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const Discord = require("discord.js"); // use discord.js
const BOT_TOKEN = "secret bot token :)" // bot's token
const PREFIX = "*" // bot's prefix
var eightball = [ // sets the answers to an eightball
"I don't think so.",
"you can try...",
"up to you!",
var bot = new Discord.Client(); // sets Discord.Client to bot
bot.on("ready", function() { // when the bot starts up, set its game to Use *help and tell the console "Booted up!"
bot.user.setGame("Use *info") // sets the game the bot is playing
console.log("Booted up!") // messages the console Booted up!
bot.on("message", function(message) { // when a message is sent
if (message.author.equals(bot.user)) return; // if the message is sent by a bot, ignore
if (!message.content.startsWith(PREFIX)) return; // if the message doesn't contain PREFIX (*), then ignore
var args = message.content.substring(PREFIX.length).split(" "); // removes the prefix from the message
var command = args[0].toLowerCase(); // sets the command to lowercase (making it incase sensitive)
var mutedrole = message.guild.roles.find("name", "muted");
if (command == "help") { // creates a command *help
var embedhelpmember = new Discord.RichEmbed() // sets a embed box to the variable embedhelpmember
.setTitle("**List of Commands**\n") // sets the title to List of Commands
.addField(" - help", "Displays this message (Correct usage: *help)") // sets the first field to explain the command *help
.addField(" - info", "Tells info about myself :grin:") // sets the field information about the command *info
.addField(" - ping", "Tests your ping (Correct usage: *ping)") // sets the second field to explain the command *ping
.addField(" - cookie", "Sends a cookie to the desired player! :cookie: (Correct usage: *cookie @username)") // sets the third field to explain the command *cookie
.addField(" - 8ball", "Answers to all of your questions! (Correct usage: *8ball [question])") // sets the field to the 8ball command
.setColor(0xFFA500) // sets the color of the embed box to orange
.setFooter("You need help, do you?") // sets the footer to "You need help, do you?"
var embedhelpadmin = new Discord.RichEmbed() // sets a embed box to the var embedhelpadmin
.setTitle("**List of Admin Commands**\n") // sets the title
.addField(" - say", "Makes the bot say whatever you want (Correct usage: *say [message])")
.addField(" - mute", "Mutes a desired member with a reason (Coorect usage: *mute @username [reason])") // sets a field
.addField(" - unmute", "Unmutes a muted player (Correct usage: *unmute @username)")
.addField(" - kick", "Kicks a desired member with a reason (Correct usage: *kick @username [reason])") //sets a field
.setColor(0xFF0000) // sets a color
.setFooter("Ooo, an admin!") // sets the footer
message.channel.send(embedhelpmember); // sends the embed box "embedhelpmember" to the chatif
if(message.member.roles.some(r=>["bot-admin"].includes(r.name)) ) return message.channel.send(embedhelpadmin); // if member is a botadmin, display this too
if (command == "info") { // creates the command *info
message.channel.send("Hey! My name is cookie-bot and I'm here to assist you! You can do *help to see all of my commands! If you have any problems with the Minecraft/Discord server, you can contact an administrator! :smile:") // gives u info
if (command == "ping") { // creates a command *ping
message.channel.send("Pong!"); // answers with "Pong!"
if (command == "cookie") { // creates the command cookie
if (args[1]) message.channel.send(message.author.toString() + " has given " + args[1].toString() + " a cookie! :cookie:") // sends the message saying someone has given someone else a cookie if someone mentions someone else
else message.channel.send("Who do you want to send a cookie to? :cookie: (Correct usage: *cookie @username)") // sends the error message if no-one is mentioned
if (command == "8ball") { // creates the command 8ball
if (args[1] != null) message.reply(eightball[Math.floor(Math.random() * eightball.length).toString(16)]); // if args[1], post random answer
else message.channel.send("Ummmm, what is your question? :rolling_eyes: (Correct usage: *8ball [question])"); // if not, error
if (command == "say") { // creates command say
if (!message.member.roles.some(r=>["bot-admin"].includes(r.name)) ) return message.reply("Sorry, you do not have the permission to do this!");
var sayMessage = message.content.substring(4)
if(command === "purge") {
let messagecount = parseInt(args[1]) || 1;
var deletedMessages = -1;
message.channel.fetchMessages({limit: Math.min(messagecount + 1, 100)}).then(messages => {
messages.forEach(m => {
if (m.author.id == bot.user.id) {
}).then(() => {
if (deletedMessages === -1) deletedMessages = 0;
message.channel.send(`:white_check_mark: Purged \`${deletedMessages}\` messages.`)
