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c# - Microsoft.Practices.Composite 是 Microsoft.Practices.Prism 的早期版本吗?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 22:12:33 28 4
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在我的项目中,我使用了某种由外部团队编写的 SDK 库。这些图书馆正在使用 Prism。由于某些原因,我们不得不回滚到他们的 SDK 的以前版本,现在构建失败,试图找到对 Microsoft.Practices.Composite.dll 的引用。我是对的,这是 Prism 库在早期版本中的调用方式,还是完全不同的东西?


你是对的。在 v4 之前,Prism 的 dll 包括 Microsoft.Practices.Composite.dll,但从 v4 开始,它已与其他一些功能一起被整合到 Microsoft.Practices.Prism.dll 中.


  • The Composite Application Library was renamed to the Prism Library.
  • The Composite and Composite.Presentation portions of the namespaces were removed and the Composite and Composite.Presentation assemblies collapsed into a single assembly named Microsoft.Practices.Prism.
  • The Microsoft.Practices.Prism libraries for Silverlight and WPF now register the Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Regions, Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Commands, and Microsoft.Practices.Prism.ViewModel namespaces with the xmlns definition.
  • Several reusable user interface (UI)–based behaviors were extracted into the Prism.Interactivity assembly, including the interaction request behavior.
  • You can now use MEF as the dependency injection container. This functionality required two new projects in the Prism Library solutions: Prism.MefExtensions.Desktop and Prism.MefExtensions.Silverlight. These projects create a new assembly, Microsoft.Practices.Prism.MefExtensions.dll, in the respective Desktop and Silverlight folders. Also included in the solutions are new unit test projects for the new functionality.

Source here .

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