gpt4 book ai didi

javascript - 是否可以在 Javascript 中映射或排序数组对象

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 15:21:27 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


这是我获取数据的 ajax 调用:

        //get the content, display all pages or specified page num
type: 'POST',
url: 'qry/getRawText.php',
async: true,
data: {FileId: fileId, PageNum: pageNum},
success: function(response) {
getRawTextResponse = JSON.parse(response);


 function drawTextCodeContent() {
fileText = "<table id='fileTextTableId'><tbody>";

//loop through text files
for(i=0;i<getRawTextResponse.length;i++) {
//remove null from text
if(getRawTextResponse["RowData"][i] == null) {
getRawTextResponse["RowData"][i] == "";
//draw row
fileText += "<tr class='rowToEdit " + getRawTextResponse["RowStatus"][i] + "'><td class='hidden'>"+ getRawTextResponse["PageNum"][i] +"</td><td class='rowNumTd'>"+ getRawTextResponse["RowNum"][i] +"</td><td class='rowContentTd'><pre>"+ getRawTextResponse["RowData"][i] +"</pre></td><td class='rowCheckboxTd'><label class='mdl-checkbox mdl-js-checkbox mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-data-table__select' for='row[" + getRawTextResponse["RowNum"][i] + "]'><input type='checkbox' id='row[" + getRawTextResponse["RowNum"][i] + "]' class='mdl-checkbox__input' /></label></td></tr>";
fileText += "</tbody></table>";
//display table in div


Object {
PageNum: Array(66),
RowNum: Array(66),
RowStatus: Array(66),
RowData: Array(66),
length: 66

PageNum 和 RowNum 是无序的数字数组。Row status 和 RowData 是不按顺序排列的字符串数组。

这是从数据库获取数据的整个 PHP 文件:

$fileId = $_POST["FileId"];
$pageNum = $_POST["PageNum"];

// Populate the query string
$tsql = "Exec TxRrcT1.GetRawText @FileId = ?, @PageNum = ?";

// Attempt to connect to SQL Server
if ( strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == "WIN" ){
$conn = odbc_connect($connection_string, $user, $pass, SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC);
if ($conn === false ){ die(); }
else {
$conn = odbc_connect($connection_string, $user, $pass);
if ($conn === false ){ die(); }

// Prepare the stored procedure
$sp = odbc_prepare($conn, $tsql);

$params = array(
$fileId, //@FileId
$pageNum //@PageNum

// Execute procedure
$qryResults = TransformToObjectWithArrays($sp, $params);

// Close the connection
if ($conn !== false){ odbc_close($conn); }

// Return the query results
if (isset($qryResults)){ echo json_encode($qryResults); }

这是我最初的 PHP 函数,用于获取数据并将其转换为数组对象。我如何更改它以仅返回数组数组中的数据?

// This function will prepare a tsql procedure and return the ODBC result
// identifier that can be used once the procedure is executed
function GetQryReturn($sp, $params){
$qryReturn = odbc_execute($sp, CleanInputs($params));
if ($qryReturn === false){ die(); }
return $sp;

function CleanInputs($InputArray){
return array_map(function($value){return $value === "" ? NULL : $value;}, $InputArray);

// This function takes a prepared stored procedure and any parameters and
// returns the query results as an objects with arrays
// example:
// {key1: [va1,val2], key2: [val1,val2]}
function TransformToObjectWithArrays($sp, $params){
// Execute query
$qryReturn = GetQryReturn($sp, $params);

// Populate array with results
$qryResults = array();
if( odbc_num_rows($qryReturn) ){
for($i=1; $i<=odbc_num_fields($qryReturn); $i++){
$qryResults[odbc_field_name($qryReturn, $i)] = array();
$qryResults["length"] = 0;
while( $row = odbc_fetch_array($qryReturn) ){
foreach($row as $key => $value){
array_push($qryResults[$key], $value);
$qryResults["length"] += 1;
$qryResults["length"] = 0;

return $qryResults;



PageNum: 0,
RowNum: 0,
RowStatus: 'status',
RowData: 'data'



要对数组进行排序,您有 sort方法:

var arr = [...]
arr.sort(function(a, b) {
// a and b are two element of your array (e.g. arr[i] and arr[j])
if(a.RowNum === b.RowNum) return 0;
if(a.RowNum < b.RowNum) return -1;
if(a.RowNum > b.RowNum) return 1;

关于javascript - 是否可以在 Javascript 中映射或排序数组对象,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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