gpt4 book ai didi

c - C 语言的 MPI 程序崩溃

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 15:34:18 25 4
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int main(int argc, char *argv[])
//Global data goes here
int rank, nprocs, i, j, k, rc, chunkSize;
double start, finish, difference;
MPI_Status status;
int *masterArray;
int *slaveArray;
int *subArray;
//Holder for subArrays for reassembly of subArrays
int **arrayOfArrays;
//Beginning and ARRAYSIZE indices of array
Range range;

//Begin execution

//printf("%s", "Entering main()\n");
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); /* START MPI */

MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
//printf("My rank %d\n", rank);

MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
//printf("Number of processes %d\n", nprocs);

//Compute chunk size
chunkSize = computeChunkSize(ARRAYSIZE, nprocs);
//debug("%s: %d\n", "Chunk size", chunkSize);
// N/#processes
slaveArray = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * (chunkSize+1));

//An array of int arrays (a pointer to pointers to ints)
arrayOfArrays = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *) * (nprocs-1));

************************ MASTER id == 0 ************************

/* MASTER: rank is 0. Problem decomposition- here simple matter of splitting
the master array evenly across the number of worker bees */
if(rank == MASTER)
debug("%s", "Entering MASTER process\n");

//Begin timing the runtime of this application
start = MPI_Wtime();
debug("%s: %lg\n", "Start time", start);

//Seed the random number generator
//Create random array of ints for mpi processing
masterArray = createRandomArray();

debug("%s %d %s %d %s\n", "Master array of random integers from ", BEGIN, " to ", ARRAYSIZE-1, "\n");

/*Create the subArray to be sent to the slaves- malloc returns a pointer
to void, so explicitly coerce the pointer into the desired type with a cast */
subArray = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * (chunkSize+1));

//Initalize range
range = (Range){.begin = 0, .end = (ARRAYSIZE/(nprocs-1))};
debug("%s %d %s %d\n", "Range: ", range.begin, " to ", range.end);

//Master decomposes the problem set: begin and end of each subArray sent to slaves
for(i = 1;i < nprocs; i++)
//printf("%s", "Inside loop for Master send\n");

range = decomposeProblem(range.begin, range.end, ARRAYSIZE, nprocs, i);

debug("%s %d to %d%s", "Range from decomposition", range.begin, range.end, "\n");
//Index for subArray
k = 0;

//Transfer the slice of the master array to the subArray
for(j = range.begin; j < range.end; j++)
subArray[k] = masterArray[j];
//printf("%d\t", subArray[k]);
//printf("%s", "\n");
//Show sub array contents
debug("%s", "Showing subArray before master sends...\n");
showArray(subArray, 0, k);

//printf("%s %d%s", "Send to slave", i, " from master \n");
debug("%s %d%s", "Send to slave", i, " from master \n");
************************ MASTER: SEND **************************
rc = MPI_Send(&subArray, chunkSize, MPI_INT, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
//Blocks until the slaves finish their work and start sending results back to master
/*MPI_Recv is "blocking" in the sense that when the process (in this case
my_rank == 0) reaches the MPI_Recv statement, it will wait until it
actually receives the message (another process sends it). If the other process
is not ready to Send, then the process running on my_rank == 0 will simply
remain idle. If the message is never sent, my_rank == 0 will wait a very long time!*/
for(i = 1;i < nprocs; i++)
debug("%s %d%s ", "Receive from slave", i, " to master\n");
************************ MASTER: RECEIVE ***********************
debug("Rank %d approaching master MPI_Probe.\n", rank);
// Probe for an incoming message from process zero
MPI_Probe(rank, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
debug("Rank %d going by MPI_Probe.\n", rank);

// When probe returns, the status object has the size and other
// attributes of the incoming message. Get the size of the message
MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_INT, &chunkSize);

rc = MPI_Recv(&slaveArray, chunkSize, MPI_INT, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

debug("Slave %d dynamically received %d numbers from 0.\n", rank, chunkSize);
//Store subArray in 2D array
debug("%s", "Storing subArray in 2DArray...\n");

arrayOfArrays[i-1] = slaveArray;
//rebuild entire sorted array from sorted subarrays
//starting with smallest value, validate that each element is <= next element

//Finish timing the runtime of this application
finish = MPI_Wtime();
//Compute the runtime
difference = finish-start;
//Inform user
debug("%s", "Exiting MASTER process\n");
debug("%s %lg", "Time for completion:", difference);
************************* End MASTER ***************************

************************ SLAVE id > 1 **************************
debug("%s", "Entering SLAVE process\n");
//by process id
debug("%s %d%s", "Receive in slave", rank, " from master \n");

debug("Rank %d approaching Slave MPI_Probe.\n", rank);
// Probe for an incoming message from process zero

debug("Rank %d going by Slave MPI_Probe.\n", rank);
// When probe returns, the status object has the size and other
// attributes of the incoming message. Get the size of the message
MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_INT, &chunkSize);
debug("Count %d and chunkSize %d after Slave MPI_Get_count.\n", rank, chunkSize);
******************** SLAVE: RECEIVE ***************************
rc = MPI_Recv(&subArray, chunkSize, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
debug("%d dynamically received %d numbers from 0.\n", rank, chunkSize);

/*Store the received subArray in the slaveArray for processing and sending back
to master*/
slaveArray = subArray;

//Take a look at incoming subArray: size = N/#processes)
debug("%s ", "Show the slaveArray contents in slave receive\n");
debug("Before bubblesort: start %d, finish: %d\n", (rank-1) * chunkSize, rank * chunkSize);

//showArray(slaveArray, (rank-1) * chunkSize, rank * chunkSize);
//Running the actual sorting algorithm on the current slaves subArray
//bubble(slaveArray, ARRAYSIZE);
//Return sorted subArray back to the master by process id

debug("%s %d%s", "Send from slave", i, " to master \n");

************************ SLAVE: SEND ***************************
rc = MPI_Send(&slaveArray, chunkSize, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
debug("%s", "Exiting SLAVE process\n");
************************* END SLAVE ****************************
//Clean up memory
rc = MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_INT, &chunkSize);
debug("Process %d: received %d int(s) from process %d with tag %d \n", rank, chunkSize, status.MPI_SOURCE, status.MPI_TAG);
/* EXIT MPI */
debug("%s", "Exiting main()\n");
return 0;


检查 chunkSize >= 0 , nProcs >= 2 ,以及malloc不返回 null。我的意思是,每次为每个 malloc 添加代码来执行此操作,如果这些条件不成立则退出 - 而不仅仅是进行临时调试。


for(j = range.begin; j < range.end; j++)
subArray[k] = masterArray[j];

您没有显示 masterArray 所在位置的代码被分配。 (并且您也没有将 nprocs 传递给该函数,那么它如何与 ARRAYSIZE/(nprocs-1) 匹配?

此外,subArraychunkSize+1元素,但是range.end定义为ARRAYSIZE/(nprocs-1) 。根据您显示的代码(不包括 ARRAYSIZE ,也不包括 chunkSizenprocs 的实际计算方式),没有理由相信我们将永远拥有 chunkSize+1 <= ARRAYSIZE/(nprocs-1) .

为了避免随机段错误,在使用 [] 之前,您应该始终、始终检查数组索引是否在数组的范围内。运算符。

关于c - C 语言的 MPI 程序崩溃,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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