gpt4 book ai didi

python - 使用 python 计算文本文档的逐点互信息

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 23:31:18 25 4
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我的目标是计算以下文本的 PMI:a=“当被告和他的律师走进法庭时,一些受害者的支持者背弃了他

formula: PMI-IR (w1, w2) = log2 p(w1&w2)/p(w1)*p(w2); p=probability, w=word 

My attempt:
>>> from nltk import bigrams
>>> import collections
>>> a1=a.split()
>>> a2=collections.Counter(a1)
>>> a3=collections.Counter(bigrams(a1))
>>> a4=sum([a2[x]for x in a2])
>>> a5=sum([a3[x]for x in a3])
>>> a6={x:float(a2[x])/a4 for x in a2} # word probabilities(w1 and w2)
>>> a7={x:float(a3[x])/a5 for x in a3} # joint probabilites (w1&w2)
>>> for x in a6:
k={x:round(log(a7[b]/(a6[x] * a6[y]),2),4) for b in a7 for y in a6 if x and y in b}
>>> u
[{'and': 4.3959}, {'on': 4.3959}, {'his': 4.3959}, {'When': 4.3959}.....}]




我不是 NLP 专家,但你的方程看起来不错。该实现有一个微妙的错误。考虑以下优先级深入研究:

"""Precendence deep dive"""
'hi' and True #returns true regardless of what the contents of the string
'hi' and False #returns false
b = ('hi','bob')
'hi' and 'bob' in b #returns true BUT not because 'hi' is in b!!!
'hia' and 'bob' in b #returns true as the precedence is 'hia' and ('bob' in b)
result2 = 'bob' in b
'hia' and result2 #returns true and shows the precedence more clearly
'hi' and 'boba' in b #returns false

#each string needs to check in b
'hi' in b and 'bob' in b #return true!!
'hia' in b and 'bob' in b #return false!!
'hi' in b and 'boba' in b #return false!! - same as before but now each string is checked separately

注意联合概率 u 和 v 的差异。u 包含错误的优先级,v 包含正确的优先级

from nltk import bigrams
import collections

a= """When the defendant and his lawyer walked into the court, some of the victim supporters turned their backs on him. if we have more data then it will be more interesting because we have more chance to repeat bigrams. After some of the victim supporters turned their backs then a subset of the victim supporters turned around and left the court."""


a4=sum([a2[x]for x in a2])
a5=sum([a3[x]for x in a3])
a6={x:float(a2[x])/a4 for x in a2} # word probabilities(w1 and w2)
a7={x:float(a3[x])/a5 for x in a3} # joint probabilites (w1&w2)
u = {}
v = {}
for x in a6:
k={x:round(math.log((a7[b]/(a6[x] * a6[y])),2),4) for b in a7 for y in a6 if x and y in b}
u[x] = k[x]
k={x:round(math.log((a7[b]/(a6[x] * a6[y])),2),4) for b in a7 for y in a6 if x in b and y in b}
v[x] = k[x]


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