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c - 查找热量指数和冷风的程序(C程序)

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 14:56:40 24 4
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define L_Limit -20
#define U_Limit 50
#define c1 -42.379
#define c2 2.04901523
#define c3 10.14333127
#define c4 -0.22475541
#define c5 -6.83783E-3
#define c6 -5.481717E-2
#define c7 1.22874E-3
#define c8 8.5282E-4
#define c9 -1.99E-6
#define d1 35.74
#define d2 0.6125
#define d3 35.75
#define d4 0.4275

double compute_heat_index(int num1, int num2);
double compute_wind_chill(int num1, int num2);

double compute_heat_index(int num1, int num2)
int celsius;
double humid=.40;
double celsius_f=0, heat_index=0;
int ext1=0;
printf("%d\t", celsius);
printf("%2.2lf\t", celsius_f);

heat_index=c1+(c2*celsius_f)+(c3*humid)+. (c4*humid*celsius_f)+(c5*pow(celsius,2))+(c6*pow(humid,2))+(c7*pow(celsius,2)*humid)+(c8*celsius*pow(humid,2))+(c9*pow(celsius,2)*pow(humid,2));
printf("%2.2lf/t", heat_index);
return heat_index;

double compute_wind_chill(int num1, int num2)
int celsius, wind=5;
double celsius_f=0, wind_chill=0;
int ext2=0;
printf("%d\t", celsius);
printf("%lf\t", celsius_f);

printf("%lf\t", wind_chill);
return wind_chill;
int main(void)
double num1, num2;
int ext1=0, ext2=0;

printf("Input a range of values using two numbers:\n");
scanf("\n%lf%lf", &num1, &num2);

printf("Range of Values are Invalid!\n");
scanf("\n%lf%lf", &num1, &num2);
compute_wind_chill(num1, num2);
printf("\nTotal Extreme Values: %d", ext1);
compute_heat_index(num1, num2);
printf("\nTotal Extreme Values: %d", ext2);

return 0;



            heat_index=c1+(c2*celsius_f)+(c3*humid)+.   (c4*humid*celsius_f)+(c5*pow(celsius,2))+(c6*pow(humid,2))+(c7*pow(celsius,2)*humid)+(c8*celsius*pow(humid,2))+(c9*pow(celsius,2)*pow(humid,2));

(当然,您的编译器会在第一行结尾大声抱怨错误的 '.'


            heat_index = c1 + (c2 * celsius_f) + (c3 * humid) +
(c4 * humid * celsius_f) + (c5 * pow (celsius, 2)) +
(c6 * pow (humid, 2)) + (c7 * pow (celsius, 2) * humid) +
(c8 * celsius * pow (humid, 2)) +
(c9 * pow (celsius, 2) * pow (humid, 2));


            heat_index = c1 + 
(c2 * celsius_f) +
(c3 * humid) +
(c4 * humid * celsius_f) +
(c5 * pow (celsius, 2)) +
(c6 * pow (humid, 2)) +
(c7 * pow (celsius, 2) * humid) +
(c8 * celsius * pow (humid, 2)) +
(c9 * pow (celsius, 2) * pow (humid, 2));

注意:在上面您可以轻松地看到 celsius的误用,应使用 celsius_f(华氏度)。另请注意,不需要 pow (celsius_f, 2),其中 celsius_f * celsius_f将完成任务。






#define HMIN .40    /* define needed constants */
#define HMAX 1.0 /* avoid putting 'magic' */
#define HSTEP 0.1 /* numbers in your code */

#define WMIN 5
#define WMAX 40
#define WSTEP 5
for (wind = WMIN; wind <= WMAX; wind = wind + WSTEP)

注意:校正单位时,您的 HMIN, HMAX, HSTEP值将更改(请参阅最后一段)。

看来您想从 ext1ext2函数返回 compute_wind_chillcompute_heat_index的值。如果是这样,则您的函数 type应该与所需的 return type相匹配。如果要通过返回 ext1ext2来指示是否遇到了极值,则应将函数类型更改为 int,并将返回值分配给 ext1中的 ext2main,例如

int compute_heat_index (int num1, int num2);
int compute_wind_chill (int num1, int num2);
ext1 = compute_wind_chill (num1, num2);
printf ("\nTotal Extreme Values: %d\n", ext1);
ext2 = compute_heat_index (num1, num2);
printf ("\nTotal Extreme Values: %d\n", ext2);

