gpt4 book ai didi

c - 如何在主代码中使用USART中断char变量?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 16:13:31 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在使用 PIC18F4550,并遵循 中给出的示例,该程序可以工作,因为当我通过蓝牙(HC05)发送一个字符时,它收到了它,然后传输了相同的字符,问题是,这是在中断 USART 函数中完成的,如果我尝试比较主代码中接收到的字符例如



我正在使用带有 XC8 编译器的 MPLAB X v5.2。问题不在于蓝牙或使用的应用程序,因为我之前在 arduino 上使用过它。

                               MAIN CODE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pic18f4550.h>
#include "Configuration_Header_File.h"
#include "LCD_16x2_8-bit_Header_File.h"

void USART_Init(int);

#define F_CPU 8000000/64

char data;

void __interrupt(low_priority) ISR(void)




void main()

if(data=='c') /* THIS IS WHAT IS WRONG */

void USART_Init(int baud_rate)
float temp;
TRISC6=0; /*Make Tx pin as output*/
TRISC7=1; /*Make Rx pin as input*/
SPBRG=(int)temp; /*baud rate=9600 SPBRG=(F_CPU /(64*9600))-1*/
TXSTA=0x20; /*TX enable; */
RCSTA=0x90; /*RX enanle and serial port enable*/
INTCONbits.GIE=1; /*Enable Global Interrupt */
INTCONbits.PEIE=1; /*Enable Peripheral Interrupt */
PIE1bits.RCIE=1; /*Enable Receive Interrupt*/
PIE1bits.TXIE=1; /*Enable Transmit Interrupt*/





您需要在 FIFO 或其他缓冲解决方案中捕获接收到的数据,以便在主“线程”中使用。

这个想法是持续缓冲来自 ISR 的输入字节,同时从主循环中随意抓取输入。

这是一个简单的 COM 端口解决方案的示例...我尚未对其进行测试,但它显示了 echo 应用程序所需的最少步骤。

char rx_buffer[16];
char tx_buffer[16];

_fifo_t rx_fifo; // need 2 buffers, one for sending, and one for receiving.
_fifo_t tx_fifo;

void __interrupt(low_priority) ISR(void)
// never wait for a flag to becom set or reset within an ISR. the ISR will be
// called automatically when the
while (RCIF)
LCD_Char(data); // you should considfer moving this out o the ISR.
FifoPutByte(&rx_fifo, data); // check for overruns is handled by the fifo module.

while (TXIE && TXIF && !FifoEmpty(&tx_fifo))
TXREG = FifoGetByte(&tx_fifo);

if (FifoEmpty(&tx_fifo)) // if no more data to send, disable TX interrupt.
TXIE = 0;

int COM_Transmit(char c)
if (!FifoPutByte(&tx_fifo, c))
return 0; // buffer is full!

TXIE = 1; // enable UART TX interrupts

// now comes the tricky part, you need to 'prime' the transmission of bytes
// in the transmit fifo. This operation MUST be done
// with interrupts disabled.

if (TXIF) // can only be true if TX interrupts are not kicking in.
PEIE = 0; // disable peripheral interrupts
TXREG = FifoGetByte(&tx_fifo); // clears TXIF
PEIE = 1; // enable peripheral inrerrupts

// ISR will be called when UART is done sending the byte in TXREG.

void main()
/* initialization code... */

FifoInit(&rx_fifo, rx_buffer, sizeof(rx_buffer));
FifoInit(&tx_fifo, tx_buffer, sizeof(tx_buffer));

// simple UART echo code

while (!FifoEmpty(&rx_fifo) && !FifoFull(&tx_fifo))

/* doing the other stuff that your controller must do may take some time */
/* You must make sure that rx_buffer is large enough to capture any bytes */
/* that could be received during this delay, at 9600 bauds, count 1ms per char */
MSdelay(15); // for example... A larger processing time will warrant larger buffer size for rx_fifo.


#ifndef _fifo_h
#define _fifo_h
/* *****************************************************************************
* file: fifo.h
* Simple byte fifo definitions.

#define FIFO_DEBUG 0

typedef struct _fifo_t
volatile unsigned char* pHead; // head of data to extract.
volatile unsigned char* pTail; // tail of data for insertion.
unsigned char* pStart; // start of buffer.
unsigned char* pEnd; // end of buffer.
volatile unsigned int nOverruns; // overrun counter, in bytes.
volatile unsigned int nUnderruns; // underrun counter, in bytes.
volatile unsigned int nWaterMark; // Water mark indicating the maximum number of bytes ever held.
} fifo_t;

void FifoInit(fifo_t* fifo, unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int len);
void FifoReset(fifo_t* fifo);
int FifoEmpty(fifo_t* fifo);
unsigned int FifoGetFreeSpace(fifo_t* fifo);

// returns nuèmber of bytes available for GET op
unsigned int FifoGetCount(fifo_t* fifo);

// returns total buffer length
unsigned int FifoGetSize(fifo_t* fifo);

