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c - 两名玩家之间的扑克游戏结果

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// main.c
// Created by gixx88 on 7/22/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 gixx88. All rights reserved.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>

#define SUITS 4
#define FACES 13
#define CARDS 52

#define HAND 5
#define PLAYERS 2

//prototypes for shuffle and deal
void shuffle( size_t wDeck[][FACES] ); //shuffling modifies wDeck
void deal( size_t wDeck[][FACES], const char *wFace[],
const char *wSuit[] ); //dealing doesn't modify the arrays
void dealHand(size_t wHands[][HAND], size_t wDeck[][FACES]);

//prototypes for determing suit and face
size_t determineSuit(size_t wCard);
size_t determineFace(size_t wCard);

//prototypes for determing poker hand
unsigned int findAPair(size_t wHand[HAND]);
unsigned int findTwoPairs(size_t wHand[HAND]);
unsigned int findThreeOfAKind(size_t wHand[HAND]);
unsigned int findFourOfAKind(size_t wHand[HAND]);
unsigned int findFlush(size_t wHand[HAND]);
unsigned int findFullHouse(size_t wHand[HAND]);
unsigned int findStraightFlush(size_t wHand[HAND]);
unsigned int findStraight (size_t wHand[HAND]);

//prototypes for determing player outcomes
unsigned int determingPlayerHand(size_t wHand[HAND]);
void playerRank( size_t wHands[PLAYERS][HAND]);

int main(void) {

//initialize suit array
const char *suit[SUITS] = {"Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Spades" };

//initilize face array
const char *face[ FACES ] = { "Ace", "Deuce", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven",
"Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Jack", "Queen", "King" };

//initilize deck array
size_t deck[ SUITS ][FACES] = {{0}};

size_t hands[PLAYERS][HAND] = {{0}};

srand(time(NULL)); //random seed generator

shuffle(deck); //shuffle the deck
dealHand(hands, deck);


} //end main

//determine suit
size_t determineSuit(size_t wCard){
return wCard / SUITS;
} // end determine suit

//determine face
size_t determineFace(size_t wCard){
return wCard % FACES;
}//end determine face

//if four of a kind

//shuffle cards in deck
void shuffle( size_t wDeck[][FACES] ){
size_t row; //row number
size_t column; //column number
size_t card; //counter

for (card = 0; card <= CARDS; ++card){

//choose a random location until unoccupied slot found
do {
row = rand() % SUITS;
column = rand() % FACES;
} //end do
while (wDeck[row][column] != 0); //end do while

//place card number in chosen slot of deck
wDeck[row][column] = card;
}// end for
} //end shuffle function

//deal cards in deck
void deal( size_t wDeck[][FACES], const char *wFace[],
const char *wSuit[] ){
size_t card; //card counter
size_t row; //row counter
size_t column; //column counter

//deal each of the cards
for (card = 0; card <= CARDS; ++card){
//loop through rows of wDeck
for (row = 0; row < SUITS; ++row){
//loop through columns in wDeck for current row
for(column = 0; column < FACES; ++column){
//if slot contians current card, display card
if (wDeck[row][column] == card){
printf("%5s of %-8s%c", wFace[column], wSuit[row],
card % 2 == 0 ? '\n' : '\t'); //two column format
} //end if
} //end column for
} //end row for
} //end card for
} //end function deal

void dealHand(size_t wHands[][HAND], size_t wDeck[][FACES]){

size_t cards;
size_t players;
unsigned int current;
unsigned int current_suit;
unsigned int current_face;

for (cards = 0; cards <= HAND; cards ++){

for (players = 0; players < PLAYERS; players++){
current = cards * PLAYERS + players;
current_suit = current / SUITS;
current_face = current % FACES;
wHands[players][cards] = wDeck[current_suit][current_face];
} // end players for
} // end cards for

} // end deal hand

void printCard(unsigned int wCard, const char wFaces[FACES], const char wSuit[SUITS]){
//find suit and face
size_t suit;
size_t face;

suit = determineSuit(wCard);
face = determineFace(wCard);

printf("%s or %s", wFaces[face], wSuit[suit]);

