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c# - 将枚举映射到用户选择复选框

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 21:36:37 25 4
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if ((int)dpRepeatType.SelectedValue == (int)Constants.RepeatType.Weekly)
wrule = new WeeklyRecurrenceRule(Convert.ToDateTime(dtDateStart.Value),WeekDays.Monday, 1);
_newAppointment.RecurrenceRule = wrule.ToString();


在屏幕上,我有 7 个复选框代表一周中的几天。周日到周六我的问题是 WeekDay 是基于以下内容的 telerik rad 调度程序的内部枚举。

我的问题不是在单个复选框上使用 if 语句来查看用户选择了哪一天或多天,我现在如何使用 linq 执行此操作我正在使用 if 语句来执行此操作但我相信有更好的方法。

public enum WeekDays
// Summary:
// Specifies none of the days
None = 0,
// Summary:
// Specifies the first day of the week
Sunday = 1,
// Summary:
// Specifies the second day of the week
Monday = 2,
// Summary:
// Specifies the third day of the week
Tuesday = 4,
// Summary:
// Specifies the fourth day of the week
Wednesday = 8,
// Summary:
// Specifies the fifth of the week
Thursday = 16,
// Summary:
// Specifies the sixth of the week
Friday = 32,
// Summary:
// Specifies the work days of the week
WorkDays = 62,
// Summary:
// Specifies the seventh of the week
Saturday = 64,
// Summary:
// Specifies the weekend days of the week
WeekendDays = 65,
// Summary:
// Specifies every day of the week
EveryDay = 127


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假设表单中唯一的 CheckBox 控件是关于星期几的控件,它们的 Name 属性遵循以下模式:



WeekDays wd = WeekDays.None;

foreach (CheckBox checkBox in this.Controls.OfType<CheckBox>())
if (checkBox.IsChecked)
wd |= (WeekDays)Enum.Parse(typeof(WeekDays), checkBox.Name.Replace("CheckBox", ""));


演示代码here .

关于c# - 将枚举映射到用户选择复选框,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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