- html - 出于某种原因,IE8 对我的 Sass 文件中继承的 html5 CSS 不友好?
- JMeter 在响应断言中使用 span 标签的问题
- html - 在 :hover and :active? 上具有不同效果的 CSS 动画
- html - 相对于居中的 html 内容固定的 CSS 重复背景?
在这里首次尝试 jquery 和 javascript。
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<!-- Basic styling, centering the canvas -->
canvas {
display: block;
position: absolute;
margin: auto;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.createjs.com/createjs-2013.12.12.min.js"></script>
* Constants
WIDTH = 700,
HEIGHT = 600,
pi = Math.PI,
UpArrow = 38,
DownArrow = 40,
* Game elements
* The player paddle
* @type {Object}
player = {
x: null,
y: null,
width: 20,
height: 100,
* Update the position depending on pressed keys
update: function () {
if (keystate[UpArrow]) this.y -= 7;
if (keystate[DownArrow]) this.y += 7;
// keep the paddle inside of the canvas
this.y = Math.max(Math.min(this.y, HEIGHT - this.height), 0);
* Draw the player paddle to the canvas
draw: function () {
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
* The ai paddle
* @type {Object}
ai = {
x: null,
y: null,
width: 20,
height: 100,
* Update the position depending on the ball position
update: function () {
// calculate ideal position
var desty = ball.y - (this.height - ball.side) * 0.5;
// ease the movement towards the ideal position
this.y += (desty - this.y) * 0.1;
// keep the paddle inside of the canvas
this.y = Math.max(Math.min(this.y, HEIGHT - this.height), 0);
* Draw the ai paddle to the canvas
draw: function () {
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
* The ball object
* @type {Object}
ball = {
x: null,
y: null,
vel: null,
side: 20,
speed: 12,
* Serves the ball towards the specified side
* @param {number} side 1 right
* -1 left
serve: function (side) {
// set the x and y position
var r = Math.random();
this.x = side === 1 ? player.x + player.width : ai.x - this.side;
this.y = (HEIGHT - this.side) * r;
// calculate out-angle, higher/lower on the y-axis =>
// steeper angle
var phi = 0.1 * pi * (1 - 2 * r);
// set velocity direction and magnitude
this.vel = {
x: side * this.speed * Math.cos(phi),
y: this.speed * Math.sin(phi)
* Update the ball position and keep it within the canvas
update: function () {
// update position with current velocity
this.x += this.vel.x;
this.y += this.vel.y;
// check if out of the canvas in the y direction
if (0 > this.y || this.y + this.side > HEIGHT) {
// calculate and add the right offset, i.e. how far
// inside of the canvas the ball is
var offset = this.vel.y < 0 ? 0 - this.y : HEIGHT - (this.y + this.side);
this.y += 2 * offset;
// mirror the y velocity
this.vel.y *= -1;
// helper function to check intesectiont between two
// axis aligned bounding boxex (AABB)
var AABBIntersect = function (ax, ay, aw, ah, bx, by, bw, bh) {
return ax < bx + bw && ay < by + bh && bx < ax + aw && by < ay + ah;
// check againts target paddle to check collision in x
// direction
var pdle = this.vel.x < 0 ? player : ai;
if (AABBIntersect(pdle.x, pdle.y, pdle.width, pdle.height,
this.x, this.y, this.side, this.side)
) {
// set the x position and calculate reflection angle
this.x = pdle === player ? player.x + player.width : ai.x - this.side;
var n = (this.y + this.side - pdle.y) / (pdle.height + this.side);
var phi = 0.25 * pi * (2 * n - 1); // pi/4 = 45
// calculate smash value and update velocity
var smash = Math.abs(phi) > 0.2 * pi ? 1.5 : 1;
