gpt4 book ai didi

c - 值同步无法正常工作

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case 'b':


for (t=0;t<350;t++) {
int result2[350];
result2[t] = strcmp(blankSpace, parkingSpace[t]); // determine if the value of parkingSpace is the same as strcmp "empty"

if (result2[t] == 0) { // if value of parkingSpace == "empty"
// use spaceNumber; sync int variable w/array index

strcpy(carCustomer[t], customerName);
// copy value of car number to index
strcpy(parkingSpace[t], carNumber); // omit array index to ensure this can run
break; // required, as will print other available spaces otherwise

printf("You will take %s's car\n", carCustomer[t]);
printf("Please drive the car over to %c%d\n", level, spaceNumber[t][3]);

t 是我在 main 外部全局声明的一个整型变量。以下是我这里用到的函数内容:

void CaseBPrompt() {
printf("You have chosen to park a customer's car \n");
printf("Please input the customer's name, using _ in lieu of a space\n");
scanf(" %s", &customerName);
// assign customer's name to carNumber - new array?

printf("Please input the values of the number plate\n");
// ensure use %s, as collecting string, and so const char/char error won't occur
scanf(" %s", &carNumber);

void LevelPrint(int n) {
if (spaceNumber[n][3] <= 100) {
level = 'A';
// don't forget to write out complete matrix for spaceNumber!

printf("There is an available space at parking space %c%d\n", level,spaceNumber[n][3]);
// assign parkingSpace array index w/user input

} else if (spaceNumber[n][3] > 100 && spaceNumber[n][3]<= 200) {
level = 'B';
spaceNumber[n][3]-=100; // display correct parking space at corresponding level
printf("There is an available space at parking space %c%d\n", level,spaceNumber[n][3]);

} else if (spaceNumber[n][3] > 200 && spaceNumber[n][3]<= 300) {
level = 'C';
spaceNumber[n][3]-=200; // display correct parking space at corresponding level
printf("There is an available space at parking space %c%d\n", level,spaceNumber[n][3]);

} else if (spaceNumber[n][3] > 300 && spaceNumber[n][3]<= 350) {
level = 'D';
spaceNumber[n][3]-=300; // display correct parking space at corresponding level
printf("There is an available space at parking space %c%d\n", level,spaceNumber[n][3]);

void Synchronise(int a) {
spaceNumber[a][3] = n+1; // synchronise w/parking space
carCustomer2[a][3] = n+1; // synchronise w/car customer name


Please write car number (without spaces):

Valet options (press the corresponding letter to select):
a) Check available spaces
b) Park a customer's car
c) Retrieve a customer's car
q) Exit the program
Your choice: b
You have chosen to park a customer's car
Please input the customer's name, using _ in lieu of a space
Please input the values of the number plate
There is an available space at parking space A1
You will take b's car
Please drive the car over to A1
Valet options (press the corresponding letter to select):
a) Check available spaces
b) Park a customer's car
c) Retrieve a customer's car
q) Exit the program
Your choice: b
You have chosen to park a customer's car
Please input the customer's name, using _ in lieu of a space
Please input the values of the number plate
There is an available space at parking space **A1**
You will take b's car
Please drive the car over to **A1**
Valet options (press the corresponding letter to select):
a) Check available spaces
b) Park a customer's car
c) Retrieve a customer's car
q) Exit the program
Your choice: c
You have chosen to retrieve a customer's car
Please write their name, again with _ in lieu of a space:
Please write down what was on their number plate:
c's car is at **1**.
Valet options (press the corresponding letter to select):
a) Check available spaces
b) Park a customer's car
c) Retrieve a customer's car
q) Exit the program
Your choice:

输出中用星号包围的字符是我所关心的,因为在 case 'c' 下添加代码之前,case b 下的代码会正确打印。我正在使用 DevC++,我想知道我的代码是否有问题。

当我再次选择执行选项 B 时,代码会为之前的每次迭代打印 A2、A3 等,并且选项 C 输出下显示的值是 149,因为我预先分配了一个值parkingSpace[150][3] 下的 90jda

parkingSpace 下的值旨在与 case 'b'blankSpace 同步,并打印出其中的可用空间。 for 循环。对于 case 'c'parkingSpace 旨在与保存与用户输入 carNumber 中的字符串相同的任何索引进行同步,该字符串在case 'c'for 循环的开头。



关于c - 值同步无法正常工作,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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