} //end print card


//find A PAIR
unsigned int findAPair(size_t wHand[HAND]){

size_t countOfFaces[FACES] = { 0 };
unsigned int foundAPair = 1;
size_t card;

for (card = 0; card < HAND; card++)

size_t face = determineFace(wHand[card]);


if (countOfFaces[face] == 3)

return 1;
else if (countOfFaces[face] == 2)

if (foundAPair)

return 1;

foundAPair = 0;
return foundAPair;

} // end find a pair

//find TWO PAIRS
unsigned int findTwoPairs(size_t wHand[HAND]){

size_t countOfFaces[FACES] = { 0 };

unsigned int numberOfPairs = 0;

size_t card;
for (card = 0; card < HAND; card++){

size_t face = determineFace(wHand[card]);

if (countOfFaces[face] == 3)

return 1;
else if (countOfFaces[face] == 2)

return numberOfPairs == 2;

} //end find two pairs

unsigned int findThreeOfAKind(size_t wHand[HAND]){

size_t countOfFaces[FACES] = {0};
size_t card;
unsigned int foundThree = 1;

for (card = 0; card < HAND; card++){
size_t face = determineFace(wHand[card]);

if (countOfFaces[face] == 3){
foundThree = 0;
} //end if

else if (countOfFaces[face] == 4){
return 1;
} //end else if

else if (countOfFaces[face] == 2 && foundThree){
return 1;
} //end else if
} //end card for loop

return 1;

} //end find three of a kind

unsigned int findFourOfAKind(size_t wHand[HAND]){

size_t countOfFaces[FACES] = {0};
size_t card;

for (card = 0; card < HAND; card++){
size_t face = determineFace(wHand[card]);

if (countOfFaces[face] == 4){
return 0;
} //end if
} //end card for loop

return 1;

} //end for of a kind

unsigned int findStraight (size_t wHand[HAND]){
size_t card;

size_t lowFace;
size_t highFace;

size_t firstSuit;
unsigned int foundSecondSuit = 1;

for (card = 0; card < HAND; card++)
size_t suit = determineSuit(wHand[card]);
size_t face = determineFace(wHand[card]);

// first card
if (card == 0)
lowFace = face;
highFace = face;

firstSuit = suit;
// all other cards
// check for two equal faces first
else if (face == lowFace || face == highFace)

return 1;
// update low and high face, if necessary

if (suit != firstSuit)

foundSecondSuit = 0;

// an Ace can only go low if the low face is at most a Five
if (face == 0 && lowFace > HAND - 1)

face = 13;
if (face < lowFace)

lowFace = face;

if (face > highFace)

highFace = face;

if ((highFace - lowFace + 1) != HAND)

return 1;

return foundSecondSuit;

//find FLUSH
unsigned int findFlush(size_t wHand[HAND]){

size_t card;
size_t firstSuit = 5;
for (card = 0; card < HAND; card++){
size_t suit = determineSuit(wHand[card]);
//determing if all cards are the same suit
if (card == 0){
firstSuit = suit;
} //end if
else if (suit != firstSuit){
return 1;
} //end else if
} //end card for loop

return 0;

} //end find flush

unsigned int findFullHouse(size_t wHand[HAND]){
if (findAPair(wHand) && findThreeOfAKind(wHand)){
return 0;
} //end if

return 1;
} //end full house

unsigned int findStraightFlush(size_t wHand[HAND]){

size_t lowFace;
size_t highFace;
size_t card;
size_t firstSuit;

for (card = 0; card < HAND; card++){
size_t suit = determineSuit(wHand[card]);
size_t face = determineFace(wHand[card]);
//determing if all cards are the same suit
if (card == 0){
firstSuit = suit;
lowFace = face;
highFace = face;
} //end if
else if (suit != firstSuit || face == lowFace || face == highFace){
return 1;
} //end else if