接下来,不需要多次呼叫,例如 printf什么时候会做。例如:

    printf("%d\t", celsius);
printf("%2.2lf\t", celsius_f);

只需按逻辑顺序对 printf计算进行排序即可轻松地将其替换为单个 celsius_f调用,例如

    celsius_f = (celsius * (9 / 5)) + 32;
printf ("%d\t% .2lf\t", celsius, celsius_f);

为什么在 num1中将 num2double声明为 main完全是个谜。您将它们作为 int传递给函数(在这里我假定 num1应该是函数中temp的较低循环值,而不是您具有的硬编码 1)。虽然您可以自由允许用户输入例如 45.3并将其读取为 double,并将其作为 int传递,这在逻辑上并没有多大意义。在这里, 45的值就是您的代码中曾经使用的所有值。如果您正在阅读 double只是为了防止用户输入 45.3时出错,那么这是一个合理的原因,但是为什么用户宁愿输入 45.3而不是仅 45又是另一回事...

对于小于/大于 L_Limit/U_Limit的值进行极限测试有点创意。最好简单地将这些值按升序排列以简化测试,例如

    /* VALIDATE all user input */
if (scanf ("%lf %lf", &num1, &num2) != 2) {
fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid input.\n");
return 1;

if (num1 > num2) { /* get values in ascending order */
double tmp = num1;
num1 = num2;
num2 = tmp;

while (num1 < L_Limit || num2 > U_Limit) { /* simple test */

格式化输出只是需要更多注意细节的事情。尽管我不喜欢制表符( '\t')格式,但我已进行了一些尝试,以使输出内容更清晰。同样,当您需要其他换行符时,请不要使用可变参数 printf ("\n");,也没有理由仅输出一个字符而使用开销,而应使用 putchar ('\n');。 (注意:您不会犯此错误,但是我必须添加一个换行符,因此在这里值得一提)。

编译代码时,请始终在启用警告的情况下进行编译,例如您的编译字符串中的 -Wall -Wextra。您可以添加 -pedantic进行一些其他检查,并且可以施加许多其他个人检查。最重要的是,在没有警告的情况下将代码干净地编译之前,不要接受代码。阅读得到的警告。现在,编译器非常擅长于准确说明问题出在哪里以及您在做什么错。 (通过听编译器告诉您的内容,您可以学到很多C语言)。


$ gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu11 -Ofast -o bin/windchill windchill.c


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#define L_Limit -20
#define U_Limit 50
#define c1 -42.379
#define c2 2.04901523
#define c3 10.14333127
#define c4 -0.22475541
#define c5 -6.83783E-3
#define c6 -5.481717E-2
#define c7 1.22874E-3
#define c8 8.5282E-4
#define c9 -1.99E-6
#define d1 35.74
#define d2 0.6125
#define d3 35.75
#define d4 0.4275

#define HMIN .40 /* define needed constants */
#define HMAX 1.0 /* avoid putting 'magic' */
#define HSTEP 0.1 /* number in your code */

#define WMIN 5
#define WMAX 40
#define WSTEP 5

/* you only need prototypes if you do not define your functions
* until AFTER the code that makes use of them. Moving the
* definitions AFTER main() makes the prototypes make sense,
* otherwise, just omit them...
int compute_heat_index (int num1, int num2);
int compute_wind_chill (int num1, int num2);

int main (void) {

double num1 = L_Limit - 1.0, /* num1 & num2 should be int */
num2 = U_Limit + 1.0;
int ext1 = 0, ext2 = 0;

printf ("Input a range of temps in deg. C, (e.g. t1 t2): ");

/* VALIDATE all user input */
if (scanf ("%lf %lf", &num1, &num2) != 2) {
fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid input.\n");
return 1;

if (num1 > num2) { /* get values in ascending order */
double tmp = num1;
num1 = num2;
num2 = tmp;

while (num1 < L_Limit || num2 > U_Limit) { /* simple test */
fprintf (stderr, "error: values must be between %d - %d.\n",
L_Limit, U_Limit);
printf ("Input a range of temps in deg. C, (e.g. t1 t2): ");
if (scanf ("%lf %lf", &num1, &num2) != 2) {
fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid input.\n");
return 1;

