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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace EFGraphInsertLookup
public class GraphLookup
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Code { get; set; }
public class GraphChild
public int ID { get; set; }
public virtual GraphRoot Root { get; set; }
public virtual GraphLookup Lookup { get; set; }
public class GraphRoot
public int ID { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<GraphChild> Children { get; set; }
public class TestDbContext : DbContext
public DbSet<GraphRoot> GraphRoots { get; set; }
public DbSet<GraphChild> GraphChildren { get; set; }
public DbSet<GraphLookup> GraphLookups { get; set; }
public TestDbContext()
public class TestDbInit : DropCreateDatabaseAlways<TestDbContext>
protected override void Seed(TestDbContext context)
context.GraphLookups.Add(new GraphLookup { Code = "Lookup" });
public class Tests
public void MainTest()
Database.SetInitializer<TestDbContext>(new TestDbInit());
var lookupCtx = new TestDbContext();
var firstLookup = lookupCtx.GraphLookups.Where(l => l.Code == "Lookup").Single();
var graph = new GraphRoot
Children = new List<GraphChild> { new GraphChild { Lookup = firstLookup } }
var ctx = new TestDbContext();
ctx.GraphRoots.Add(graph); // Creates a new lookup record, which is not desired
//ctx.GraphRoots.Attach(graph); // Crashes due to dupe lookup IDs
ctx = new TestDbContext();
graph = ctx.GraphRoots.Single();
Assert.AreEqual(1, graph.Children.First().Lookup.ID, "New lookup ID was created...");
我的愿望是让 GraphLookup 充当查找表,其中记录链接到其他记录,但记录永远不会通过应用程序创建。
我遇到的问题是当查找实体在不同的上下文中加载时,例如当它被缓存时。因此,保存记录的上下文不会跟踪该实体,并且当调用 GraphRoot DbSet 上的 Add 时,查找以 Added 的 EntityState 结束,但实际上它应该是 Unchanged。
解决这个问题的最佳方法是什么?请注意,我已经大大简化了实际问题。在我的实际应用程序中,这是通过位于 EF DBContext 之上的几个不同的存储库层、工作单元和业务服务类发生的。因此,我可以以某种方式在 DBContext 中应用的通用解决方案将是更受欢迎的。
如果您将现有实体(例如从缓存中)带入另一个 DbContext
,您将必须显式管理实体状态。这导致了两个简单的结论:不要混合来自多个上下文的实体,除非你确实需要,并且当你这样做时,明确设置你附加的所有实体的状态 .
您可以尝试一种缓存方法。创建一个简单的缓存管理器类,可能是静态的。对于要缓存的每个实体类型,都有一个看起来像这样的 GetMyEntity(int myEntityId, DbContext context)
public MyEntity GetMyEntity(int entityId, MyContext context)
MyEntity entity;
// Get entity from context if it's already loaded.
entity = context.Set<MyEntity>().Loaded.SingleOrDefault(q => q.EntityId == entityId);
if (entity != null)
return entity;
else if (this.cache.TryGetValue("MYENTITY#" + entityId.ToString(), out entity)
// Get entity from cache if it's present. Adapt this to whatever cache API you're using.
context.Entry(entity).EntityState = EntityState.Unchanged;
return entity;
// Load entity if it's not in the context already or in the cache.
entity = context.Set<MyEntity>().Find(entityId);
// Add loaded entity to the cache. Adapt this to specify suitable rules for cache item expiry if appropriate.
this.cache["MYENTITY#" + entityId.ToString()] = entity;
return entity;
// Add a single entity.
var dontAddMeNow = (from e in context.ChangeTracker.Entries()
where !object.ReferenceEquals(e.Entity, new1)
select e).ToList();
foreach (var e in dontAddMeNow)
e.State = System.Data.EntityState.Unchanged; // Or Detached.
E2 child = new E2 { Id = 1 };
context.Entry(child).State = System.Data.EntityState.Unchanged;
E1 new1 = new E1
Child = child
// Add a single entity.
Debug.Assert(context.Entry(new1.Child).State == System.Data.EntityState.Unchanged);
Debug.Assert(context.Entry(new1).State == System.Data.EntityState.Added);
关于c# - Entity Framework - 避免 "lookup"实体最初在另一个上下文中加载时获得添加状态,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14648354/
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