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c - 逐字节读取 jpeg 文件

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对于 cs50 类,我必须从存储卡中逐字节读取 jpeg 文件才能查看 header 信息。该文件编译良好,但每当我执行该文件时,它都会返回“段错误(核心转储)”消息。

编辑)好的,现在我知道为什么我必须使用“unsigned char”而不是“int*”。有人可以告诉我如何将信息存储到该特定代码范围内的文件中吗?现在,我正在尝试在 if() 条件之外存储信息,并且我认为 fread 函数实际上并未访问我打开的“图像”文件。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

FILE * image = NULL;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
FILE* infile = fopen("card.raw", "r");
if (infile == NULL)
printf("Could not open.\n");
return 1;
unsigned char storage[512];
int number = 0;
int b = floor((number) / 100);
int c = floor(((number) - (b * 100))/ 10);
int d = floor(((number) - (b * 100) - (c * 10)));
int writing = 0;
char string[5];
char* extension = ".jpg";

while (fread(&storage, sizeof(storage), 1, infile))

if (storage == NULL)

if (storage[0] == 0xff && storage[1] == 0xd8 && storage[2] == 0xff)
if (storage[3] == 0xe0 || storage[3] == 0xe1)

if (image != NULL)
sprintf(string, "%d%d%d%s", b, c, d, extension);
image = fopen(string, "w");
writing = 1;
if (writing == 1 && storage != NULL)
fwrite(storage, sizeof(storage), 1, image);

if (writing == 1 && storage != NULL)
fwrite(storage, sizeof(storage), 1, image);

if (storage == NULL)



return 0;



In anticipation of this problem set, I spent the past several days snapping photos of people I know, all of which were saved by mydigital camera as JPEGs on a 1GB CompactFlash (CF) card. (It’spossible I actually spent the past several days on Facebook instead.)Unfortunately, I’m not very good with computers, and I somehow deletedthem all! Thankfully, in the computer world, "deleted" tends not tomean "deleted" so much as "forgotten." My computer insists that the CFcard is now blank, but I’m pretty sure it’s lying to me.Write in ~/Dropbox/pset4/jpg/recover.c a program that recovers these photos.

Ummm.Okay, here’s the thing. Even though JPEGs are more complicated than BMPs, JPEGs have "signatures," patterns of bytes that distinguishthem from other file formats. In fact, most JPEGs begin with one oftwo sequences of bytes. Specifically, the first four bytes of mostJPEGs are either0xff 0xd8 0xff 0xe0 or 0xff 0xd8 0xff 0xe1from first byte to fourth byte, left to right. Odds are, if you find one of these patterns of bytes on a disk known to store photos(e.g., my CF card), they demark the start of a JPEG. (To be sure, youmight encounter these patterns on some disk purely by chance, so datarecovery isn’t an exact science.)

Fortunately, digital cameras tend to store photographs contiguously on CF cards, whereby each photo is stored immediatelyafter the previously taken photo. Accordingly, the start of a JPEGusually demarks the end of another. However, digital cameras generallyinitialize CF cards with a FAT file system whose "block size" is 512bytes (B). The implication is that these cameras only write to thosecards in units of 512 B. A photo that’s 1 MB (i.e.,1,048,576 B) thus takes up 1048576 ÷ 512 = 2048 "blocks" on a CF card. But so does a photo that’s, say, one byte smaller (i.e.,1,048,575 B)! The wasted space on disk is called "slack space."Forensic investigators often look at slack space for remnants ofsuspicious data.

The implication of all these details is that you, the investigator, can probably write a program that iterates over a copyof my CF card, looking for JPEGs' signatures. Each time you find asignature, you can open a new file for writing and start filling thatfile with bytes from my CF card, closing that file only once youencounter another signature. Moreover, rather than read my CF card’sbytes one at a time, you can read 512 of them at a time into a bufferfor efficiency’s sake. Thanks to FAT, you can trust that JPEGs'signatures will be "block-aligned." That is, you need only look forthose signatures in a block’s first four bytes.

Realize, of course, that JPEGs can span contiguous blocks. Otherwise, no JPEG could be larger than 512 B. But the last byte of aJPEG might not fall at the very end of a block. Recall the possibilityof slack space. But not to worry. Because this CF card was brand- newwhen I started snapping photos, odds are it’d been "zeroed" (i.e.,filled with 0s) by the manufacturer, in which case any slack spacewill be filled with 0s. It’s okay if those trailing 0s end up in theJPEGs you recover; they should still be viewable.Now, I only have one CF card, but there are a whole lot of you! And so I’ve gone ahead and created a "forensic image" of the card,storing its contents, byte after byte, in a file called card.raw . Sothat you don’t waste time iterating over millions of 0s unnecessarily,I’ve only imaged the first few megabytes of the CF card. But youshould ultimately find that the image contains 16 JPEGs. As usual, youcan open the file programmatically withfopen , as in the below. FILE* file = fopen("card.raw", "r");Notice, incidentally, that ~/Dropbox/pset4/jpg contains only recover.c, but it’s devoid of any code. (We leave it to you to decidehow to implement and compile recover!) For simplicity, you shouldhard-code "card.raw" in your program; your program need not accept anycommand-line arguments. When executed, though, your program shouldrecover every one of the JPEGs from card.raw, storing each as aseparate file in your current working directory. Your program shouldnumber the files itoutputs by naming each , ###.jpg where ### is three-digit decimal number from 000 on up. (Befriend sprintf.) You need not try torecover the JPEGs' original names. To
check whether the JPEGs your program spit out are correct, simply double-click and take a look! If each photo appears intact,your operation was likely a success!Odds are, though, the JPEGs that the first draft of your code spits out won’t be correct. (If you open them up and don’t seeanything, they’re probably not correct!) Execute the command below todelete all JPEGs in your current working directory.rm *.jpgIf you’d rather not be prompted to confirm each deletion, execute the command below instead.rm -f *.jpgJust be careful with that -f switch, as it "forces" deletion without prompting you.


int* storage[512];

您定义了一个指向 512 个整数的内存位置的指针,但实际上并没有保留该空间(仅保留了指针。


int storage[512];

此后,storage仍然是一个指针,但现在它实际上指向512个int。虽然我仍然认为你不想要这个。您需要“字节”而不是“int”。最接近的 C 是 unsigned char。所以最终的声明是:

unsigned char storage[512];
为什么?因为 read 读入连续的字节。如果你读入 int,那么你将会在每个 int中读入4个字节(因为一个int占用4个字节)。

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