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c# - 检查目标计算机上安装的 websphere mq?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 22:21:56 26 4
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如何通过 winform 应用程序检查客户端计算机是否安装了 IBM MQ 客户端?

I have added amqmdnet.dll to my project and imported IBM.WMQ namespace.

但是我不知道如何检查目标计算机上安装的 IBM MQ 客户端? (例如,如果你想检查一个 windows 服务,你可以遍历所有可用的服务,然后检查那个特定的 windows 服务)



dspmqver 命令会让您知道安装了什么。

来自Microsoft KB :

CAUTION: Do not use these APIs in your application to perform assembly binds or to test for the presence of assemblies or other run time, development, or design-time operations. Only administrative tools and setup programs must use these APIs. If you use the GAC, this directly exposes your application to assembly binding fragility or may cause your application to work improperly on future versions of the .NET Framework.

没有用于检查 GAC 的 native MQ API。 (Shashi,如果我在这里忽略了什么,请纠正我。我知道你在看。:-))

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