this.vel.x = smash * (pdle === player ? 1 : -1) * this.speed * Math.cos(phi);
this.vel.y = smash * this.speed * Math.sin(phi);
// reset the ball when ball outside of the canvas in the
// x direction
if (0 > this.x + this.side || this.x > WIDTH) {
this.serve(pdle === player ? 1 : -1);
* Draw the ball to the canvas
draw: function () {
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.side, this.side);
* Starts the game
function main() {
// create, initiate and append game canvas
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = WIDTH;
canvas.height = HEIGHT;
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
keystate = {};
// keep track of keyboard presses
document.addEventListener("keydown", function (evt) {
keystate[evt.keyCode] = true;
document.addEventListener("keyup", function (evt) {
delete keystate[evt.keyCode];
init(); // initiate game objects
// game loop function
var loop = function () {
window.requestAnimationFrame(loop, canvas);
window.requestAnimationFrame(loop, canvas);
//Start of code that needs some help
var instructions = new createjs.Container();
instructions.alpha = 0;
instructions.regX = 125;
instructions.regY = 70;
instructions.x = stage.canvas.width / 2;
instructions.y = stage.canvas.height / 2;
var displayBox = new createjs.Shape();
displayBox.graphics.beginFill("white").beginStroke("#000").setStrokeStyle(1).drawRoundRect(0, 0, instructions.regX * 2, instructions.regY * 2, 5).endFill().endStroke();
var text = new createjs.Text("Here are the instructions. Click to continue, or else!!", "15pt Arial", "red");
text.lineWidth = 250;
text.textAlign = "center";
text.x = instructions.regX;
text.y = 10;
//instructions.addEventListener("click", handleInstructionsClick);
instructions.addChild(displayBox, text);
// createjs.Tween.get(instructions).to({ alpha: 1 }, 500);
//End of bad code block
* Initatite game objects and set start positions
function init() {
player.x = player.width;
player.y = (HEIGHT - player.height) / 2;
ai.x = WIDTH - (player.width + ai.width);
ai.y = (HEIGHT - ai.height) / 2;
* Update all game objects
function update() {
* Clear canvas and draw all game objects and net
function draw() {
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
ctx.fillStyle = "#fff";
// draw the net
var w = 4;
var x = (WIDTH - w) * 0.5;
var y = 0;
var step = HEIGHT / 20; // how many net segments
while (y < HEIGHT) {
ctx.fillRect(x, y + step * 0.25, w, step * 0.5);
y += step;
// start and run the game
当然,您可以在页面中添加任何元素,例如文本字段 (<input>
)。它被隐藏是因为 <canvas>
textField = document.createElement("input");
textField.type = "text";
input{position: relative;}
* Constants
score = 0,
WIDTH = 700,
HEIGHT = 600,
pi = Math.PI,
UpArrow = 38,
DownArrow = 40,
* Game elements
* The player paddle
* @type {Object}
player = {
x: null,
y: null,
width: 20,
height: 100,
* Update the position depending on pressed keys
update: function () {
if (keystate[UpArrow]) this.y -= 7;
if (keystate[DownArrow]) this.y += 7;
// keep the paddle inside of the canvas
this.y = Math.max(Math.min(this.y, HEIGHT - this.height), 0);
* Draw the player paddle to the canvas
draw: function () {
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
* The ai paddle
* @type {Object}
ai = {
x: null,
y: null,
width: 20,
height: 100,
* Update the position depending on the ball position
update: function () {
// calculate ideal position
var desty = ball.y - (this.height - ball.side) * 0.5;
