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转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 23:47:58 24 4
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我有一些现有的 Mysql 查询,只是想知道如何改进它。因为执行有时需要长达 20 秒。事实上,找到正确的记录最多需要 0.3690 秒,但当需要获得 40k 记录时最多需要 20 秒。

所以我的问题是如何改进我的设置或我的 sql 代码以更快地获取记录?或者它现在只依赖于我的机器(比如 SAS 硬盘)?

我的应用程序使用 MySQL 服务器 5.6 和 InnoDB 引擎

innodb_buffer_pool_size = 7G
innodb_log_buffer_size = 64M
innodb_log_file_size = 2G
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0
innodb_write_io_threads = 32
join_buffer_size = 32M
tmp_table_size = 128M
max_heap_table_size = 128M
sort_buffer_size = 128M
table_open_cache = 4000
bulk_insert_buffer_size = 256M


CREATE TABLE `tblusers` (
`user_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`email` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`password` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`user_name` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
`phone` varchar(12) NOT NULL,
`machine_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`lang_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '14',
`user_type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' ,
`created_on` datetime NOT NULL,
`active_open` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
`email_hash` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`profile_approved` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`menage_data` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
`mailing_agree` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
`edited` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`deleted` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`warnings` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`),
UNIQUE KEY `email_UNIQUE` (`email`),
UNIQUE KEY `user_name_UNIQUEE` (`user_name`),
KEY `fk_tblUsers_hlpLangs1_idx` (`lang_id`),
KEY `email_hash` (`email_hash`),
KEY `trio` (`user_type`,`profile_approved`,`deleted`,`email_hash`),
CONSTRAINT `tblusers_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`lang_id`) REFERENCES `hlplangs` (`lang_id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION

CREATE TABLE `tblhostess` (
`user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`first_name` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
`sure_name` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
`gender` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
`dob` datetime NOT NULL,
`driver_license` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`sanepid` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`city_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`province_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`picture_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`hair_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`hair_color_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`number_of_view` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`who_can_see` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
`complete_register` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`skin_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`bra_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`wear_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`shoe_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`desc` text,
`height` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`weight` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`bust` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`waist` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`hip` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`redirect_url` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`friend_url` varchar(90) DEFAULT NULL,
`premium` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`premium_until` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`work_as_model` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`work_as_hostess` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`work_as_fotomodel` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`work_in_club` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`work_in_party` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`work_in_promo` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`work_in_trade` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`work_in_event` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`work_in_gala` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`phone_ver` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`cert` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`fb_premium` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`),
KEY `fk_tblHostess_tblCities1_idx` (`city_id`),
KEY `fk_tblHostess_hlpProvinces1_idx` (`province_id`),
KEY `fk_tblHostess_hlpHairColor1_idx` (`hair_color_id`),
KEY `fk_tblHostess_hlpHair1_idx` (`hair_id`),
KEY `fk_tblHostess_hlpShoes1_idx` (`shoe_id`),
KEY `fk_tblHostess_hlpBra1_idx` (`bra_id`),
KEY `fk_tblHostess_hlpWear1_idx` (`wear_id`),
KEY `fk_tblHostess_hlpSkinColor1_idx` (`skin_id`),
KEY `premium` (`premium`),
KEY `num_of_views` (`number_of_view`),
KEY `views_premium` (`number_of_view`,`premium`),
CONSTRAINT `tblhostess_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `tblusers` (`user_id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
CONSTRAINT `tblhostess_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`city_id`) REFERENCES `hlpcities` (`city_id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
CONSTRAINT `tblhostess_ibfk_3` FOREIGN KEY (`province_id`) REFERENCES `hlpprovinces` (`province_id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION

CREATE TABLE `tblhostessmailings` (
`hostess_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`new_job_offers` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '2' ,
`comments` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' ,
`job_offer_accept` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`private_message` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' ,
`job_offer_sms` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
`job_offer_private` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
PRIMARY KEY (`hostess_id`),
CONSTRAINT `tblhostessmailings_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`hostess_id`) REFERENCES `tblhostess` (`user_id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION

