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c# - ITextSharp 一起使用多种字体样式。即粗体、下划线、斜体...等

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 20:34:58 25 4
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我正在尝试使用Itextsharp.dll(不确定是哪个版本)来编写动态PDF。一切都很顺利,直到我需要写一个粗体并带有下划线的短语。然而,itextSharp 的字体类似乎不允许这样做。它允许粗体/斜体,但不允许粗体/下划线、斜体/下划线或全部三种。您不能将下划线与任何其他样式结合使用。不允许字体同时带有下划线和其他内容似乎相当愚蠢。我到处都找过了,没有看到任何提到它的地方。有谁知道解决这个问题的方法还是我在这里遗漏了一些明显的东西?


iTextSharp.text.Font myFont = new Font(iTextSharp.text.Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 9, iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLDITALIC, BaseColor.BLACK);

您可以看到第三个参数是一个整数,表示字体的 FontStyle,但是没有可用的枚举来使某些内容成为下划线和粗体、下划线和斜体或全部三个。必须有一种方法可以做到这一点。我很难相信 ITextSharp 不会考虑下划线和粗体文本。有什么想法吗?


如果您查看 BOLDITALIC 的定义你会看到:

public const int BOLDITALIC    = BOLD | ITALIC;


var myFont = new Font(iTextSharp.text.Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 9, Font.BOLD | Font.UNDERLINE, BaseColor.BLACK);


查看源代码,BOLD1UNDERLINE4,当您 | 将它们放在一起,您将得到 5,这与您发布的值相同。您可以使用下面的代码测试所有 5 种样式的每种组合。

//Create a test file on our desktop
var testFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "test.pdf");

//Possible styles
var styles = new Dictionary<string, int>() {
{ "NORMAL" , iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL },
{ "BOLD" , iTextSharp.text.Font.BOLD },
{ "ITALIC" , iTextSharp.text.Font.ITALIC },
{ "UNDERLINE" , iTextSharp.text.Font.UNDERLINE },
{ "STRIKETHRU", iTextSharp.text.Font.STRIKETHRU }

//Standard iText bootstrap
using (var fs = new FileStream(testFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)) {
using(var doc = new Document()) {
using (var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, fs)) {

//We're going to try every possible unique combination of constants, store the
//previously used ones in this dictionary
var used = new Dictionary<int, string>();

//Fixed-number combination hack, just create 5 nested loops.
foreach (var a in styles) {
foreach (var b in styles) {
foreach (var c in styles) {
foreach (var d in styles) {
foreach (var g in styles) {

//Bitwise OR the values together
var k = a.Value | b.Value | c.Value | d.Value | g.Value;

//If we didn't previously use this OR'd value
if (!used.ContainsKey(k)) {

//Get all of the unique names exclude duplicates
var names = new string[] { a.Key, b.Key, c.Key, d.Key, g.Key }.Distinct().OrderBy(s => s).ToList();

//NORMAL is the "default" and although NORMAL | BOLD is totally valid it just
//messes with your brain when you see it. So remove NORMAL from the description
//when it is used with anything else. This part is optional
if (names.Count() > 1 && names.Contains("NORMAL")) {
names = names.Where(n => n != "NORMAL").ToList();

//Merge our names into a comma-separated string
var v = String.Join(", ", names);

//Store it so we don't use it again
used.Add(k, v);

//Create a font using this loop's value
var myFont = new iTextSharp.text.Font(iTextSharp.text.Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 12, k, BaseColor.BLACK);

//Add it to our document
doc.Add(new Paragraph(k.ToString() + "=" + v, myFont));



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关于c# - ITextSharp 一起使用多种字体样式。即粗体、下划线、斜体...等,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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