gpt4 book ai didi

javascript - 输入字段过滤器在 AngularJS 中不起作用

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 16:26:59 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我在 this fiddle 中成功实现了几乎所有类型的过滤器:

<div data-ng-app='' data-ng-init="vehicles=[
AngularJS <a href=''>
Filters Example</a>

<p>Enter text
<input type='text' data-ng-model='abc' />
<p>The text you entered is
<br/> <a href=''>Upper case</a> {{ abc | uppercase }}
<br/><a href=''>Lower case</a> {{ abc | lowercase }}</p>Enter amount
<input type='number' data-ng-model='num1' />
<p>The <a href=''>amount</a> you entered is
<br/>{{ num1 | currency }}</p> <a href=''> Directives Filter example</a>

<br/>Vehicles filtered by type:
<ul data-ng-repeat="v in vehicles | orderBy:'type'">
<li>{{"Vehicle type is "+v.type +" with color "+ v.color}}</li>
<br/>Vehicles <a href=''>filtered by user input:</a>

<input type="text" ng-model='test' />
<ul data-ng-repeat="v in vehicles | filter: 'test' | orderBy:'type'">
<li>{{"Vehicle type is "+v.type +" with color "+ v.color}}</li>

一切正常,除了 input filters .


no output

Why is the array not printed and filtered by user input?


从传递给过滤器的 'test' 中删除单引号。由于它不是字符串,它是一个模型,应该直接传递给过滤器。

<ul data-ng-repeat="v in vehicles | filter: test | orderBy:'type'">
<li>{{"Vehicle type is "+v.type +" with color "+ v.color}}</li>


关于javascript - 输入字段过滤器在 AngularJS 中不起作用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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