_young_start;
caml_young_ptr = caml_young_end;
caml_minor_heap_size = size;
reset_table (&caml_ref_table);
reset_table (&caml_weak_ref_table);
关于garbage-collection - 关于OCaml GC的minor/young heap,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24231862/
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