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tensorflow - 使用 MirroredStrategy 时,tensorflow Estimator 是否为工作人员采取不同的批处理?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 01:42:57 32 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在使用 GANEstimator 和 MirroredStrategy 来处理单个实例的多个 GPU。 input_fn在我的情况下是使用以下设置:

dataset = dataset.repeat()
dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=100)
dataset = dataset.batch(self.batch_size, drop_remainder=True)
dataset = dataset.prefetch(100)

我问这个的原因是我需要指定类似 dataset.shard() 的内容吗?手动将不同的数据传递给 worker ?我正在挖掘 Estimator 的代码, 和 MirroredStrategy ,但我不清楚发生了什么。额外的混淆来自 description of distributed strategies :
MirroredStrategy: This does in-graph replication with synchronous 
training on many GPUs on one machine. Essentially, we create copies of all
variables in the model's layers on each device. We then use all-reduce
to combine gradients across the devices before applying them
to the variables to keep them in sync.

CollectiveAllReduceStrategy: This is a version of MirroredStrategy
for multi-worker training.

那么 MirroredStratedy 只使用一名 worker 吗?我不明白。我需要指定批次大小等于一塔的容量,否则我会出现 OOM。有人可以指出我的代码并解释这样一个简单的设置如何处理批处理:
def create_dataset():
dataset = dataset.repeat()
dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=100)
dataset = dataset.batch(self.batch_size, drop_remainder=True)
dataset = dataset.prefetch(100)
return dataset

strategy = tf.contrib.distribute.MirroredStrategy(num_gpus=NUM_GPUS)

optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01, use_locking=True)
optimizer_d = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01, use_locking=True)

config = tf.estimator.RunConfig(save_checkpoints_steps=100,
save_summary_steps=1, keep_checkpoint_max=50,

# I have more hooks here, just simplified to show
def get_hooks_fn(GANTrainOps):

disjoint_train_hook_func = tfgan.get_sequential_train_hooks(
train_steps=tfgan.GANTrainSteps(10, 1)
) # g steps, d steps
disjoint_train_hooks = disjoint_train_hook_func(GANTrainOps)
return [update_hook, summary_hook] + disjoint_train_hooks

# Create GAN estimator.
gan_estimator = tfgan.estimator.GANEstimator(
model_dir = '/data/checkpoints/estimator_model',
generator_fn = generator_fn,
discriminator_fn = discriminator_fn,
generator_loss_fn = generator_loss_fn,
discriminator_loss_fn = discriminator_loss_fn,
generator_optimizer = optimizer,
discriminator_optimizer = optimizer_d,

gan_estimator.train(input_fn=create_dataset, steps=10000)


MirroredStrategy 的代码包含:


The multi-worker version of this class maps one replica to one device on a worker. It mirrors all model variables on all replicas. For example, if you have two workers and each worker has 4 GPUs, it will create 8 copies of the model variables on these 8 GPUs. Then like in MirroredStrategy(???), each replica performs their computation with their own copy of variables unless in cross-replica model where variable or tensor reduction happens.


auto_shard_dataset: whether to auto-shard the dataset when there are multiple workers.

该参数默认为 False。


到目前为止,我发现 tf.estimator.train() 一段时间后指向似乎是 strategy.make_input_fn_iterator() :
def _get_iterator_from_input_fn(self, input_fn, mode, distribution=None):
if distribution is not None:
iterator = distribution.make_input_fn_iterator(
lambda _: self._call_input_fn(input_fn, mode))
input_hooks = [
result = self._call_input_fn(input_fn, mode)
iterator = result.make_initializable_iterator()
input_hooks = [estimator_util._DatasetInitializerHook(iterator)]
return iterator, input_hooks
但是从 MirroredStrategy的代码中删除了并且不再存在!我不明白它是如何工作的以及数据集实际拆分的位置。

EDIT2:我找不到行 make_input_fn_iterator在我使用 grep 的 tensorflow 1.12.0 发行版中。似乎它在代码中完全不存在。


