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c# - 我怎样才能让这个并发字典用计时器过期?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 16:47:39 31 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

这段代码似乎在缓存异步方法结果方面做得很好。我想给它添加某种到期时间。我已经尝试过 Tuple,但没有成功地让它完全工作/编译。

private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<object, SemaphoreSlim> _keyLocks = new ConcurrentDictionary<object, SemaphoreSlim>();
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<object, Tuple<List<UnitDTO>, DateTime>> _cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<object, Tuple<List<UnitDTO>, DateTime>>();

public async Task<string> GetSomethingAsync(string key)
string value;
// get the semaphore specific to this key
var keyLock = _keyLocks.GetOrAdd(key, x => new SemaphoreSlim(1));
await keyLock.WaitAsync();
// try to get value from cache
if (!_cache.TryGetValue(key, out value))
// if value isn't cached, get it the long way asynchronously
value = await GetSomethingTheLongWayAsync();

// cache value
_cache.TryAdd(key, value);
return value;



来自 msdn,作者:Stephen Cleary

Asynchronous code is often used to initialize a resource that’s then cached and shared. There isn’t a built-in type for this, but Stephen Toub developed an AsyncLazy that acts like a merge of Task and Lazy. The original type is described on his blog, and an updated version is available in my AsyncEx library.

public class AsyncLazy<T> : Lazy<Task<T>> 
public AsyncLazy(Func<T> valueFactory) :
base(() => Task.Factory.StartNew(valueFactory)) { }
public AsyncLazy(Func<Task<T>> taskFactory) :
base(() => Task.Factory.StartNew(() => taskFactory()).Unwrap()) { }


假设在我们的程序中我们有这些 AsyncLazy 实例之一:

static string LoadString() { … }
static AsyncLazy<string> m_data = new AsyncLazy<string>(LoadString);



string data = await m_data.Value;

Lazy<T> 是合适的,但不幸的是它似乎缺少索引结果的输入参数。同样的问题已解决 here,其中解释了如何缓存长期运行的资源密集型方法的结果,以防它异步


在我展示与缓存管理相关的主要更改以及具体到您建议的实现之前,让我根据以下 concerns 建议一些边际优化选项 .

often with locks, when you access them they’re uncontended, and in such cases you really want acquiring and releasing the lock to be as low-overhead as possible; in other words, accessing uncontended locks should involve a fast path


  1. 您需要在等待后再次测试 TryGetValue,因为另一个并行进程可能同时添加了该值
  2. 在等待时你不需要保持锁

这种开销与缓存未命中的平衡已经在之前的 answer 中针对类似问题指出过。

Obviously, there's overhead keeping SemaphoreSlim objects around to prevent cache misses so it may not be worth it depending on the use case. But if guaranteeing no cache misses is important than this accomplishes that.


关于缓存过期,我建议将创建日期时间添加到字典的值(即从 GetSomethingTheLongWayAsync 返回值的时间),然后在固定时间跨度后丢弃缓存值。


    private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<object, SemaphoreSlim> _keyLocks = new ConcurrentDictionary<object, SemaphoreSlim>();
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<object, Tuple<string, DateTime>> _cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<object, Tuple<string, DateTime>>();

private static bool IsExpiredDelete(Tuple<string, DateTime> value, string key)
bool _is_exp = (DateTime.Now - value.Item2).TotalMinutes > Expiration;
if (_is_exp)
_cache.TryRemove(key, out value);
return _is_exp;
public async Task<string> GetSomethingAsync(string key)
Tuple<string, DateTime> cached;
// get the semaphore specific to this key
var keyLock = _keyLocks.GetOrAdd(key, x => new SemaphoreSlim(1));
await keyLock.WaitAsync();
// try to get value from cache
if (!_cache.TryGetValue(key, out cached) || IsExpiredDelete(cached,key))
//possible performance optimization: measure it before uncommenting
string value = await GetSomethingTheLongWayAsync(key);
DateTime creation = DateTime.Now;
// in case of performance optimization
// get the semaphore specific to this key
//keyLock = _keyLocks.GetOrAdd(key, x => new SemaphoreSlim(1));
//await keyLock.WaitAsync();
bool notFound;
if (notFound = !_cache.TryGetValue(key, out cached) || IsExpiredDelete(cached, key))
cached = new Tuple<string, DateTime>(value, creation);
_cache.TryAdd(key, cached);
if (!notFound && cached.Item2 < creation)
cached = new Tuple<string, DateTime>(value, creation);
_cache.TryAdd(key, cached);
return cached?.Item1;