/* make the output format easy to read */
printf ("\nDeg. C\t Deg. F\t 5mph\t 10mph\t 15mph\t"
" 20mph\t 25mph\t 30mph\t 35mph\t 40mph\n");
ext1 = compute_wind_chill (num1, num2);
printf ("\nTotal Extreme Values: %d\n", ext1);

printf ("\nDeg. C\t Deg. F\t 40%%\t 50%%\t 60%%\t"
" 70%%\t 80%%\t 90%%\t 100%%\n");
ext2 = compute_heat_index (num1, num2);
printf ("\nTotal Extreme Values: %d\n", ext2);

return 0;

/* comput and output heat index between num1 and num2 */
int compute_heat_index (int num1, int num2)
int celsius, ext1 = 0;
double humid = HMIN, celsius_f = 0, heat_index = 0;

for (celsius = num1; celsius <= num2; celsius++)
celsius_f = (celsius * (9 / 5)) + 32;
printf ("%d\t% .2lf\t", celsius, celsius_f);

for (humid = HMIN; humid <= HMAX; humid = humid + HSTEP)
heat_index = c1 + (c2 * celsius_f) + (c3 * humid) +
(c4 * humid * celsius_f) + (c5 * pow (celsius, 2)) +
(c6 * pow (humid, 2)) + (c7 * pow (celsius, 2) * humid) +
(c8 * celsius * pow (humid, 2)) +
(c9 * pow (celsius, 2) * pow (humid, 2));

if (heat_index < 80)
printf ("x\t");
printf ("% .2lf\t", heat_index);
putchar ('\n');

if (celsius_f > 100) {

return ext1;

/* comput and output wind chill between num1 and num2 */
int compute_wind_chill (int num1, int num2)
int celsius, wind = WMIN, ext2 = 0;
double celsius_f = 0, wind_chill = 0;

for (celsius = num1; celsius <= num2; celsius++)
celsius_f = (celsius * (9 / 5)) + 32;
printf ("%d\t% .2lf\t", celsius, celsius_f);

for (wind = WMIN; wind <= WMAX; wind = wind + WSTEP)
wind_chill = d1 + (d2 * celsius_f) - (d3 * wind) +
(d4 * celsius_f * wind);

if (wind_chill > 50)
printf (" x\t");
printf ("% .2lf\t", wind_chill);
putchar ('\n');

if (celsius_f < -20) {

return ext2;


$ ./bin/windchill
Input a range of temps in deg. C, (e.g. t1 t2): 45 55
error: values must be between -20 - 50.
Input a range of temps in deg. C, (e.g. t1 t2): 45 50

Deg. C Deg. F 5mph 10mph 15mph 20mph 25mph 30mph 35mph 40mph
45 77.00 x x 40.41 26.25 12.09 -2.07 -16.23 -30.40
46 78.00 x x 47.44 35.42 23.39 11.37 -0.66 -12.68
47 79.00 x x x 44.58 34.69 24.80 14.92 5.03
48 80.00 x x x x 45.99 38.24 30.49 22.74
49 81.00 x x x x x x 46.07 40.45
50 82.00 x x x x x x x x

Total Extreme Values: 0

Deg. C Deg. F 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
45 77.00 99.68 99.21 98.74 98.27 97.80 97.32 96.85
46 78.00 101.06 100.58 100.10 99.61 99.13 98.65 98.17
47 79.00 102.43 101.93 101.44 100.95 100.46 99.96 99.47
48 80.00 103.78 103.28 102.78 102.27 101.77 101.27 100.76
49 81.00 105.13 104.61 104.10 103.59 103.07 102.56 102.04
50 82.00 106.46 105.93 105.41 104.89 104.36 103.84 103.31

Total Extreme Values: 0


celsius_f = (celsius * (9.0 / 5)) + 32;


$ ./bin/windchill
Input a range of temps in deg. C, (e.g. t1 t2): 45 50

Deg. C Deg. F 5mph 10mph 15mph 20mph 25mph 30mph 35mph 40mph
45 113.00 x x x x x x x x
46 114.80 x x x x x x x x
47 116.60 x x x x x x x x
48 118.40 x x x x x x x x
49 120.20 x x x x x x x x
50 122.00 x x x x x x x x