好的,花一些时间研究了github,发现已经和我的tf 1.12.0不一样了。所以,进入 1.12.0 的本地文件给了我:

GANEstimator 继承了 tf.python.estimator.Estimator


# The distribute field contains an instance of DistributionStrategy.
self._train_distribution = self._config.train_distribute

tf.contrib.gan.GANEstimator -> tf.python.estimator.Estimator.train() --> 
tf.python.estimator.Estimator._train_model(input_fn, hooks, saving_listeners) -->
._train_model_distributed(input_fn, hooks, saving_listeners) -->
._get_iterator_from_input_fn(input_fn, model_fn_lib.ModeKeys.TRAIN, self._train_distribution) -->
distribution.distribute_dataset(lambda: self._call_input_fn(input_fn, mode))

在我的情况下,它要求 MirrorredStrategy.distribute_dataset():
def distribute_dataset(self, dataset_fn):
if self._cluster_spec:
return values.MultiWorkerDataset(
partial(self._call_dataset_fn, dataset_fn), self._worker_device_map,
self._prefetch_on_device, self._auto_shard_dataset)
return values.PerDeviceDataset(
self._call_dataset_fn(dataset_fn), self._devices,
tensorflow/python/training/ :
  def _call_dataset_fn(self, dataset_fn):
result = dataset_fn()
if not isinstance(result, dataset_ops.Dataset):
raise ValueError(
"dataset_fn() must return a when using a "
return result

我假设 PerDeviceDataset使用了,所以最后我在 values.py中找到了这两个类:
class PerDeviceDataset(object):
"""Like `` split devices, producing `PerDevice` data."""

def __init__(self, dataset, devices, prefetch_on_device=None):
self._devices = devices

# Default to using prefetching in graph mode, unless specified.
# TODO(priyag): Enable prefetching in eager mode.
self._prefetch_on_device = prefetch_on_device
if self._prefetch_on_device is None:
self._prefetch_on_device = not context.executing_eagerly()
assert not (self._prefetch_on_device and context.executing_eagerly()), (
"Prefetching is only supported in graph mode currently")

if self._prefetch_on_device:
self._dataset = dataset.apply(
# TODO(priyag): If dropping remainder is not appropriate, find another
# approach to distributing the dataset when not possible to divide evenly.
# Possibly not an issue when we start using PartitionedDataset.
self._dataset = dataset.batch(len(devices), drop_remainder=True)

def make_one_shot_iterator(self):
"""Get a one time use iterator for the distributed PerDeviceDataset."""
dataset_iterator = self._dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
return PerDeviceDataIterator(dataset_iterator, self._devices,

def make_initializable_iterator(self):
"""Get an initializable iterator for the distributed PerDeviceDataset."""
dataset_iterator = self._dataset.make_initializable_iterator()
return PerDeviceDataIterator(dataset_iterator, self._devices,

class PerDeviceDataIterator(object):
"""An iterator (like ``) into a `PerDeviceDataset`."""

def __init__(self, iterator, devices, prefetch_on_device=None):
self._iterator = iterator
self._devices = devices
self._prefetch_on_device = prefetch_on_device

def initializer(self):
return self._iterator.initializer

def get_next(self, name=None):
"""Scatter the input across devices."""
if self._prefetch_on_device:
data_list = self._iterator.get_next(name=name)
index = dict(zip(self._devices, data_list))
batch = self._iterator.get_next(name=name)
index = {}
def get_ith(i):
return lambda x: x[i]

for i, d in enumerate(self._devices):
index[d] = nest.map_structure(get_ith(i), batch)
if context.executing_eagerly():
with ops.device(d):
index[d] = nest.map_structure(array_ops.identity, index[d])

return regroup(index)

所以,据我所知,首先是我的 dataset_fn()只是调用函数来获取数据集对象,然后在其上应用大小为 GPU 数量的批处理。该批次的元素必须是在我的数据集初始化中定义的实际批次 dataset_fn()分配给不同的设备。

关于tensorflow - 使用 MirroredStrategy 时,tensorflow Estimator 是否为工作人员采取不同的批处理?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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