gpt4 book ai didi

python - 在 Tkinter 文本框中突出显示两个 xml 文件之间的差异

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 21:49:46 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我尝试了各种逻辑和方法,甚至用谷歌搜索了很多,但仍然无法为我的问题想出任何令人满意的答案。我编写了一个如下所示的程序来突出显示我遇到一些问题的特定 xml 代码。抱歉让这篇文章有点长。我只是想清楚地解释我的问题。

编辑:要运行下面给定的程序,您将需要两个 xml 文件,它们位于:sample1sample2 。保存此文件,然后在下面的代码中编辑要在 C:/Users/editThisLocation/Desktop/sample1.xml 中保存文件的位置

from lxml import etree
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import OrderedDict
from distutils.filelist import findall
from lxml._elementpath import findtext

from Tkinter import *
import Tkinter as tk
import ttk

root = Tk()

class CustomText(tk.Text):

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Text.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

def highlight_pattern(self, pattern, tag, start, end,

start = self.index(start)
end = self.index(end)
self.mark_set("matchStart", start)
self.mark_set("matchEnd", start)
self.mark_set("searchLimit", end)

count = tk.IntVar()
while True:
index =, "matchEnd","searchLimit",
count=count, regexp=regexp)
if index == "": break
self.mark_set("matchStart", index)
self.mark_set("matchEnd", "%s+%sc" % (index, count.get()))
self.tag_add(tag, "matchStart", "matchEnd")

def Remove_pattern(self, pattern, tag, start="1.0", end="end",

start = self.index(start)
end = self.index(end)
self.mark_set("matchStart", start)
self.mark_set("matchEnd", start)
self.mark_set("searchLimit", end)

count = tk.IntVar()
while True:
index =, "matchEnd","searchLimit",
count=count, regexp=regexp)
if index == "": break
self.mark_set("matchStart", index)
self.mark_set("matchEnd", "%s+%sc" % (index, count.get()))
self.tag_remove(tag, start, end)

recovering_parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True)

sample1File = open('C:/Users/editThisLocation/Desktop/sample1.xml', 'r')
contents_sample1 =

sample2File = open('C:/Users/editThisLocation/Desktop/sample2.xml', 'r')
contents_sample2 =

frame1 = Frame(width=768, height=25, bg="#000000", colormap="new")
Label(frame1, text="sample 1 below - scroll to see more").pack()

textbox = CustomText(root)
textbox.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)

frame2 = Frame(width=768, height=25, bg="#000000", colormap="new")
Label(frame2, text="sample 2 below - scroll to see more").pack()

textbox1 = CustomText(root)
textbox1.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)

sample1 = etree.parse("C:/Users/editThisLocation/Desktop/sample1.xml", parser=recovering_parser).getroot()
sample2 = etree.parse("C:/Users/editThisLocation/Desktop/sample2.xml", parser=recovering_parser).getroot()

ToStringsample1 = etree.tostring(sample1)
sample1String = etree.fromstring(ToStringsample1, parser=recovering_parser)

ToStringsample2 = etree.tostring(sample2)
sample2String = etree.fromstring(ToStringsample2, parser=recovering_parser)

timesample1 = sample1String.findall('{}time')
timesample2 = sample2String.findall('{}time')

for i,j in zip(timesample1,timesample2):

for k,l in zip(i.findall("{}feature"), j.findall("{}feature")):

if [k.attrib.get('color'), k.attrib.get('type')] != [l.attrib.get('color'), l.attrib.get('type')]:

faultyLine = [k.attrib.get('color'), k.attrib.get('type'), k.text]

def high(event):

textbox.tag_configure("yellow", background="yellow")
limit_1 = '<p1:time nTimestamp="{0}">'.format(5) #limit my search between timestamp 5 and timestamp 6
limit_2 = '<p1:time nTimestamp="{0}">'.format((5+1)) # timestamp 6

highlightString = '<p1:feature color="{0}" type="{1}">{2}</p1:feature>'.format(faultyLine[0],faultyLine[1],faultyLine[2]) #string to be highlighted

textbox.highlight_pattern(limit_1, "yellow",, '1.0', stopindex=END),, '1.0', stopindex=END))
textbox.highlight_pattern(highlightString, "yellow",, '1.0', stopindex=END),, '1.0', stopindex=END))

button = 'press here to highlight error line'
c = ttk.Label(root, text=button)




my output

正如您在图片中看到的,我只想突出显示标有绿色勾号的代码。你们中的一些人可能会考虑限制开始和结束索引以突出显示该模式。但是,如果您在我的程序中看到我已经在使用开始和结束索引来将我的输出限制为仅 nTimestamp="5",为此我正在使用 limit_1limit_2 变量。