Total Extreme Values: 0

Deg. C Deg. F 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
45 113.00 170.20 168.93 167.65 166.37 165.09 163.81 162.53
46 114.80 173.15 171.84 170.54 169.23 167.92 166.61 165.30
47 116.60 176.09 174.75 173.42 172.08 170.74 169.40 168.06
48 118.40 179.01 177.65 176.28 174.92 173.55 172.18 170.81
49 120.20 181.92 180.53 179.14 177.74 176.35 174.95 173.56
50 122.00 184.82 183.40 181.98 180.55 179.13 177.71 176.28

Total Extreme Values: 0

您还有更多工作要做...您可以从查看 The Heat Index Equation开始(这似乎是常量的来源-但请注意,您缺少校正因子,需要特别注意湿度的单位) )。然后通过观察 Wind Chill进行后续操作,并仔细注意风中的指数。纠正公式后,您将需要链接数学库,因此请将 -lm添加到编译字符串中。 (很小- 'L' m)。纠正逻辑后,您应该会看到类似于以下输出的内容。

(注意:在温度范围为 -20 to 50的极端值下,我得到 164 wind_chill极端和 332 heat_index极端)

$ ./bin/windchill
Input a range of temps in deg. C, (e.g. t1 t2): 10 45

Wind Chill:

Deg. C Deg. F 5mph 10mph 15mph 20mph 25mph 30mph 35mph 40mph
10 50.00 47.77 45.59 44.19 43.15 42.31 41.59 40.98 40.43
11 51.80 49.87 47.80 46.48 45.50 44.70 44.02 43.44 42.92
12 53.60 51.96 50.02 48.77 47.84 47.09 46.45 45.90 45.41
13 55.40 54.06 52.23 51.06 50.19 49.48 48.88 48.36 47.90
14 57.20 56.16 54.45 53.35 52.53 51.87 51.31 50.82 50.39
15 59.00 58.26 56.66 55.64 54.88 54.26 53.74 53.28 52.88
16 60.80 60.36 58.88 57.93 57.22 56.65 56.16 55.74 55.37
17 62.60 62.45 61.09 60.22 59.57 59.04 58.59 58.21 57.86
18 64.40 x 63.30 62.51 61.91 61.43 61.02 60.67 60.35
19 66.20 x 65.52 64.80 64.26 63.82 63.45 63.13 62.85
20 68.00 x 67.73 67.09 66.60 66.21 65.88 65.59 65.34
21 69.80 x x 69.38 68.95 68.60 68.31 68.05 67.83
22 71.60 x x x 71.29 70.99 70.74 70.51 70.32
23 73.40 x x x x 73.38 73.16 72.98 72.81
24 75.20 x x x x x x x x

Total Extreme Values: 0

Heat Index:

Deg. C Deg. F 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
26 78.80 x x x x x x x
27 80.60 80.35 81.35 82.55 83.94 85.53 87.32 89.31
28 82.40 81.80 83.21 85.01 87.20 89.78 92.75 96.10
29 84.20 83.49 85.39 87.86 90.91 94.53 98.74 103.51
30 86.00 85.44 87.89 91.10 95.07 99.80 105.29 111.55
31 87.80 87.64 90.71 94.72 99.68 105.58 112.42 120.21
32 89.60 90.10 93.85 98.73 104.74 111.86 120.11 129.49
33 91.40 92.81 97.32 103.13 110.25 118.66 128.38 139.39
34 93.20 95.77 101.11 107.92 116.20 125.97 137.21 149.92
35 95.00 98.99 105.22 113.09 122.61 133.78 146.60 161.07
36 96.80 102.46 109.65 118.65 129.47 142.11 156.57 172.84
37 98.60 106.18 114.40 124.60 136.78 150.95 167.10 185.24
38 100.40 110.16 119.47 130.93 144.54 160.30 178.20 198.26
39 102.20 114.39 124.87 137.65 152.75 170.15 189.87 211.90
40 104.00 118.88 130.58 144.76 161.40 180.52 202.11 226.17
41 105.80 123.62 136.62 152.25 170.51 191.40 214.91 241.05
42 107.60 128.61 142.98 160.13 180.07 202.79 228.28 256.56
43 109.40 133.85 149.66 168.40 190.08 214.68 242.22 272.70
44 111.20 139.35 156.66 177.06 200.53 227.09 256.73 289.45
45 113.00 145.10 163.99 186.10 211.44 240.01 271.81 306.83

Total Extreme Values: 97


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