.then(m => m.delete(2000));
if (command == "mute") { // creates the command mute
if (!message.member.roles.some(r=>["bot-admin"].includes(r.name)) ) return message.reply("Sorry, you do not have the permission to do this!"); // if author has no perms
var mutedmember = message.mentions.members.first(); // sets the mentioned user to the var kickedmember
if (!mutedmember) return message.reply("Please mention a valid member of this server!") // if there is no kickedmmeber var
if (mutedmember.hasPermission("ADMINISTRATOR")) return message.reply("I cannot mute this member!") // if memebr is an admin
var mutereasondelete = 10 + mutedmember.user.id.length //sets the length of the kickreasondelete
var mutereason = message.content.substring(mutereasondelete).split(" "); // deletes the first letters until it reaches the reason
var mutereason = mutereason.join(" "); // joins the list kickreason into one line
if (!mutereason) return message.reply("Please indicate a reason for the mute!") // if no reason
mutedmember.addRole(mutedrole) //if reason, kick
.catch(error => message.reply(`Sorry ${message.author} I couldn't mute because of : ${error}`)); //if error, display error
message.reply(`${mutedmember.user} has been muted by ${message.author} because: ${mutereason}`); // sends a message saying he was kicked
if (command == "unmute") { // creates the command unmute
if (!message.member.roles.some(r=>["bot-admin"].includes(r.name)) ) return message.reply("Sorry, you do not have the permission to do this!"); // if author has no perms
var unmutedmember = message.mentions.members.first(); // sets the mentioned user to the var kickedmember
if (!unmutedmember) return message.reply("Please mention a valid member of this server!") // if there is no kickedmmeber var
unmutedmember.removeRole(mutedrole) //if reason, kick
.catch(error => message.reply(`Sorry ${message.author} I couldn't mute because of : ${error}`)); //if error, display error
message.reply(`${unmutedmember.user} has been unmuted by ${message.author}!`); // sends a message saying he was kicked
if (command == "kick") { // creates the command kick
if (!message.member.roles.some(r=>["bot-admin"].includes(r.name)) ) return message.reply("Sorry, you do not have the permission to do this!"); // if author has no perms
var kickedmember = message.mentions.members.first(); // sets the mentioned user to the var kickedmember
if (!kickedmember) return message.reply("Please mention a valid member of this server!") // if there is no kickedmmeber var
if (!kickedmember.kickable) return message.reply("I cannot kick this member!") // if the member is unkickable
var kickreasondelete = 10 + kickedmember.user.id.length //sets the length of the kickreasondelete
var kickreason = message.content.substring(kickreasondelete).split(" "); // deletes the first letters until it reaches the reason
var kickreason = kickreason.join(" "); // joins the list kickreason into one line
if (!kickreason) return message.reply("Please indicate a reason for the kick!") // if no reason
kickedmember.kick(kickreason) //if reason, kick
.catch(error => message.reply(`Sorry @${message.author} I couldn't kick because of : ${error}`)); //if error, display error
message.reply(`${kickedmember.user.username} has been kicked by ${message.author.username} because: ${kickreason}`); // sends a message saying he was kicked
bot.login(BOT_TOKEN); // connects to the bot
这是我的 bot 文件夹中除了 package.json、package-lock.json 和所有 node_modules 之外的唯一文件。
我想做的是输入 discord *purge [我想清除的消息数量] 并让机器人删除我要求它删除的消息数量,加上我输入的命令(例如,如果我要求机器人删除 5 条消息,他会删除 6 条消息,包括 *purge 5 条消息。
您要找的是this Discord.js 的 (bulkDelete()
) 方法。
(您可以使用 channel 中的 messages
属性,否则如果您更喜欢 promises,请尝试使用 fetchMessages()
只需确保该 channel 不是语音 channel 或 DM channel 即可。最后,您的机器人也需要获得许可。
获取您自己的机器人对公会的许可,或者您可以直接使用message.guild.member(client)。 hasPermission(permission)
,它返回一个 bool 值,用于确定您的机器人是否具有所需的权限。
的方法文档是 here )
关于javascript - 你如何编写清除命令,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46560865/
我有一个网站,我正在通过学校参加比赛,但我在清除 float 元素方面遇到了问题。 该网站托管在 http://www.serbinprinting.com/corey/development/
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这是一个普遍的问题,也是我突然想到并且似乎有道理的问题。我看到很多人使用清除div 并且知道这有时不受欢迎,因为它是额外的标记。我最近开始使用 因为它接缝代表了它的实际用途。 当然都引用了:.clea
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我有一个大型程序,一个带有图形的文本扭曲游戏。在我的代码中的某处,我使用 kbhit() 我执行此代码来清除我的输入缓冲区: while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c !
我正在将所有网站的页面加载到主索引页面中,并通过将 href 分成段并在主域名后使用 .hash 函数添加段来更新 URL 显示,如下所示: $('a').click(function(event)
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在此Test Link我试图将标题和主站点导航安装到博客脚本的顶部。 我清除:两者;在主要网站脚本上工作,但现在把所有东西都扔到了一边。尝试了无数次 fixex 都没有成功!提前感谢 Ant 指点解决
我似乎无法正确清除布局。看this 我无法阻止左栏中的元素向下推右栏中的元素。谁能帮忙? Screenshot with some pointy arrows (死链接) 最佳答案 问题标记/样式似
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