CREATE TABLE `tbljoboffers` (
`offer_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`employer_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`subject` varchar(250) NOT NULL,
`content` text NOT NULL,
`content_html` text,
`date_added` datetime NOT NULL,
`active` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' ,
`approved` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`edited` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
`email` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`freqence_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' ,
`premium` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
`start_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL ,
`end_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL ,
`premium_old_user` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`sending` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
`external_sent` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
`internal_sent` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`archiwal` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`friend_url` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL,
`deleted` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`to_export` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`exported` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`sms_sent` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`sms_sending` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
`private` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
`private_paid` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
PRIMARY KEY (`offer_id`,`freqence_id`),
KEY `fk_tblJoboffers_tblEmployers1_idx` (`employer_id`)

CREATE TABLE `tbljobofferslocations` (
`location_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`offer_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`city_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`province_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`ref_code` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`display_times` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`location_id`),
UNIQUE KEY `offer_id` (`offer_id`,`city_id`,`province_id`),
KEY `fk_tblJobOffersLocations_hlpProvinces1_idx` (`province_id`),
KEY `fk_tblJobOffersLocations_tblCities1_idx` (`city_id`),
KEY `fk_tblJobOffersLocations_tblJobOffers1_idx` (`offer_id`),
CONSTRAINT `tbljobofferslocations_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`offer_id`) REFERENCES `tbljoboffers` (`offer_id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
CONSTRAINT `tbljobofferslocations_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`city_id`) REFERENCES `hlpcities` (`city_id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
CONSTRAINT `tbljobofferslocations_ibfk_3` FOREIGN KEY (`province_id`) REFERENCES `hlpprovinces` (`province_id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION

记录数大约在 db
用户 100k
工作机会约 20k(全部)
和大约 40k 的位置

最后是我的 sql 示例:

select email, first_name, sure_name
from tblusers u join tblhostess h on h.user_id = u.user_id
join tblhostessmailings m on m.hostess_id = h.user_id
(select province_id from tbljoboffers o join tbljobofferslocations l on l.offer_id = o.offer_id
where o.deleted = 0 and o.start_date > date_add(current_timestamp, INTERVAL -1 DAY) and o.approved = 1 and = 1 and o.internal_sent = 1 and o.private = 0
group by l.province_id) z on z.province_id = h.province_id
where u.deleted = 0 and u.email_hash = '1' and email != '' and user_type = 1 and (m.new_job_offers = 2)

我想从这里得到的是 1 天内在其内部邮箱中至少收到一个报价的所有用户的列表

(select province_id from tbljoboffers o join tbljobofferslocations l on l.offer_id = o.offer_id
where o.deleted = 0 and o.start_date > date_add(current_timestamp, INTERVAL -1 DAY) and o.approved = 1 and = 1 and o.internal_sent = 1 and o.private = 0
group by l.province_id)

有时我需要用这个查询检索 40k 条记录,所以我真的需要改进这一点。




select province_id from tbljoboffers o join tbljobofferslocations l on l.offer_id = o.offer_id
where o.deleted = 0 and o.start_date > date_add(current_timestamp, INTERVAL -1 DAY) and o.approved = 1 and = 1 and o.internal_sent = 1 and o.private = 0
group by l.province_id

WHERE 子句中的日期比较可能是减速的一部分,该子查询需要多长时间才能自行运行?大于 date_add 函数的比较可能会很慢。但是,在不更改查询本身的情况下,您可以通过简单地将子查询放入 View 中来获得一些性能,然后您可以将 View 连接回主查询。

CREATE VIEW vprovince_ids AS
select province_id from tbljoboffers o join tbljobofferslocations l on l.offer_id = o.offer_id
where o.deleted = 0 and o.start_date > date_add(current_timestamp, INTERVAL -1 DAY) and o.approved = 1 and = 1 and o.internal_sent = 1 and o.private = 0
group by l.province_id


select email, first_name, sure_name
from tblusers u join tblhostess h on h.user_id = u.user_id
join tblhostessmailings m on m.hostess_id = h.user_id
join vprovince_ids z on z.province_id = h.province_id
where u.deleted = 0 and u.email_hash = '1' and email != '' and user_type = 1 and (m.new_job_offers = 2)


关于Mysql优化查询,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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