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javascript - free-jqGrid 搜索按钮在第二次单击时不起作用

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 16:30:28 28 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

搜索按钮在第一次点击时起作用,但是一旦通过单击 X(关闭按钮)或运行搜索(设置为搜索后关闭)将其关闭,它就不会打开,也没有错误控制台所以我无法确定什么是错误的以及如何解决它。

var previouslySelectedRow = null;
var rowIsSelected = null;
var previousRowIsSelected = null;
var currentRowId;
var currentCount;
var cancelEditing = function(theGrid) {
var lrid;
if (typeof previouslySelectedRow !== "undefined") {
// cancel editing of the previous selected row if it was in editing state.
// jqGrid hold intern savedRow array inside of jqGrid object,
// so it is safe to call restoreRow method with any id parameter
// if jqGrid not in editing state
theGrid.jqGrid('restoreRow', previouslySelectedRow);

// now we need to restore the icons in the formatter:"actions"
lrid = $.jgrid.jqID(previouslySelectedRow);
$("tr#" + lrid + " div.ui-inline-edit").show();
$("tr#" + lrid + " div.ui-inline-save, " + "tr#" + lrid + " div.ui-inline-cancel").hide();

var parsedResult = JSON.parse(DecodeAscii(result));
ShowDebugNotification("DEBUG INFO(" + ajaxCall + "): <br />" + result, false);
data: parsedResult,
datatype: "local",
loadonce: true,
height: 'auto',
marginLeft: 'auto',
colNames: [
'Product Id', 'Add', 'Product Name', 'Product Code', 'Customer Price'
colModel: [
{ name: 'Id', width: 0, hidden:true },
{ name: "actions", template: "actions", width: 50, formatoptions:{
delbutton: false,
editbutton: false
} },
{ name: 'Name', index: 'Name', width: 550, search: true, searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','bw','bn','cn','nc','ew','en']} },
{ name: 'ProductCode', index: 'ProductCode', width: 150, search: true, searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','bw','bn','cn','nc','ew','en']} },
{ name: 'Price', index: 'Price', width: 100, search: false, formatter: 'currency', formatoptions:{decimalSeparator:".", thousandsSeparator: ",", decimalPlaces: 2, prefix: "$"}}
rowNum: 15,
rowList: [5, 10, 15, 20],
pager: true,
gridView: true,
viewrecords: true,
iconSet: "jQueryUI",
sortname: 'Name',
sortorder: 'asc',
inlineEditing: { keys: false },
actionsNavOptions: {
addToCarticon: "ui-icon-cart",
addToCarttitle: "Add item to the cart",
custom: [
{ action: "addToCart", position: "first", onClick: function (options) {
var rowData = $('#productsTable').getRowData(options.rowid);
var cartButton = $(".ui-icon", "#jAddToCartButton_"+options.rowid);
else if(cartButton.hasClass("ui-icon-cart")){
loadComplete: function() {

//for each object in cart
//if prodcut ID matches product Id in product
//grid then set button to a cancel icon
if(cart.length !== 0){
var cartIds = [];
var jsonCart = JSON.stringify(cart);
var parsedJsonCart = JSON.parse(jsonCart);
var productsInCart = $.grep(parsedJsonCart, function(el, i){

var currentRows = $('#productsTable').getRowData();
var shownProductsThatAreInCart = $.grep(currentRows, function (el, i) {
return $.inArray(el.Id, cartIds) !== -1;

if(shownProductsThatAreInCart.length > 0){
var rowIds = $(this).jqGrid('getDataIDs');
$.each(rowIds, function(k, v) {
rowData = $('#productsTable').getRowData(v);

if($.inArray(rowData['Id'], cartIds) !== -1){
alert("Matched Product:\nRowData['id'] = " + rowData['Id'] + "\nto\nProduct in cart: " + cartIds.Id);
$(".ui-icon", "#jAddToCartButton_"+v).removeClass("ui-icon-cart");
$(".ui-icon", "#jAddToCartButton_"+v).addClass("ui-icon-cancel");
gridComplete: function() {
$("#productsTable").jqGrid("navGrid", {edit:false,add:false,del:false},
{},// use default settings for edit
{},// use default settings for add
{},// delete instead that del:false we need this


要记住的一件事是我通过返回 json 的 ajax 调用获取数据以加载网格,所有操作都在客户端完成,根本没有将数据发送回服务器。




multipleSearch: false, // it's default and can be removed
overlay: false, // !!! the option make the problem
ignoreCase: true, // it's not exist at all
closeAfterSearch: true,
closeOnEscape: true,
showQuery: true

选项 overlay: false 的使用是错误的,因为它使另一个选项 toTop: true 不起作用,搜索对话框将作为 jQuery UI 的子项放置对话。如果删除该选项,则可以更轻松地使用搜索对话框,第二个问题(计算 jqGrid 搜索对话框位置的错误)将不存在。查看修改后的演示:

更新:modal jQuery UI 对话框中创建 modal jqGrid 对话框似乎有问题。这个问题可以通过从外部 jQuery UI 对话框中删除 modal: true 选项来解决。参见

一般来说,可以创建混合解决方案,动态地将 jQuery UI 对话框的类型从模态更改为非模态,但这可能很棘手

关于javascript - free-jqGrid 搜索按钮在第二次单击时不起作用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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