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仍在 ASP.NET Core 中使用 OpenIdDict(凭据流)定期与 OpenAuth 斗争,我更新到最新的 OpenIdDict 位和 VS2017 我的旧示例代码,您可以在 https://github.com/Myrmex/repro-oidang 找到, 以及创建基本启动模板的完整分步指导。希望这对社区有用,有助于开始简单的安全场景,因此欢迎对这个简单的示例代码做出任何贡献。
基本上我遵循了 OpenIdDict 作者的凭据流程示例,并且我可以在请求它时取回我的 token (使用 Fiddler):
POST http://localhost:50728/connect/token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
grant_type=password&scope=offline_access profile email roles&resource=http://localhost:4200&username=zeus&password=P4ssw0rd!
问题是,当我尝试使用此 token 时,我不断收到 401,没有任何其他提示:无一异常(exception),没有任何记录。请求是这样的:
GET http://localhost:50728/api/values
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer ...
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// setup options with DI
// https://docs.asp.net/en/latest/fundamentals/configuration.html
// CORS (note: if using Azure, remember to enable CORS in the portal, too!)
// add entity framework and its context(s) using in-memory
// (or use the commented line to use a connection string to a real DB)
.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>
// options.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("Authentication")));
// register the entity sets needed by OpenIddict.
// Note: use the generic overload if you need
// to replace the default OpenIddict entities.
// register the Identity services
services.AddIdentity<ApplicationUser, IdentityRole>()
// configure Identity to use the same JWT claims as OpenIddict instead
// of the legacy WS-Federation claims it uses by default (ClaimTypes),
// which saves you from doing the mapping in your authorization controller.
services.Configure<IdentityOptions>(options =>
options.ClaimsIdentity.UserNameClaimType = OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Name;
options.ClaimsIdentity.UserIdClaimType = OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Subject;
options.ClaimsIdentity.RoleClaimType = OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Role;
// register the OpenIddict services
services.AddOpenIddict(options =>
// register the Entity Framework stores
// register the ASP.NET Core MVC binder used by OpenIddict.
// Note: if you don't call this method, you won't be able to
// bind OpenIdConnectRequest or OpenIdConnectResponse parameters
// to action methods. Alternatively, you can still use the lower-level
// HttpContext.GetOpenIdConnectRequest() API.
// enable the endpoints
// http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#UserInfo
// enable the password flow
// during development, you can disable the HTTPS requirement
// Note: to use JWT access tokens instead of the default
// encrypted format, the following lines are required:
// options.UseJsonWebTokens();
// options.AddEphemeralSigningKey();
// add framework services
.AddJsonOptions(options =>
options.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver =
new Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();
// seed the database with the demo user details
services.AddTransient<IDatabaseInitializer, DatabaseInitializer>();
// swagger
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory,
IDatabaseInitializer databaseInitializer)
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/error-handling
if (env.IsDevelopment()) app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage();
// to serve up index.html
// https://docs.asp.net/en/latest/security/cors.html
app.UseCors(builder =>
// add a middleware used to validate access tokens and protect the API endpoints
// app.UseMvcWithDefaultRoute();
// app.UseWelcomePage();
// seed the database
// swagger
// enable middleware to serve generated Swagger as a JSON endpoint
// enable middleware to serve swagger-ui assets (HTML, JS, CSS etc.)
然后是我的 Controller (您可以在上面引用的存储库中找到整个解决方案):
public sealed class AuthorizationController : Controller
private readonly IOptions<IdentityOptions> _identityOptions;
private readonly SignInManager<ApplicationUser> _signInManager;
private readonly UserManager<ApplicationUser> _userManager;
public AuthorizationController(
IOptions<IdentityOptions> identityOptions,
SignInManager<ApplicationUser> signInManager,
UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager)
_identityOptions = identityOptions;
_signInManager = signInManager;
_userManager = userManager;
private async Task<AuthenticationTicket> CreateTicketAsync(OpenIdConnectRequest request, ApplicationUser user)
// Create a new ClaimsPrincipal containing the claims that
// will be used to create an id_token, a token or a code.