// ease the movement towards the ideal position
this.y += (desty - this.y) * 0.1;
// keep the paddle inside of the canvas
this.y = Math.max(Math.min(this.y, HEIGHT - this.height), 0);
* Draw the ai paddle to the canvas
draw: function () {
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
* The ball object
* @type {Object}
ball = {
x: null,
y: null,
vel: null,
side: 20,
speed: 12,
* Serves the ball towards the specified side
* @param {number} side 1 right
* -1 left
serve: function (side) {
// set the x and y position
var r = Math.random();
this.x = side === 1 ? player.x + player.width : ai.x - this.side;
this.y = (HEIGHT - this.side) * r;
// calculate out-angle, higher/lower on the y-axis =>
// steeper angle
var phi = 0.1 * pi * (1 - 2 * r);
// set velocity direction and magnitude
this.vel = {
x: side * this.speed * Math.cos(phi),
y: this.speed * Math.sin(phi)
* Update the ball position and keep it within the canvas
update: function () {
// update position with current velocity
this.x += this.vel.x;
this.y += this.vel.y;
// check if out of the canvas in the y direction
if (0 > this.y || this.y + this.side > HEIGHT) {
// calculate and add the right offset, i.e. how far
// inside of the canvas the ball is
var offset = this.vel.y < 0 ? 0 - this.y : HEIGHT - (this.y + this.side);
this.y += 2 * offset;
// mirror the y velocity
this.vel.y *= -1;
// helper function to check intesectiont between two
// axis aligned bounding boxex (AABB)
var AABBIntersect = function (ax, ay, aw, ah, bx, by, bw, bh) {
return ax < bx + bw && ay < by + bh && bx < ax + aw && by < ay + ah;
// check againts target paddle to check collision in x
// direction
var pdle = this.vel.x < 0 ? player : ai;
if (AABBIntersect(pdle.x, pdle.y, pdle.width, pdle.height,
this.x, this.y, this.side, this.side)) {
// set the x position and calculate reflection angle
this.x = pdle === player ? player.x + player.width : ai.x - this.side;
var n = (this.y + this.side - pdle.y) / (pdle.height + this.side);
var phi = 0.25 * pi * (2 * n - 1); // pi/4 = 45
// calculate smash value and update velocity
var smash = Math.abs(phi) > 0.2 * pi ? 1.5 : 1;
this.vel.x = smash * (pdle === player ? 1 : -1) * this.speed * Math.cos(phi);
this.vel.y = smash * this.speed * Math.sin(phi);
// reset the ball when ball outside of the canvas in the
// x direction
if (0 > this.x + this.side || this.x > WIDTH) {
this.serve(pdle === player ? 1 : -1);
* Draw the ball to the canvas
draw: function () {
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.side, this.side);
* Starts the game
function main() {
// create, initiate and append game canvas
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = WIDTH;
canvas.height = HEIGHT;
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
textField = document.createElement("input");
textField.type = "text";
keystate = {};
// keep track of keyboard presses
document.addEventListener("keydown", function (evt) {
keystate[evt.keyCode] = true;
document.addEventListener("keyup", function (evt) {
delete keystate[evt.keyCode];
init(); // initiate game objects
// game loop function
var loop = function () {
window.requestAnimationFrame(loop, canvas);
window.requestAnimationFrame(loop, canvas);
//Start of code that needs some help
var instructions = new createjs.Container();
instructions.alpha = 0;
instructions.regX = 125;
instructions.regY = 70;
