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Python:AttributeError: 'Point'对象没有属性 'x'

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Traceback (most recent call last):
line 56, in <module>
distanceToOne = point1.Distance(pointUser)
line 22, in Distance
distance = math.sqrt((self.__x - toPoint.x)**2 +(self.__y - toPoint.y)**2 +(self.__z - toPoint.z)**2)
AttributeError: 'Point' object has no attribute 'x'

出于某种原因,每当我获取三个点来计算距离后,每当我到达:distanceToOne = point1.Distance(pointUser) 时,我都会收到上述错误消息。

如果需要的话,这里有一个更好的 View :


import math
class Point(object):
def __init__(self, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, description = 'TBD'):
self.__x = x
self.__y = y
self.__z = z
self.__description = description

def SetPoint(self, coords):
self.__x = coords[0]
self.__y = coords[1]
self.__z = coords[2]

def GetPoint(self):
return [self.__x, self.__y, self.__z]
PointCoords = property(GetPoint, SetPoint)

def Distance(self, toPoint):
return math.sqrt(
(self.__x - toPoint.x)**2 +
(self.__y - toPoint.y)**2 +
(self.__z - toPoint.z)**2)

def SetDescription(self, description):
self.__description = description

def GetDescription(self):
return self.__description
PointDescription = property(GetDescription, SetDescription)

if __name__ == "__main__":
print "Program 9: Demonstrate how to define a class"

point2 = Point()
point1 = Point(10, 54, 788, 'Ploto')
point2.PointCoords = 77, 2, 205
point2.PointDescription = 'Mars'
doAnother = "y"
while(doAnother == "y"):
pointX = raw_input("Enter a X Number: ")
pointY = raw_input("Enter a Y Number: ")
pointZ = raw_input("Enter a Z Number: ")

# Constructor - Represent the user's location
pointUser = Point(pointX, pointY, pointZ, 'Sun')

distanceToOne = point1.Distance(pointUser)
distanceToTwo = point2.Distance(pointUser)

# Comparing the two distances between the two to see which one is the closest
if (distanceToOne > distanceToTwo):
closest = point2
closest = point1
print ('You are closest to',closest.PointDescription(), 'which is located at ',closest.PointCoords())
doAnother = raw_input("Do another (y/n)? ").lower()
print ('Good Bye!')


实际错误是由于访问 toPoint.x 造成的,该文件不存在,因为您从未定义过它。

相关说明,在属性前面添加双下划线会激活 python name mangling特征。实际属性仍可在类外部的 my_point._Point__xmy_point._Point__y 等处公开访问。


就你的情况而言,我认为你应该正常命名(和访问)属性 xy 等。在 python 中,我们通常不编写 getters 和类成员的 setter ,除非有特殊要求,因为 Python is not Java

关于Python:AttributeError: 'Point'对象没有属性 'x',我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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