ClaimsPrincipal principal = await _signInManager.CreateUserPrincipalAsync(user);
// Create a new authentication ticket holding the user identity.
AuthenticationTicket ticket = new AuthenticationTicket(
principal, new AuthenticationProperties(),
// Set the list of scopes granted to the client application.
// Note: the offline_access scope must be granted
// to allow OpenIddict to return a refresh token.
ticket.SetScopes(new[] {
// Note: by default, claims are NOT automatically included in the access and identity tokens.
// To allow OpenIddict to serialize them, you must attach them a destination, that specifies
// whether they should be included in access tokens, in identity tokens or in both.
foreach (var claim in ticket.Principal.Claims)
// Never include the security stamp in the access and identity tokens, as it's a secret value.
if (claim.Type == _identityOptions.Value.ClaimsIdentity.SecurityStampClaimType)
List<string> destinations = new List<string>
// Only add the iterated claim to the id_token if the corresponding scope was granted to the client application.
// The other claims will only be added to the access_token, which is encrypted when using the default format.
if (claim.Type == OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Name &&
ticket.HasScope(OpenIdConnectConstants.Scopes.Profile) ||
claim.Type == OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Email &&
ticket.HasScope(OpenIdConnectConstants.Scopes.Email) ||
claim.Type == OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Role &&
return ticket;
[HttpPost("~/connect/token"), Produces("application/json")]
public async Task<IActionResult> Exchange(OpenIdConnectRequest request)
// if you prefer not to bind the request as a parameter, you can still use:
// OpenIdConnectRequest request = HttpContext.GetOpenIdConnectRequest();
"The OpenIddict binder for ASP.NET Core MVC is not registered. " +
"Make sure services.AddOpenIddict().AddMvcBinders() is correctly called.");
if (!request.IsPasswordGrantType())
return BadRequest(new OpenIdConnectResponse
Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.UnsupportedGrantType,
ErrorDescription = "The specified grant type is not supported."
ApplicationUser user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(request.Username);
if (user == null)
return BadRequest(new OpenIdConnectResponse
Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidGrant,
ErrorDescription = "The username/password couple is invalid."
// Ensure the user is allowed to sign in.
if (!await _signInManager.CanSignInAsync(user))
return BadRequest(new OpenIdConnectResponse
Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidGrant,
ErrorDescription = "The specified user is not allowed to sign in."
// Reject the token request if two-factor authentication has been enabled by the user.
if (_userManager.SupportsUserTwoFactor && await _userManager.GetTwoFactorEnabledAsync(user))
return BadRequest(new OpenIdConnectResponse
Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidGrant,
ErrorDescription = "The specified user is not allowed to sign in."
// Ensure the user is not already locked out.
if (_userManager.SupportsUserLockout && await _userManager.IsLockedOutAsync(user))
return BadRequest(new OpenIdConnectResponse
Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidGrant,
ErrorDescription = "The username/password couple is invalid."
// Ensure the password is valid.
if (!await _userManager.CheckPasswordAsync(user, request.Password))
if (_userManager.SupportsUserLockout)
await _userManager.AccessFailedAsync(user);
return BadRequest(new OpenIdConnectResponse
Error = OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.InvalidGrant,
ErrorDescription = "The username/password couple is invalid."
if (_userManager.SupportsUserLockout)
await _userManager.ResetAccessFailedCountAsync(user);
// Create a new authentication ticket.
AuthenticationTicket ticket = await CreateTicketAsync(request, user);
var result = SignIn(ticket.Principal, ticket.Properties, ticket.AuthenticationScheme);
return result;
// return SignIn(ticket.Principal, ticket.Properties, ticket.AuthenticationScheme);
public async Task<IActionResult> Logout()
// Extract the authorization request from the ASP.NET environment.