// returns the number of bytes in overrun
unsigned int FifoPut(fifo_t* fifo, const void* data, unsigned int len);

// return the number of bytes copied to data buffer.
unsigned int FifoGet(fifo_t* fifo, void* data, unsigned int len);

// returns negative value if fifo was empty
int FifoGetByte(fifo_t* fifo);

// returns non zetro value on success.
int FifoPutByte(fifo_t* fifo, unsigned char c);

// returns a contiguous buffer inside fifo, the length of contiguous part is returned in availLen.
// caller is responsible for advancing get/put pointer when the data is consumed.
unsigned char* FifoGetContiguousPutBuffer(fifo_t* fifo, unsigned int reqLen, unsigned int* availLen);
unsigned char* FifoGetContiguousGetBuffer(fifo_t* fifo, unsigned int reqLen, unsigned int* availLen);

// - peeks at data inside fifo, with optional offset from GET pointer,
// the length of contiguous part is returned in availLen.
// - buffer must be large enough to hold reqLen bytes.
// - the value returned is either a direct pointer to fifo buffer, if the data is contuguous, or buffer.
// if the data was copied to it, or NULL if the data is not avialable in buffer.
// - caller is responsible for advancing get/put pointer when the data is consumed.
void* FifoPeekBuffer(fifo_t* fifo, unsigned int offset, unsigned int reqLen, void* buffer);

// - Modifies a single byte at offset from GET pointer.
// - returns non-zero if successful.
char FifoPoke(fifo_t* fifo, unsigned int offset, unsigned char c);

// NOTE: interrupts should be disabled around calls to this function.
void FifoSetCount(fifo_t* fifo, unsigned int count);

unsigned int FifoAdvancePutPtr(fifo_t* fifo, unsigned int len);
unsigned int FifoAdvanceGetPtr(fifo_t* fifo, unsigned int len);


.c 模块:

/* *****************************************************************************
* file: fifo.c
* Simple byte fifo definitions.

#include <string.h> // memcpy()
#include "fifo.h"

void FifoInit(fifo_t* fifo, unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int len)
fifo->pStart = (unsigned char*)(buffer);
fifo->pEnd = (unsigned char*)((buffer) + (len));
fifo->pHead = (unsigned char*)(buffer);
fifo->pTail = (unsigned char*)(buffer);
fifo->nOverruns = 0;
fifo->nWaterMark = 0;

void FifoReset(fifo_t* fifo)
fifo->pHead = fifo->pStart;
fifo->pTail = fifo->pStart;
fifo->nOverruns = 0;

int FifoEmpty(fifo_t* fifo)
return (fifo->pHead == fifo->pTail);

unsigned int FifoGetFreeSpace(fifo_t* fifo)
return ((fifo->pEnd - fifo->pStart) - FifoGetCount(fifo)) - 1;

unsigned int FifoGetCount(fifo_t* fifo)
unsigned char* pHead, * pTail;
unsigned int nResult;

pHead = (unsigned char*)fifo->pHead;
pTail = (unsigned char*)fifo->pTail;

if (pTail >= pHead)
nResult = pTail - pHead;
nResult = (pTail - fifo->pStart) + (fifo->pEnd - pHead);

return nResult;

unsigned int FifoGetSize(fifo_t* fifo)
return fifo->pEnd - fifo->pStart;

unsigned int FifoPut(fifo_t* fifo, const void* data, unsigned int len)
unsigned int nMax, nLeft;
unsigned char* pTail, * pHead;
const unsigned char* p;

nLeft = (len);
p = (const unsigned char*)data;

pHead = (unsigned char*)fifo->pHead;
if (pHead > fifo->pTail)
nMax = (pHead - fifo->pTail) - 1;
nMax = fifo->pEnd - fifo->pTail;

if (nMax > nLeft)
nMax = nLeft;

if (!nMax)
fifo->nOverruns += nLeft;

memcpy((void*)fifo->pTail, p, nMax);

pTail = (unsigned char*)fifo->pTail + nMax;
if (pTail >= fifo->pEnd)
pTail = fifo->pStart;
fifo->pTail = pTail;
p += nMax;
nLeft -= nMax;
nMax = FifoGetCount(fifo);
if (nMax > fifo->nWaterMark)
fifo->nWaterMark = nMax;
return nLeft;

unsigned int FifoGet(fifo_t* fifo, void* data, unsigned int len)
unsigned int nMax, nLeft;
unsigned char* p, * pTail, * pHead;

nLeft = (len);
p = (unsigned char*)(data);

pTail = (unsigned char*)fifo->pTail;
if (pTail >= fifo->pHead)
nMax = pTail - fifo->pHead;
nMax = fifo->pEnd - fifo->pHead;

if (!nMax)

if (nMax > nLeft)
nMax = nLeft;

memcpy(p, (void*)fifo->pHead, nMax);

pHead = (unsigned char*)fifo->pHead + nMax;
if (pHead >= fifo->pEnd)
pHead = fifo->pStart;
fifo->pHead = pHead;
p += nMax;
nLeft -= nMax;
return len - nLeft;

int FifoPutByte(fifo_t* fifo, unsigned char c)
int result = 0;

if (FifoGetFreeSpace(fifo))
unsigned char* pTail = (unsigned char*)fifo->pTail;

