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C - 带单词和频率的排序链表

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 16:37:47 25 4
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我在完成编程类(class)的代码时遇到一些问题(我是 C 的绝对初学者)。目的是从标准输入(runfile < input.c)读取单词,计算它们的频率,并按字母顺序对列表进行排序(首先是大写单词),示例输出:

Image Sample output

我在 Stack 上找到了一些代码,我对其进行了修改,到目前为止它会生成包含单词及其频率的输出。但是,我不知道如何按照上面的示例对列表进行排序。我们的老师建议,如果找到一个新单词,应该立即将其插入排序到链接列表中,他给了我们以下代码示例(摘自 this program ):

void addSorted(link *n, int x) {
if (*n == NULL || x < (*n)->data) {
*n = cons(x, *n);
} else {
addSorted(&((*n)->next), x);

据我了解,“link *n”应该是指向下一个节点的指针,“data”在这种情况下保存整数,“cons”应该是此代码中用于构造新节点的函数或链接,不确定“int x”,我猜它是当前用于比较的整数。正如我所说,我在将最后一点调整到我的代码中时遇到了麻烦。我尝试调整我的 addWord() 函数,但它对我不起作用。下面是我迄今为止的工作代码:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

//=============== STRUCTURE ==================
typedef struct word {
char *mywords; // list node with word pointer
int freq; // Frequency count
struct word *pNext; // Pointer to next node in linked list
} Word;

//======= INITIATION OF FUNCTIONS ===========
int readWord(char *temp_word, int temp_size); // Given function to get words
void addWord(char *pWord); // Adds a word to the list or updates exisiting word
void printmywords(Word *pListNodes); // Output list of words and frequencies
Word* construct(char *word); // Constructs list nodes

//============GLOBAL VARIABLES================
Word *pFirst = NULL; // Pointer to first node in linked list

//================ MAIN ======================
int main () {

char temp_word[32]; // temporary buffer to hold words
int size = 10000;

Word *pNode = NULL; // pointer to word counter

while (readWord(temp_word, size)) { // Read all words from standard input

addWord(temp_word); // Add word to list

// List the words and their counts
pNode = pFirst;
while(pNode != NULL)
pNode = pNode->pNext;

// Free the allocated memory
pNode = pFirst;
while(pNode != NULL)
pFirst = pNode;
pNode = pNode->pNext;
return 0;

//================ FUNCTIONS =================

void printmywords(Word *pListNodes)
printf("\n%-20s %5d", pListNodes->mywords,pListNodes->freq); // output word and frequency

void addWord(char *word)
Word *pNode = NULL;
Word *pLast = NULL;

if(pFirst == NULL)
pFirst = construct(word);

// Update frequency, if word in list
pNode = pFirst;
while(pNode != NULL)
if(strcmp(word, pNode->mywords) == 0)
pLast = pNode;
pNode = pNode->pNext;

// Add new word, if not in list
pLast->pNext = construct(word);

Word* construct(char *word)
Word *pNode = NULL;
pNode = (Word*)malloc(sizeof(Word));
pNode->mywords = (char*)malloc(strlen(word)+1);
strcpy(pNode->mywords, word);
pNode->freq = 1;
pNode->pNext = NULL;
return pNode;

int readWord(char *temp_word, int temp_size) {
char *p = temp_word;
char c;

// skip all non-word characters
do {
c = getchar();
if (c == EOF)
return 0;
} while (!isalpha(c));

// read word chars
do {
if (p - temp_word < temp_size - 1)
*p++ = c;
c = getchar();
} while (isalpha(c));

// finalize word
*p = '\0';
return 1;




Word *cons(char *word, Word *next) {
Word *result = construct(word);
if (result) {
result->pNext = next;
else {
printf("Out of memory in cons\n");
return result;

void addSorted(Word **nodeRef, char *word) {
Word *node = *nodeRef;

/* strcmp will do a binary comparison, which suits your purpose
because you want capitalized words before lower-case; the order
of the arguments is important - <0 means the first argument should
come before the second argument. */

if ((node == NULL) || (strcmp(word, node->mywords) < 0)) {
*nodeRef = cons(word, node);
else if (strcmp(word, node->mywords) == 0) {
else {
/* there's not really any point to using recursion on a linked
list, except for the fact that it's really easy to use recursion
on a linked list. On a vary large list, iteration would most likely
be faster; however, professors really like to show how clever they
are, so you're better off using it anyway. */

addSorted(&node->pNext, word);


char temp_word[32]; // temporary buffer to hold words
int size = 10000;

您有一个 31 个字符的缓冲区,但您告诉您的 readWord 函数它是 10K 个字符?

此外,不要转换 malloc() 的返回值。

关于C - 带单词和频率的排序链表,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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