OpenIdConnectRequest request = HttpContext.GetOpenIdConnectRequest();
// Ask ASP.NET Core Identity to delete the local and external cookies created
// when the user agent is redirected from the external identity provider
// after a successful authentication flow (e.g Google or Facebook).
await _signInManager.SignOutAsync();
// Returning a SignOutResult will ask OpenIddict to redirect the user agent
// to the post_logout_redirect_uri specified by the client application.
return SignOut(OpenIdConnectServerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme);
// http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#UserInfo
public async Task<IActionResult> GetUserInfo()
ApplicationUser user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User);
// to simplify, in this demo we just have 1 role for users: either admin or editor
string sRole = await _userManager.IsInRoleAsync(user, "admin")
? "admin"
: "editor";
// http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#StandardClaims
return Ok(new
sub = user.Id,
given_name = user.FirstName,
family_name = user.LastName,
name = user.UserName,
email_verified = user.EmailConfirmed,
roles = sRole
如本blog post所述,最近 OpenIddict 使用的 token 格式略有变化,这使得最新的 OpenIddict 位发布的 token 与您正在使用的旧 OAuth2 验证中间件版本不兼容。
迁移到 AspNet.Security.OAuth.Validation
关于c# - OpenIdDict 和 ASP.NET Core : 401 after successfully getting the token back (full repro),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43271851/
我试图对 ASP.Net MVC 有一个高层次的理解,我开始意识到它看起来很像原始的 ASP 脚本。过去,我们将“模型”/业务逻辑代码组织到 VBScript 类或 VB COM 组件中。 当然,现在
我已经搜索了一段时间,但似乎找不到答案。 我想在我的旋转木马中显示一个计数器,左边是当前项目(工作),左边是项目总数。 我的代码:
. 最佳答案 Scott Gu 称这些为代码块。这就是我的看法。 http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/04/06/new-lt-gt-syntax
我有一个使用 Visual Studio 2010/.net 4/VB 制作的网站。 我真的很喜欢我发现的 FAQ 系统的布局,因为它很简单,但它是经典的 asp。所以,显然,我不能包括我的母版页布局
好吧,对于你们许多人来说,这个问题可能有一个非常明显的答案,但它让我难住了。 我有一个 asp.net Web 表单,上面有两个控件(嗯,不止这两个,但我们将重点关注这些) - 第一个是 asp:dr
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I am creating a products page, where the user selects an option in a radiobuttonlist for example, an
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从本周开始,我被要求开始学习如何使用 ASP 开发网站。我通过 XNA 对 C# 有一定的经验,所以这部分对我来说并不是什么麻烦。 我一直在关注Music Store Tutorial这需要我设置一个
关闭。这个问题需要多问focused 。目前不接受答案。 想要改进此问题吗?更新问题,使其仅关注一个问题 editing this post . 已关闭 8 年前。 Improve this ques
我想将一些表单变量发布到经典 ASP 页面中。我不想改变经典的 ASP 页面,因为需要完成大量的工作,以及消耗它们的页面数量。 经典的 ASP 页面需要将表单变量 Username 和 Userpas
已结束。此问题正在寻求书籍、工具、软件库等的推荐。它不满足Stack Overflow guidelines 。目前不接受答案。 我们不允许提出寻求书籍、工具、软件库等推荐的问题。您可以编辑问题,以便
关闭。这个问题需要多问focused 。目前不接受答案。 想要改进此问题吗?更新问题,使其仅关注一个问题 editing this post . 已关闭 9 年前。 Improve this ques
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我有一个经典的 asp 应用程序。我想将该页面的竞赛表格发布到 Asp.Net 表格。原因是我想在进入数据库之前使用我在 Asp.Net 页面中内置的大量逻辑进行验证,而我对 asp 不太了解。更不用
我知道在 ASP.NET MVC 中,您可以拥有移动 View 并执行类似 Index.mobile.cshtml 的操作。和 _Layout.mobile.cshtml并且服务器知道将这些 View
我需要从一些服务器端 c#.net 代码中调用经典 asp 页面上的 VBscript 函数 - 有谁知道一种干净的方法来做到这一点?在 .net 中重写函数不是一种选择。 我会再解释一下这个问题..