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javascript - 如何在 Phaser 3 中将一组对象移动相同的距离?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 19:08:36 25 4
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我有一款 Phaser 游戏。当游戏中的箭被发射时,它被推到一个数组中。箭射中目标,目标在下一支箭射出前退回。如果这没有意义,那么已经粘在目标上的箭头需要在目标移动时随目标一起移动。

我试过只移动数组的 x 值,并尝试遍历数组。我也试过只移动 this.arrows 变量。


function update ()
//Declare constants for movement
const arrowMoveAmt = 1500;

//Rotation of the player
if (this.cursors.up.isDown && this.player.angle > -45) {
this.player.angle -= angleModifier;}

if (this.cursors.down.isDown && this.player.angle < 0) {
this.player.angle += angleModifier;}

//Shooting with the spacebar
if (Phaser.Input.Keyboard.JustDown(this.spacebar)) {

//Animate the shooting'shoot', true);

//Arrow shooting
let arrow = this.physics.add.sprite(this.player.x, (this.player.y + 20), 'arrow');

//Make sure the arrow has a hitbox
arrow.enableBody = true;
//Let the arrow move
arrow.body.immovable = false;
//Edit arrow hitbox
arrow.setSize(50, 15).setOffset(5, 50);

arrow.setGravityY(3600); //Gravity will affect the arrows
//Arrow speeds
arrow.setVelocityY((this.player.angle * 50));

this.arrows.push(arrow); //Add arrow to the array created earlier; //Play the sound

//Reset the angle modifier for added difficulty
angleModifier = (Math.random() + .1) * 2;

else if(target.body.touching.left) {

//Variable for loop
let i = 0;

//Set initial position of new medals
let firstMedalX = 180;

//Loop to create multiple arrows
while (i < this.arrows.length) {
newArrows = this.arrows[i];

//Add 30 to the new medal's x position
firstMedalX += 40;

//Increment for every arrow shot

//Reset the player angle for difficulty
this.player.angle = 0;

//Move the target
var x = target.x;
target.x += 10;
var x2 = target.x;
var arrowMove = x2 - x;
newArrows.x = newArrows.x + arrowMove;

console.log("Target X = " + target.x);
console.log("Arrows X = " + newArrows.x);


//Call the function to determine medal and pass the variable
if(this.arrows.length <= 5) {
//Only track the first five arrows

//Function to decide medal, and where it goes
getMedal = (value) => {
//Gold medal
if (410 < newArrows.y && newArrows.y < 435) {
this.add.image(value, 175, 'gold_medal');
score += 5;
//Silver medal
else if (395 < newArrows.y && newArrows.y < 450) {
this.add.image(value, 175, 'silver_medal');
score += 3;
//Bronze medal
else if (380 < newArrows.y && newArrows.y < 460) {
this.add.image(value, 175, 'bronze_medal');
score += 1;
else {
this.add.image(value, 175, 'no_medal');
//Set the scoreboard to the new score
scoreBoard.setText('SCORE: ' + score);



  • 首先,从while 循环中删除以下代码块。
//Move the target
var x = target.x;
target.x += 10;
var x2 = target.x;
var arrowMove = x2 - x;
newArrows.x = newArrows.x + arrowMove;

console.log("Target X = " + target.x);
console.log("Arrows X = " + newArrows.x);
  • 其次,在 whilethis.player.angle = 0 行之后循环。
  • 第三,在while 循环的右括号之后,添加以下代码:
//Move the target
target.x += 10;

update() 方法的完整代码片段供您引用:

function update ()
//Declare constants for movement
const arrowMoveAmt = 1500;

//Rotation of the player
if (this.cursors.up.isDown && this.player.angle > -45) {
this.player.angle -= angleModifier;}

if (this.cursors.down.isDown && this.player.angle < 0) {
this.player.angle += angleModifier;}

//Shooting with the spacebar
if (Phaser.Input.Keyboard.JustDown(this.spacebar)) {

//Animate the shooting'shoot', true);

//Arrow shooting
let arrow = this.physics.add.sprite(this.player.x, (this.player.y + 20), 'arrow');

//Make sure the arrow has a hitbox
arrow.enableBody = true;
//Let the arrow move
arrow.body.immovable = false;
//Edit arrow hitbox
arrow.setSize(50, 15).setOffset(5, 50);

arrow.setGravityY(3600); //Gravity will affect the arrows
//Arrow speeds
arrow.setVelocityY((this.player.angle * 50));

this.arrows.push(arrow); //Add arrow to the array created earlier; //Play the sound

//Reset the angle modifier for added difficulty
angleModifier = (Math.random() + .1) * 2;

else if(target.body.touching.left) {

//Variable for loop
let i = 0;

//Set initial position of new medals
let firstMedalX = 180;

//Loop to create multiple arrows
while (i < this.arrows.length) {
newArrows = this.arrows[i];

//Add 30 to the new medal's x position
firstMedalX += 40;

//Increment for every arrow shot

//Reset the player angle for difficulty
this.player.angle = 0;

// Move the arrows
newArrows.x += 10


//Move the target
target.x += 10;

//Call the function to determine medal and pass the variable
if(this.arrows.length <= 5) {
//Only track the first five arrows

//Function to decide medal, and where it goes
getMedal = (value) => {
//Gold medal
if (410 < newArrows.y && newArrows.y < 435) {
this.add.image(value, 175, 'gold_medal');
score += 5;
//Silver medal
else if (395 < newArrows.y && newArrows.y < 450) {
this.add.image(value, 175, 'silver_medal');
score += 3;
//Bronze medal
else if (380 < newArrows.y && newArrows.y < 460) {
this.add.image(value, 175, 'bronze_medal');
score += 1;
else {
this.add.image(value, 175, 'no_medal');
//Set the scoreboard to the new score
scoreBoard.setText('SCORE: ' + score);

关于javascript - 如何在 Phaser 3 中将一组对象移动相同的距离?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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