gpt4 book ai didi

无法弄清楚如何使用 if 语句返回除一个选项之外的任何内容

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 18:48:46 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

此社区的第一篇文章。开始在我的大学旁听一些 C 类(class),并且在 If 语句方面遇到了麻烦。在盯着并更改代码的变体几个小时后,我仍然没有弄清楚为什么我不能返回除了我设置的“评分”标准之一之外的值。如果有人愿意告诉我语法错误发生在哪里,甚至可能提示我应该重写哪一部分,我将非常感激。另外,如果我的逻辑需要一些温习,我会喜欢指针。再次感谢。

#include <stdio.h>

/* Main function */

int main()
int Answer1;
float Answer2;
float Answer3;
int Answer4;
int Answer5;
float Answer6;

int point1;
point1 = 0;
int point2;
point2 = 0;
int point3;
point3 = 0;
int point4;
point4 = 0;
int point5;
point5 = 0;
int point6;
point6 = 0;

char name;
int sum;
int score;
int multiplier1;
int bonus_score;
int counter;
counter = 1;
int x;
x = 1;
int y;
y = 2;
int z;
z = 3;

this is the end of my declaration system, now begins the actual functions.

printf (" Welcome to your career amplitude test! This simple program will tell you how far you'll go in life. \n");
printf (" Remember to write your answer to at least two decimal places. \n \n ");

printf ("1. What is 5 + 27? \n");
scanf ("%i", &Answer1);

printf("2. what is 2.7 - .85? \n");
scanf ("%f", &Answer2);

printf ("3. what is 2.3 - .1 * 4? \n");
scanf ("%f", &Answer3);

printf ("4. what is 123 * 123?\n");
scanf ("%i", &Answer4);

printf ("5. what is 945/5?\n");
scanf ("%i", &Answer5);

printf (" Bonus Question!!!!! \n");
printf (" what is the square root of 105487.19? You have 10 seconds to enter a number (not really though.) \n");
scanf ("%f", &Answer6);

after those are printed / scanned it will come up with a potential scoring
system using if statements and if else

if ( Answer1 == 32)
point1 = 1;
else ( Answer1 != 32);
point1 = 0;
if ( Answer2 == 1.85 )
point2 = 1;
else ( Answer2 != 1.85 );
point2 = 0;
if ( Answer3 == 1.9 )
point3 = 1;
else ( Answer3 != 1.9 );
point3 = 0;
if ( Answer4 == 15129 )
point4 = 1;
else ( Answer4 != 15129 );
point4 = 0;
if ( Answer5 == 189 )
point5 = 0;
else ( Answer5 != 189);
point5 = 0;

if ( Answer6 != 324.787 )
point6 = 0;
if ( Answer6 = 324.787 )
point6 = 1;

Now to actauly grade the assignment compared to the scoring system just established.

while (counter < 100)
counter = counter+x+y+z;
printf("Processing at a light speed rate equal to %i \n \n \n", counter);

/* the above is a joke and just wanted to implement a loop for pratice */

printf(" This is your raw score without the Bonus. \n");

sum = (point1 + point2 + point3 + point4 + point5);
score = sum;

if ( score = 0 )
score = 0;
printf (" Score: 0 \n");
printf (" You missed every question! \n");

else if ( score = 1 )
score = 1;
printf (" Score: 1 out of 5 \n");
printf ( " You only got one question right! The world needs ditch diggers too. \n");

else if ( score = 2 )
score = 2;
printf (" Score: 2 out of 5 \n");
printf ( " You missed 3 questions, pratice your soft skills \n");

else if ( score = 3 )
score = 3;
printf (" Score: 3 out of 5 \n" );
printf (" I forsee a future in the hedge fund industry \n");

else if ( score = 4 )
score = 4;
printf (" Score: 4 out of 5 \n ");
printf (" you could probably cook books for Enron \n");

else if ( score = 5)
score = 5;
printf (" Score: 5 out of 5 \n");
printf (" Go out there and break code for the CIA \n");

printf ("With the bonus considered, your score is now \n");
if ( point6 = 1 )
multiplier1 = 2;
else if ( point6 = 0)
multiplier1 = 1;

if ( multiplier1 = 2)
bonus_score = score * 2;

printf (" %i", bonus_score );
else if ( multiplier1 = 1)
bonus_score = score;
printf (" You got the Bonus wrong. Nothing new to see here. \n");

return 0;



if ( Answer1 == 32)
point1 = 1;
else ( Answer1 != 32); <<< problem
point1 = 0;


if ( Answer1 == 32 )
point1 = 1;
Answer1 != 32; // expression is evaluated, result is discarded.

point1 = 0;

因此,point1 = 0; 被无条件执行(在 if 语句体之外)。我猜你一定正在使用 gcc,因为编译器并没有因为其中有裸 block 而对你大喊大叫。

else 不采用控制表达式;你只需写

point1 = 0;

而且,由于您已经将 point1 初始化为 0,因此根本不需要 else 分支;你只需要

if ( Answer1 == 32 )
point1 = 1;

您在该 if 语句 block 中重复了相同的错误,因此这是您需要处理的第一件事。

其次,不建议将 == 与浮点类型一起使用。大多数浮点值无法精确存储在给定的位数中,因此存储的是近似值。由 scanf 存储到 Answer2 中的近似值可能与直接赋值存储的近似值不同。进一步加剧问题的是,像 1.85 这样的浮点常量具有 double 类型,它使用与 float 不同的表示形式,因此 ==在这种情况下, 甚至更不可能发挥作用。

除非您的空间确实很紧张(但事实并非如此),请使用double而不是float - 您可以获得更大的范围和精度,对于你正在做的事情来说,它不会变慢。


#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>

int EqualEnough( double a, double b, double max_diff )
double diff = fabs( a - b );
double a_abs = fabs( a );
double b_abs = fabs( b );
double larger = a_abs > b_abs ? a_abs : b_abs;

return diff <= larger * max_diff;

它并不完美,它不能涵盖所有情况,但就您的目的而言,它应该足够好。您可以在 main 之前定义它,并将其称为

if ( EqualEnough( Answer2, 1.85, DBL_EPSILON ) ) 
point2 = 1;

参见this page有关浮点比较的更完整讨论。


if ( score = 0 )

在此和以下 if 语句中,您使用了 = 赋值运算符而不是 == 相等运算符;您实际上分配值0给score。由于赋值表达式的结果是赋值后左侧的值,因此该表达式的计算结果为 0,即 false,因此不会采用该分支。

else if ( score = 1 )

在本例中,score 设置为 1,表达式的值为 1,因此采用分支。因此,对于这些语句,请确保使用 ==:

if ( score == 0 )
else if ( score == 1 )


当您发现自己创建了一堆具有相同名称的相同类型的变量,后跟一个基数(point1point2point3 等),这是一个强烈的暗示,您确实想要一个数组:

int point[6] = {0};  // initializes all elements to 0

if ( Answer1 == 32 )
point[0] = 1;

if ( EqualEnough( Answer2, 1.85, DBL_EPSILON ) )
point[1] = 1;

等等。请记住,C 中的数组从 0 开始索引,而不是 1,因此 point 数组中的元素将是 point[0]point[1] 点[2]、...、点[5]。这也使您可以轻松总结您的观点:

for ( size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
sum += points[i];

您不会对 Answer... 变量执行此操作,因为它们具有不同的类型。

关于无法弄清楚如何使用 if 语句返回除一个选项之外的任何内容,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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