gpt4 book ai didi

c - memset 无法将字符串设置为零并进入段错误

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 19:03:46 29 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在用 C 语言做一个关于 UDP 套接字的练习。当客户端发送特定消息(例如 hi)时,服务器必须发送“很高兴见到你”。如果没有找到标准回复,服务器将发送“没有合适的回复”。我的问题是memset如果我尝试像这样返回回复,则会失败:

return "No suitable reply";


char* foo = malloc(sizeof(char*));
memset(foo, 0, strlen(ses));
memcpy(foo, "No suitable reply", 17);
return foo;

我尝试用谷歌搜索这个问题的解决方案,发现thisthis ,但它们似乎没有解决我的问题(我首先认为 memset 不适用于声明为 char string[] = "something" 的字符串,但在第二个示例中,它们在静态字符串上使用 memset)。

这是完整的代码(我正在谈论的 memset 就在最后):

Alessandro Dussin 5AI
Write a program to handle a single UDP "connection"

//Standard libraries
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

//Sockets libraries and connection ahndling
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

//Read/write ops on file descriptors
#include <unistd.h>
//String ops
#include <string.h>

#include <assert.h>
void chopN(char *str, size_t n)
assert(n != 0 && str != 0);
size_t len = strlen(str);
if (n > len)
return; // Or: n = len;
memmove(str, str+n, len - n + 1);

//Required by the exercise. Given a certain word or phrase, reply with a specific string
char* switchreply(char* str){
//Extracts the word or phrase (Basically removes the "/command " word)
chopN(str, strlen("/stdreply "));
int i = 0;
for(; i < strlen(str); i++){
if(str[i] == '\n'){
str[i] = '\0';
if(strcmp(str, "ciao") == 0){
return "ciao anche a te!";
else if(strcmp(str, "I hate you") == 0){
return "I hate you too!";
return "";

char* stdreply(char *str){

char* tmp = malloc(sizeof(char)*128);
int i = 0;
//printf("Entered stdreply... str at the start of the func: %s\n", str);
for(; i < strlen(str); i++){
tmp[i] = str[i];
//printf("tmp: %s\n", tmp); //DEBUG
if(strcmp(tmp, "/echo ") == 0){ // if(strcmp() == 0) is necessary because
//otherwise 0 would be interpreted as FALSE
//printf("Echo detected\n"); //DEBUG
chopN(str, strlen("/echo "));
str[strlen(str)] = '\0';
return str;
else if(strcmp(tmp, "/stdreply ") == 0){
//printf("I got into the else if\n"); //DEBUG
char* tmpreply = calloc(strlen(str), sizeof(char*));
tmpreply = switchreply(str);
//printf("tmpreply: %s\n", tmpreply);
str = malloc(sizeof(char*)*strlen(tmpreply));
memcpy(str, tmpreply, strlen(tmpreply));
//str[strlen(str)] = '\0'; //DEBUG
//printf("str: %s\n", str); //DEBUG
return str;
else if(strcmp(tmp, "/TODO") == 0){
char* ses = malloc(sizeof(char*));
memset(ses, 0, strlen(ses));
memcpy(ses, "work in progress", 17);
return ses;

return "No suitable reply";


int main(int argc, char **argv){

if(argc < 2){
printf("Usage: ./server port");

int serverfd;
serverfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);

struct sockaddr_in server;
server.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[1]));
server.sin_family = AF_INET;
server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;

if(bind(serverfd, (struct sockaddr *)&server, sizeof(server)) < 0){
perror("Bind() error: ");

//"UDP message receiver" variables declarations
int bytes; //Reads how many bytes the funcion recvfrom has read
struct sockaddr_in from;

char* buffer = malloc(sizeof(char*)); //String to which save the client message
memset(buffer, 0, strlen(buffer)); //and set it to zero

socklen_t fromlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);

const char stdrep[] = "Message Received: "; //This string will always be
//printed upon receiving a message
char* reply = malloc(sizeof(char*)); //This is where the return value of
//stdreply() will be stored
memset(reply, 0, strlen(reply)); //and set it zero

//This while will keep "listening" for udp messages
while((bytes = recvfrom(serverfd, buffer, 1024, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen)) > 0){
//From teacher's example. Write to stdout
write(1, stdrep, strlen(stdrep));
write(1, buffer, bytes);
//Detect a basically empty string (if the client has pressed only enter)
if(buffer[0] == '\n'){
bytes = sendto(serverfd, "You pressed only enter!\n", 18, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, fromlen);

//Act according to the client message
reply = stdreply(buffer);
bytes = sendto(serverfd, reply, strlen(reply), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, fromlen);
if (bytes < 0){
perror("sendto: ");
memset(buffer, 0, 1024);
memset(reply, 0, strlen(reply)); //The seg fault happens right here
return 0;



  1. 正如 @JonBolinger 已经指出的,sizeof(char*) 返回指向 char 的指针的大小(以字节为单位)。在 Intel 平台上,该值为 4 或 8,具体取决于您运行的是 32 位还是 64 位。 (因此您最终会分配 4 或 8 字节的缓冲区)

  2. 您始终尝试使用 memset() 清除动态分配的缓冲区。 malloc() 将返回充满垃圾的内存,您可以通过在返回的缓冲区上使用 strlen() 来指示要清除的字节数。 strlen() 将扫描缓冲区,直到找到第一个 0 字符来计算字符串的长度。 由于缓冲区充满了垃圾,这很容易给你一个超出内存块边界的值,最终会破坏内存。

  3. malloc() 的每次调用都应与 free() 调用相匹配,否则将会泄漏内存。如果您的程序长时间运行,这一点尤其重要。

当您使用临时本地字符串(不返回给调用者的字符串)时,使用本地 char 数组而不是 malloc() 是很常见的做法。这样,缓冲区就会在堆栈上分配,并在函数退出作用域时自动释放。请务必使用“安全”字符串函数,例如 strncpy(),它将接受缓冲区长度作为参数,以避免覆盖。

void Example(char* anotherString ) {
char tmpString[256]; // this will create a local buffer with capacity of 256 bytes
strncpy(tmpString, anotherString, sizeof(tmpString)); // copy string, without risk of overflowing the buffer

警告:永远不要尝试返回本地临时缓冲区作为结果,请记住,当函数退出时,它将不再存在,尽管返回的值最初可能具有有意义的结果,但它们肯定会一旦调用另一个函数就被销毁。相反,当您需要字符串返回值时,另一种常见做法是返回使用 malloc() 分配的字符串 - 需要使用 free() 释放该字符串- 您传递一个本地缓冲区,它将保存结果作为参数,如下所示:

void func1() {
char result[256];
func2(result, 256);
// after calling, result will carry "a returned string"

void func2(char* result, size_t bufferLen) {
strncpy(result, "a returned string", bufferLen);


关于c - memset 无法将字符串设置为零并进入段错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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