编辑:在这里,我特别想突出显示 nTimestamp="5" 中的第三项,因为该项目不存在于 sample2.xml 中正如您在两个 xml 文件中看到的那样,当程序运行时,它也会对此进行区分。唯一的问题是突出显示正确的项目,在我的例子中是第三个。

我正在使用 Bryan Oakley 代码 here 中的突出显示类


根据 kobejohn 在下面的评论中提出的问题,目标文件永远不会为空。目标文件总是有可能含有额外或缺失的元素。最后,我当前的目的是仅突出显示不同或缺失的深层元素以及它们所在的时间戳。然而,时间戳的突出显示是正确的,但突出显示上面解释的深层元素的问题仍然是一个问题。感谢 kobejohn 澄清这一点。




此解决方案的工作原理是根据您提供的描述在 base.xmltest.xml 之间执行简化的比较。差异结果是结合了原始树的第三个 XML 树。输出是差异,并用颜色编码突出显示文件之间不匹配的行。


enter image description here


import copy
from lxml import etree
import Tkinter as tk

# assumption: the root element of both trees is the same
# note: missing subtrees will only have the parent element highlighted

def element_content_equal(e1, e2):
# starting point here:
if e1.tag != e1.tag:
return False
elif e1.text != e2.text:
return False
elif e1.tail != e2.tail:
return False
elif e1.attrib != e2.attrib:
return False
except AttributeError:
# e.g. None is passed in for an element
return False
return True

def element_is_in_sequence(element, sequence):
for e in sequence:
if element_content_equal(e, element):
return True
return False

def copy_element_without_children(element):
e_copy = etree.Element(element.tag, attrib=element.attrib, nsmap=element.nsmap)
e_copy.text = element.text
e_copy.tail = element.tail
return e_copy

# start at the root of both xml trees
parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True, remove_blank_text=True)
base_root = etree.parse('base.xml', parser=parser).getroot()
test_root = etree.parse('test.xml', parser=parser).getroot()
# each element from the original xml trees will be placed into a merge tree
merge_root = copy_element_without_children(base_root)

# additionally each merge tree element will be tagged with its source
DIFF_ATTRIB = 'diff'

# process the pair of trees, one set of parents at a time
parent_stack = [(base_root, test_root, merge_root)]
while parent_stack:
base_parent, test_parent, merge_parent = parent_stack.pop()
base_children = base_parent.getchildren()
test_children = test_parent.getchildren()

# compare children and transfer to merge tree
base_children_iter = iter(base_children)
test_children_iter = iter(test_children)
base_child = next(base_children_iter, None)
test_child = next(test_children_iter, None)
while (base_child is not None) or (test_child is not None):
# first handle the case of a unique base child
if (base_child is not None) and (not element_is_in_sequence(base_child, test_children)):
# base_child is unique: deep copy with base only tag
merge_child = copy.deepcopy(base_child)
merge_child.attrib[DIFF_ATTRIB] = FROM_BASE_ONLY
# this unique child has already been fully copied to the merge tree so it doesn't go on the stack
# only move the base child since test child hasn't been handled yet
base_child = next(base_children_iter, None)
elif (test_child is not None) and (not element_is_in_sequence(test_child, base_children)):
# test_child is unique: deep copy with base only tag
merge_child = copy.deepcopy(test_child)
merge_child.attrib[DIFF_ATTRIB] = FROM_TEST_ONLY
# this unique child has already been fully copied to the merge tree so it doesn't go on the stack
# only move test child since base child hasn't been handled yet
test_child = next(test_children_iter, None)
elif element_content_equal(base_child, test_child):
# both trees share the same element: shallow copy either child with shared tag
merge_child = copy_element_without_children(base_child)
# put pair of children on stack as parents to be tested since their children may differ
parent_stack.append((base_child, test_child, merge_child))
# move on to next children in both trees since this was a shared element
base_child = next(base_children_iter, None)
test_child = next(test_children_iter, None)
raise RuntimeError # there is something wrong - element should be unique or shared.

