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c - parking 收费计划

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 21:39:01 26 4
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编写一个程序,在给出以下信息时计算将车停在 parking 场的顾客的 parking 费:

a.显示车辆类型的字符:C 代表轿车,B 代表巴士,T 代表卡车

b. 0 到 24 之间的整数,显示车辆进入 parking 场的时间。

c. 0 到 60 之间的整数,显示车辆进入 parking 场的分钟。

d. 0 到 24 之间的整数,显示车辆离开 parking 场的时间。

e. 0 到 60 之间的整数,显示车辆离开 parking 场的分钟数。

由于这是一个公共(public) parking 场,因此鼓励人们只 parking 很短一段时间。管理层对每种类型的车辆采用两种不同的费率。

enter image description here

当晚午夜,任何车辆不得在 parking 场停留;它将被拖走。 parking 费还需缴纳 6% 的消费税。


h。您的计划将包括以下标准。我。验证入时和超时。二.使用 switch 语句来区分不同类型的车辆。三.使用适当的循环语句以允许重复计算 parking 费四.使用表 1 使用适当的测试数据运行程序五次

enter image description here

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
char type; //Variable for vehicle types
int hourIn, minuteIn, hourOut, minuteOut, entry, exit, totalParkingTime; //Variable for time
float totalRounded, totalChargeFee, GST; //Variable for fare

printf("Welcome to Help Parking Lot!\n"); //Introduction message

printf("Enter type of vehicle: %c", type); //Type of vehicles: C for car, T for truck, B for bus
scanf("%c", &type);

case 'C':
if(totalParkingTime <= 3)
totalChargeFee = 0.8 * totalParkingTime;
totalChargeFee = 0.8 * 3 + 1.5 * (totalParkingTime - 3);

case 'T':
if(totalParkingTime <= 2)
totalChargeFee = 1.5 * totalParkingTime;
totalChargeFee = 1.5 * 2 + 2.3 * (totalParkingTime - 2);

case 'B':
if(totalParkingTime <= 1)
totalChargeFee = 2 * totalParkingTime;
totalChargeFee = 2 * 1 + 3.4 * (totalParkingTime - 1);
scanf("%f", &totalChargeFee);

printf("Enter an integer between 0 and 24 showing the hour the vehicle entered the lot: %d", hourIn); //The hour of veicle enter in military format
scanf("%d", &hourIn);
printf("Enter an integer between 0 and 60 showing the minute the vehicle entered the lot: %d", minuteIn); //The minute of vehicle enter in military format
scanf("%d", &minuteIn);
printf("Enter an integer between 0 and 24 showing the hour the vehicle exited the lot: %d", hourOut); //The hour of vehicle exit in military format
scanf("%d", &hourOut);
printf("Enter an integer between 0 and 60 showing the minute the vehicle exited the lot: %d", minuteOut); //The minute of vehicle exit in military format
scanf("%d", &minuteOut);

entry = hourIn + minuteIn;
scanf("%d", &entry);
exit = hourOut + minuteOut;
scanf("%d", &exit);
totalParkingTime = exit - entry;

//User's bill is shown here
printf("HELP PARKING LOT CHARGE\n Type of vehicle: %c\n TIME-IN\n \t\t\t %d:%d\n TIME-OUT\n \t\t\t %d:%d\n \t\t\t------\n PARKING TIME %d:%d\n ROUNDED TOTAL \t\t\t%f\n \t\t\t------\n TOTAL CHARGE \t\t RM%.2f\n GST \t\t\t RM%.2f\n TOTAL \t\t\t RM%.2f");

return 0;




if(type == 'C' && totalHourParked <= 3)
totalChargeFee = 0.8 * totalHourParked;
totalChargeFee = 1.5 * totalHourParked;


在尝试编码之前,我鼓励您拿起纸和笔并尝试编写某种伪代码。之后,尝试手动测试。如果您对此有信心,请对其进行编码。测试一下。如果这些都不起作用,那么请将你的问题暴露给 stackoverflow。

关于c - parking 收费计划,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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