//determination for ace being high or low, which depends on hand
// an Ace can only go low if the low face is at most a Five
if (face == 0 && lowFace > HAND - 1)

face = 13;
if (face < lowFace)

lowFace = face;

if (face > highFace)

highFace = face;

if ((highFace - lowFace + 1) != HAND)

return 1;

return 0;

} //end straight flush


//determing PLAYER HAND
unsigned int determingPlayerHand(size_t wHand[HAND]){

if (findStraightFlush(wHand) == 0){
return 8;
} //end if

else if (findFourOfAKind(wHand) == 0){
return 7;
} //end else if

else if (findFullHouse(wHand) == 0){
return 6;
} //end else if

else if (findFlush(wHand) == 0){
return 5;
} //end else if

else if (findStraight(wHand) == 0){
return 4;
} //end else if

else if (findThreeOfAKind(wHand) == 0){
return 3;
} //end else if

else if (findTwoPairs(wHand) == 0){
return 2;
} //end else if

else if (findAPair(wHand) == 0){
return 1;

return 0;

} //end determing player hand

//determing PLAYER RANK
void playerRank( size_t wHands[PLAYERS][HAND]){

unsigned int player1 = determingPlayerHand(wHands);
unsigned int player2 = determingPlayerHand(wHands);

if (player1 > player2){
printf("%s", "Player 1 Wins!");
}//end if

else if (player2 > player1){
printf("%s", "Player 2 Wins!");

} //end player rank

我很不愿意发布这篇文章,但遗憾的是,我必须在明天之前完成这篇文章,而且我已经连续工作了 12 个小时。我担心的是,我将扑克牌类型函数设置为仅采用二维数组的一维。有没有办法以我现有的能力,有效地为玩家建立一个排名系统?

以下是我在其他地方给自己做的一些注释,可能也有用: definegPlayerHand 仅采用二维数组的一个下标。我需要playerRanking 来获取两个下标。我怎样才能做到这一点,以便我的排名能够正确返回给每个玩家?我认为排名返回值应该没问题。我最初只是将其视为 true 或 false、1 或 0,但后来意识到这不够具体


在 M Oehm 发表评论后,我想更新此内容以反射(reflect)我认为有用的其他一些信息。

我正在解决的问题的部分参数要求某些事情保持原来的样子。如果我可以选择改变它们,我认为也有更好的方法来做到这一点。然而,牌组本身、洗牌算法和发牌算法都是根据问题的具体情况构建的。至于手牌评估他们应该做什么,到目前为止他们是这样做的,我写它是基于 A 需要在某个点走高的想法,这也是它如此复杂的部分原因。带有 [PLAYERS][HAND] 的二维数组旨在使纸牌从牌堆顶部以交替的顺序发给每个玩家,就像现实生活中所做的那样。



您将牌表示为从红心 A 到梅花 K 的牌组出厂顺序中从 0 到 51 的整数。没关系。您可以根据卡号确定等级和花色:

rank = card % 13;
suit = card / 13;

这不是您在 defineFace/Suit 函数中所做的事情。接下来,这副牌是一维卡牌数组:

int deck[52];

您可以使用一种众所周知的洗牌算法来洗牌该数组,例如费舍尔-耶茨。您将牌组表示为二维数组,这并不会使洗牌变得更容易。目前还不清楚甲板的两个尺寸是多少。 (好吧,它们是花色和等级,但洗牌后就不再有意义了。)

在一维数组中,第一个玩家的手牌是前五张牌,第二个玩家的手牌是第 5 到 9 张牌。


  • 同花:一手牌的所有牌都是同花色吗?
  • :所有排名都是连续的吗? (有特殊规则,A 可以根据需要打高或低)
  • 倍数:大多数牌都有对牌、三连牌或四连牌或其组合,因此您需要一个按出现次数排序的排名“直方图”。

利用这些数据,您可以确定您的手牌。您还需要辅助数据来区分两只相同的手,例如一对 K 和一对 N。

我建议你重新开始,打开编译器警告并逐步实现洗牌、发牌和三手标准,并在步骤之间进行验证。 (如果您愿意,您可以将这些步骤称为“里程碑”。)

关于c - 两名玩家之间的扑克游戏结果,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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