*pTail++ = c;

if (pTail >= fifo->pEnd)
pTail = fifo->pStart;

fifo->pTail = pTail;

result = 1;
return result;

int FifoGetByte(fifo_t* fifo)
int result = -1;
if (fifo->pHead != fifo->pTail)
unsigned char* pHead = (unsigned char*)fifo->pHead;

result = *(fifo->pHead);

if (++pHead >= fifo->pEnd)
pHead = fifo->pStart;

fifo->pHead = pHead;
return result;

unsigned char* FifoGetContiguousPutBuffer(fifo_t* fifo, unsigned int reqLen, unsigned int* availLen)
unsigned int nMax;
unsigned char* pHead;

pHead = (unsigned char*)fifo->pHead;

if (pHead > fifo->pTail)
nMax = (pHead - fifo->pTail) - 1;
nMax = fifo->pEnd - fifo->pTail;
if (pHead == fifo->pStart)

if (nMax > reqLen)
nMax = reqLen;

*availLen = nMax;

return (unsigned char*)fifo->pTail;

unsigned char* FifoGetContiguousGetBuffer(fifo_t* fifo, unsigned int reqLen, unsigned int* availLen)
unsigned int nMax;
unsigned char* pTail;

pTail = (unsigned char*)fifo->pTail;
if (pTail >= fifo->pHead)
nMax = pTail - fifo->pHead;
nMax = fifo->pEnd - fifo->pHead;

if (nMax > reqLen)
nMax = reqLen;

*availLen = nMax;

return (unsigned char*)fifo->pHead;

void* FifoPeekBuffer(fifo_t* fifo, unsigned int offset, unsigned int reqLen, void* buffer)
void* result;

result = NULL;

if ((reqLen + offset) <= FifoGetCount(fifo))
unsigned char* pHead, * pTail;

pHead = (unsigned char*)fifo->pHead + offset;

if (pHead >= fifo->pEnd)
pHead -= (fifo->pEnd - fifo->pStart);

pTail = pHead + reqLen;

if (pTail <= fifo->pEnd)
result = pHead;
// need to copy, as requested data wraps around
unsigned char* p;
unsigned int n;

p = (unsigned char*)buffer;
n = fifo->pEnd - pHead;

memcpy(p, pHead, n);
memcpy(p + n, fifo->pStart, reqLen - n);

result = buffer;
return result;

char FifoPoke(fifo_t* fifo, unsigned int offset, unsigned char c)
unsigned char* p;
char result = 0;

if (offset < FifoGetCount(fifo))
p = (unsigned char*)fifo->pHead + offset;

if (p >= fifo->pEnd)
p -= (fifo->pEnd - fifo->pStart);

*p = c;

result = 1;

return result;

unsigned int FifoAdvancePutPtr(fifo_t* fifo, unsigned int len)
unsigned int n;
unsigned char* pTail;

n = FifoGetFreeSpace(fifo);

if (len > n)
fifo->nOverruns += (len - n);
len = n;

pTail = (unsigned char*)fifo->pTail + len;

while (pTail >= fifo->pEnd)
pTail -= (fifo->pEnd - fifo->pStart);

fifo->pTail = pTail;

n = FifoGetCount(fifo);
if (n > fifo->nWaterMark)
fifo->nWaterMark = n;

return len;

unsigned int FifoAdvanceGetPtr(fifo_t* fifo, unsigned int len)
unsigned int n;
unsigned char* pHead;

n = FifoGetCount(fifo);
if (len > n)
fifo->nUnderruns += (len - n);
len = n;

pHead = (unsigned char*)fifo->pHead + len;

while (pHead >= fifo->pEnd)
pHead -= (fifo->pEnd - fifo->pStart);

fifo->pHead = pHead;

return len;

void FifoSetCount(fifo_t* fifo, unsigned int count)
unsigned int n;
unsigned char* pTail;

n = FifoGetSize(fifo);
if (count > n)
fifo->nOverruns += (count - n);
count = n;

pTail = (unsigned char*)fifo->pHead + count;

while (pTail >= fifo->pEnd)
pTail -= (fifo->pEnd - fifo->pStart);

fifo->pTail = pTail;

n = FifoGetCount(fifo);
if (n > fifo->nWaterMark)
fifo->nWaterMark = n;

请注意,对于小型 PIC,此 fifo 结构并不是最有效的,但它仍然可以正常工作。编写自己的 FIFO 是一个非常好的练习。上面的代码取自生产代码,我想我上次在 STM32 上使用它。它还被用于 dsPIC 和 Arduino 的生产中。

关于c - 如何在主代码中使用USART中断char变量?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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