instructions.x = stage.canvas.width / 2;
instructions.y = stage.canvas.height / 2;
var displayBox = new createjs.Shape();
displayBox.graphics.beginFill("white").beginStroke("#000").setStrokeStyle(1).drawRoundRect(0, 0, instructions.regX * 2, instructions.regY * 2, 5).endFill().endStroke();
var text = new createjs.Text("Here are the instructions. Click to continue, or else!!", "15pt Arial", "red");
text.lineWidth = 250;
text.textAlign = "center";
text.x = instructions.regX;
text.y = 10;
//instructions.addEventListener("click", handleInstructionsClick);
instructions.addChild(displayBox, text);
// createjs.Tween.get(instructions).to({ alpha: 1 }, 500);
//End of bad code block
* Initatite game objects and set start positions
function init() {
player.x = player.width;
player.y = (HEIGHT - player.height) / 2;
ai.x = WIDTH - (player.width + ai.width);
ai.y = (HEIGHT - ai.height) / 2;
* Update all game objects
function update() {
* Clear canvas and draw all game objects and net
function draw() {
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
ctx.fillStyle = "#fff";
// draw the net
var w = 4;
var x = (WIDTH - w) * 0.5;
var y = 0;
var step = HEIGHT / 20; // how many net segments
while (y < HEIGHT) {
ctx.fillRect(x, y + step * 0.25, w, step * 0.5);
y += step;
// start and run the game
canvas {
display: block;
position: absolute;
margin: auto;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
input{position: relative;}
<script src="http://code.createjs.com/createjs-2013.12.12.min.js"></script>
关于javascript - 如何使用 jquery 正确创建文本字段,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28058407/
在带有 jQuery 的 CoffeeScript 中,以下语句有什么区别吗? jQuery ($) -> jQuery -> $ - > 最佳答案 第一个与其他两个不同,就像在纯 JavaScr
已关闭。这个问题是 off-topic 。目前不接受答案。 想要改进这个问题吗? Update the question所以它是on-topic用于堆栈溢出。 已关闭13 年前。 Improve th
这个问题可能听起来很愚蠢,但请耐心等待,因为我完全是初学者。我下载了两个 jQuery 版本,开发版本和生产版本。我想知道作为学习 jQuery 的初学者,什么更适合我。 最佳答案 如果您对 jQue
The documentation说要使用 1.6.4,但我们现在已经升级到 1.7.2。 我可以在 jQuery Mobile 中使用最新版本的 jQuery 吗? 最佳答案 您当然可以,但如果您想
我在这里看到这个不错的 jquery 插件:prettyphoto jquery lightbox有没有办法只用一个简单的jquery来实现这样的效果。 我只需要弹出和内联内容。你的回复有很大帮助。
很明显我正在尝试做一些 jQuery 不喜欢的事情。 我正在使用 javascript 上传图片。每次上传图片时,我都希望它可见,并附加一个有效的删除脚本。显示工作正常,删除则不然,因为当我用 fir
这两个哪个是正确的? jQuery('someclass').click(function() { alert("I've been clicked!"); }); 或 jQuery('somec
我正在寻找一个具有以下格式的插件 if (jQuery)(function ($) { -- plugin code -- })(jQuery); 我明白 (function ($)
关闭。这个问题是opinion-based 。目前不接受答案。 想要改进这个问题吗?更新问题,以便 editing this post 可以用事实和引文来回答它。 . 已关闭10 年前。 Improv
我知道这个问题已经被问过几次了,但想知道您是否可以帮助我解决这个问题。 背景:我尝试创建一个使用 Ajax 提交的表单(jQuery 表单提交)。我已经工作得很好,然后我想在表单上得到验证。我可以使用
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我更喜欢为我一直在开发的网络社区添加实用的视觉效果,但随着事情开始堆积,我担心加载时间。 拥有用户真的更快吗加载(希望是缓存的)副本来自 Google 存储库的 jquery? 是否使用 jQuery
这个问题已经有答案了: Slide right to left? (17 个回答) 已关闭 9 年前。 你能告诉我有没有办法在 jQuery 中左右滑动而不使用 jQuery UI 和 jQuery
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运行时 php bin/console oro:assets:build ,我有 11 个这样的错误: ERROR in ../node_modules/jquery-form/src/jquery.
我试图找到 jQuery.ajax() 在源代码中的定义位置。但是,使用 grep 似乎不起作用。 在哪里? 谢谢。 > grep jQuery.ajax src/* src/ajax.js:// B
$.fn.sortByDepth = function() { var ar = []; var result = $([]); $(this).each(function()
我的页面上有多个图像。为了检测损坏的图像,我使用了在 SO 上找到的这个。 $('.imgRot').one('error',function(){ $(this).attr('src','b
我在理解 $ 符号作为 jQuery 函数的别名时遇到了一些麻烦,尤其是在插件中。你能解释一下 jQuery 如何实现这种别名:它如何定义 '$' 作为 jQuery 函数的别名?这是第一个问题。 其