顺便说一句,请注意 Dictionary 不是 static,因为可以缓存两个具有相同签名的不同方法。

public class Cached<FromT, ToT>
private Func<FromT, Task<ToT>> GetSomethingTheLongWayAsync;
public Cached (Func<FromT, Task<ToT>> _GetSomethingTheLongWayAsync, int expiration_min ) {
GetSomethingTheLongWayAsync = _GetSomethingTheLongWayAsync;
Expiration = expiration_min;

int Expiration = 1;

private ConcurrentDictionary<FromT, SemaphoreSlim> _keyLocks = new ConcurrentDictionary<FromT, SemaphoreSlim>();
private ConcurrentDictionary<FromT, Tuple<ToT, DateTime>> _cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<FromT, Tuple<ToT, DateTime>>();

private bool IsExpiredDelete(Tuple<ToT, DateTime> value, FromT key)
bool _is_exp = (DateTime.Now - value.Item2).TotalMinutes > Expiration;
if (_is_exp)
_cache.TryRemove(key, out value);
return _is_exp;
public async Task<ToT> GetSomethingAsync(FromT key)
Tuple<ToT, DateTime> cached;
// get the semaphore specific to this key
var keyLock = _keyLocks.GetOrAdd(key, x => new SemaphoreSlim(1));
await keyLock.WaitAsync();
// try to get value from cache
if (!_cache.TryGetValue(key, out cached) || IsExpiredDelete(cached, key))
//possible performance optimization: measure it before uncommenting
ToT value = await GetSomethingTheLongWayAsync(key);
DateTime creation = DateTime.Now;
// in case of performance optimization
// get the semaphore specific to this key
//keyLock = _keyLocks.GetOrAdd(key, x => new SemaphoreSlim(1));
//await keyLock.WaitAsync();
bool notFound;
if (notFound = !_cache.TryGetValue(key, out cached) || IsExpiredDelete(cached, key))
cached = new Tuple<ToT, DateTime>(value, creation);
_cache.TryAdd(key, cached);
if (!notFound && cached.Item2 < creation)
cached = new Tuple<ToT, DateTime>(value, creation);
_cache.TryAdd(key, cached);
return cached.Item1;


对于通用 FromTIEqualityComparer 需要 Dictionary


    private static async Task<string> GetSomethingTheLongWayAsync(int key)
await Task.Delay(15000);
Console.WriteLine("Long way for: " + key);
return key.ToString();

static void Main(string[] args)

private static async Task Test()
int key;
string val;
key = 1;
var cache = new Cached<int, string>(GetSomethingTheLongWayAsync, 1);
Console.WriteLine("getting " + key);
val = await cache.GetSomethingAsync(key);
Console.WriteLine("getting " + key + " resulted in " + val);

Console.WriteLine("getting " + key);
val = await cache.GetSomethingAsync(key);
Console.WriteLine("getting " + key + " resulted in " + val);

await Task.Delay(65000);

Console.WriteLine("getting " + key);
val = await cache.GetSomethingAsync(key);
Console.WriteLine("getting " + key + " resulted in " + val);


还有更高级的可能性,例如 GetOrAdd 的重载,它采用委托(delegate)和 Lazy 对象来确保生成器函数只被调用一次(而不是信号量和锁)。

   public class AsyncCache<FromT, ToT>
private Func<FromT, Task<ToT>> GetSomethingTheLongWayAsync;
public AsyncCache(Func<FromT, Task<ToT>> _GetSomethingTheLongWayAsync, int expiration_min)
GetSomethingTheLongWayAsync = _GetSomethingTheLongWayAsync;
Expiration = expiration_min;

int Expiration;

private ConcurrentDictionary<FromT, Tuple<Lazy<Task<ToT>>, DateTime>> _cache =
new ConcurrentDictionary<FromT, Tuple<Lazy<Task<ToT>>, DateTime>>();

private bool IsExpiredDelete(Tuple<Lazy<Task<ToT>>, DateTime> value, FromT key)
bool _is_exp = (DateTime.Now - value.Item2).TotalMinutes > Expiration;
if (_is_exp)
_cache.TryRemove(key, out value);
return _is_exp;
public async Task<ToT> GetSomethingAsync(FromT key)
var res = _cache.AddOrUpdate(key,
t => new Tuple<Lazy<Task<ToT>>, DateTime>(new Lazy<Task<ToT>>(
() => GetSomethingTheLongWayAsync(key)
, DateTime.Now) ,
(k,t) =>
if (IsExpiredDelete(t, k))
return new Tuple<Lazy<Task<ToT>>, DateTime>(new Lazy<Task<ToT>>(
() => GetSomethingTheLongWayAsync(k)
), DateTime.Now);
return t;

return await res.Item1.Value;


相同的用法,只是将 AsyncCache 替换为 Cached

关于c# - 我怎样才能让这个并发字典用计时器过期?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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