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c# - 枚举名称的优先级

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public enum Intervals
Root = PerfectUnison,
Unison = PerfectUnison,
PerfectUnison = 1 << 0,
AugmentedUnison = MinorSecond,

MinorSecond = 1 << 1,
Second = MajorSecond,
MajorSecond = 1 << 2,
AugmentedSecond = MinorThird,

MinorThird = 1 << 3,
Third = MajorThird,
MajorThird = 1 << 4,
AugmentedThird = PerfectFourth,
DoubleAugmentedThird = Triton,

DiminishedFourth = MajorThird,
Fourth = PerfectFourth,
PerfectFourth = 1 << 5,
AugmentedFourth = Triton,
DoubleAugmentedFourth = PerfectFifth,

Triton = 1 << 6,

//...Removed for brevity, see link to code bellow


static void Main(string[] args)
var values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Intervals));
foreach (var value in values)


PerfectUnison, PerfectUnison, PerfectUnison, AugmentedUnison, AugmentedUnison, Second, Second, MinorThird, MinorThird, DiminishedFourth, DiminishedFourth, DiminishedFourth, AugmentedThird, AugmentedThird, AugmentedThird, AugmentedThird, DoubleDiminishedSixth, DoubleDiminishedSixth etc.


Root, MinorSecond, Second, MinorThird, Third, Fourth, Triton, Fifth, MinorSixth, Sixth, MinorSeventh, Seventh, Octave, MinorNinth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, MajorEleventh, Thirteen

Enum.GetNames 也是一个很好的复制品。我希望上述组的名称始终位于其值匹配名称之前。


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我现在正在研究反编译的 Enum.GetNames。看起来它使用反射。那么问题来了,“如何控制反射场的顺序?”。


如果不使用元数据,这是不可能的,因为编译器可能会将常量值分配给每个枚举成员。检查编译后的 IL 表明在编译代码时赋值信息丢失了:

.field public static literal valuetype .../Intervals Unison = int32(1)    
.field public static literal valuetype .../Intervals PerfectUnison = int32(1)
.field public static literal valuetype .../Intervals AugmentedUnison = int32(2)

由于此信息在编译源代码时会丢失(或者至少不保证可用),因此无法根据运行时的分配分配优先级规则。此限制与 Enum.ToString() 的文档一致,该文档指出如果多个名称与同一值相关联,则选择的成员是不确定的:

If multiple enumeration members have the same underlying value and you attempt to retrieve the string representation of an enumeration member's name based on its underlying value, your code should not make any assumptions about which name the method will return.


class PriorityAttribute : Attribute { }
public enum Intervals
Root = PerfectUnison,
Unison = PerfectUnison,
PerfectUnison = 1 << 0,
AugmentedUnison = MinorSecond,

MinorSecond = 1 << 1,
Second = MajorSecond,
MajorSecond = 1 << 2,
AugmentedSecond = MinorThird,


.Where(a => a.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PriorityAttribute), false).Length > 0)
.Select(a => a.Name))

同样,您可以编写一个类似于 Enum.GetName 的类比,以仅返回具有已定义属性的名称(例如,GetPriorityName(typeof(Intervals), 1) 将始终返回 PerfectUnison

static string GetPriorityName(Type enumType, object v)
Type ut = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(enumType);
var pty = enumType.GetFields()
a => a.IsLiteral
&& a.GetRawConstantValue().Equals(v)
&& a.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PriorityAttribute), false).Length > 0
if (pty == null)
return Enum.GetName(enumType, v); // default to standard if no priority defined
return pty.Name;

关于c# - 枚举名称的优先级,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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