# display merge_tree with highlighting to indicate source of each line
# no highlight: common element in both trees
# green: line that exists only in test tree (i.e. additional)
# red: line that exists only in the base tree (i.e. missing)
root = tk.Tk()
textbox = tk.Text(root)
textbox.pack(expand=1, fill=tk.BOTH)
textbox.tag_config(FROM_BASE_ONLY, background='#ff5555')
textbox.tag_config(FROM_TEST_ONLY, background='#55ff55')

# find diff lines to highlight within merge_tree string that includes kludge attributes
merge_tree_string = etree.tostring(merge_root, pretty_print=True)
diffs_by_line = []
for line, line_text in enumerate(merge_tree_string.split('\n')):
for diff_type in (FROM_BASE_ONLY, FROM_TEST_ONLY):
if diff_type in line_text:
diffs_by_line.append((line+1, diff_type))

# remove kludge attributes
for element in merge_root.iter():
except KeyError:
merge_tree_string = etree.tostring(merge_root, pretty_print=True)

# highlight final lines
textbox.insert(tk.END, merge_tree_string)
for line, diff_type in diffs_by_line:
textbox.tag_add(diff_type, '{}.0'.format(line), '{}.0'.format(int(line)+1))


请注意,我清理了 xml,因为我的行为与原始 XML 不一致。原始版本基本上使用反斜杠而不是正斜杠,并且在开始标签上也有错误的结束斜杠。



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<p1:sample1 xmlns:p1="">
<p1:time nTimestamp="5">
<p1:location hours = "1" path = '1'>
<p1:feature color="6" type="a">560</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="2" type="a">564</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="3" type="b">570</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="4" type="c">570</p1:feature>
<p1:location hours = "5" path = '1'>
<p1:feature color="6" type="a">560</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="7" type="b">570</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="8" type="c">580</p1:feature>
<p1:location hours = "5" path = '1'>
<p1:feature color="6" type="a">560</p1:feature>
<p1:time nTimestamp="6">
<p1:location hours = "1" path = '1'>
<p1:feature color="2" type="a">564</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="3" type="b">570</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="4" type="c">570</p1:feature>
<p1:location hours = "5" path = '1'>
<p1:feature color="6" type="a">560</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="9" type="b">590</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="10" type="c">600</p1:feature>
<p1:location hours = "5" path = '1'>
<p1:feature color="6" type="a">560</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="7" type="b">570</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="8" type="c">580</p1:feature>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<p1:sample1 xmlns:p1="">
<p1:time nTimestamp="5">
<p1:location hours = "1" path = '1'>
<p1:feature color="6" type="a">560</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="2" type="a">564</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="3" type="b">570</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="4" type="c">570</p1:feature>
<p1:location hours = "5" path = '1'>
<p1:feature color="6" type="a">560</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="7" type="b">570</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="8" type="c">580</p1:feature>
<p1:location hours = "5" path = '1'>
<p1:feature color="9" type="b">1111</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="10" type="c">2222</p1:feature>
<p1:time nTimestamp="6">
<p1:location hours = "1" path = '1'>
<p1:feature color="2" type="a">564</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="3" type="b">570</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="4" type="c">570</p1:feature>
<p1:location hours = "5" path = '1'>
<p1:feature color="6" type="a">560</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="9" type="b">590</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="10" type="c">600</p1:feature>
<p1:location hours = "5" path = '1'>
<p1:feature color="6" type="a">560</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="7" type="b">570</p1:feature>
<p1:feature color="8" type="c">580</p1:feature>

关于python - 在 Tkinter 文本框中突出显示两个 xml 文件之间的差异,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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