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/* SINGLETON DESIGN PATTERN (slides and https://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/singleton)
- Ensure a class has only one instance, and provide a global point of access to it.
- Encapsulated "just-in-time initialization" or "initialization on first use".
- Make the class of the single instance object responsible for creation, initialization,
access, and enforcement.
namespace SpaceTaxi_3.States.GameRunning.Parser {
public partial class LevelParser {
private static LevelParser instance;
public static LevelParser GetInstance() {
return LevelParser.instance ?? (LevelParser.instance = new LevelParser());
public Dictionary<char, string> Obstacles;
public Dictionary<char, string> Platforms;
public Dictionary<char, string> Exits;
public Dictionary<string, Tuple<int, char, string, int, int, Entity>> Costumer;
public List<Entity> ObstacleEntities { get; set; }
public List<Platform> PlatformEntities { get; set; }
public List<Entity> ExitEntities { get; set; }
public string[] LevelFile;
// Wrapper
public void Load(string fileName) {
// Catches incorrect files here
if (ValidMapCheck(fileName)) {
PlatformEntities = new List<Platform>();
ExitEntities = new List<Entity>();
ObstacleEntities = new List<Entity>();
Platforms = new Dictionary<char, string>();
Exits = new Dictionary<char, string>();
Obstacles = new Dictionary<char, string>();
Costumer = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<int, char, string, int, int, Entity>>();
LevelFile = ReadFile("Levels", fileName);
Platforms = GetPlatforms(LevelFile);
Exits = GetExits(LevelFile);
Obstacles = GetObstacles(LevelFile);
Costumer = GetCustomerInfo(LevelFile);
/// <summary>
/// Checks whether a file exists or not
/// </summary>
private void ValidatePath(string file) {
if (!File.Exists(file)) {
throw new FileNotFoundException($"Error: " +
$"The path to \"{file}\" does not exist.");
/// <summary>
/// Finds full path to directory (e.g. directoryName: "Levels" or "Assets")
/// Starts from /bin/Debug folder, then goes to parent /bin, and so on.
/// Casts an exception if we iterated down to the root of the tree.
/// </summary>
private string GetPath(string directoryName) {
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.
while (dir.Name != directoryName) {
if (dir.FullName == dir.Root.Name) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(
$"Error: Directory \"{directoryName}\" does not exist.");
} else {
foreach (var i in dir.GetDirectories()) {
if (i.Name == directoryName) {
return i.FullName;
dir = dir.Parent;
return dir.FullName;
/// <summary>
/// Making sure our mapfiles are not tampered with by calculating the checksum
/// Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10520048/calculate-md5-checksum-for-a-file
/// Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filename"></param>
public string CheckMD5(string filename)
// "using": automatically disposes the object after use,
// even if exception is casted
using (var md5 = MD5.Create())
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(filename))
var hash = md5.ComputeHash(stream);
return BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", "").ToLowerInvariant();
/// <summary>
/// Checks for invalid files and invalid filecontent
/// </summary>
public bool ValidMapCheck(string filename) {
var hash = "";
var hash32bit = "";
Console.WriteLine("Hash: " + CheckMD5(Path.Combine(GetPath("Levels"), filename)));
// Checks for invalid files
if (filename != "the-beach.txt" && filename != "short-n-sweet.txt") {
throw new ArgumentException($"Parser cannot load: {filename}");
// Checks for invalid file content
if (filename == "the-beach.txt") {
hash = "81b89b1908e3b3b7fcd7526810c32f14";
hash32bit = "34d0e9c5ea54bfc60a0365f28b7d3a19";
if (filename == "short-n-sweet.txt") {
hash = "e97f28bfff174f9643c088814377ada6";
hash32bit = "5c4832a9a5510bdab5976ad0e6905e85";
var checksum = CheckMD5(Path.Combine(GetPath("Levels"), filename));
if (checksum == hash || checksum == hash32bit) {
return true;
throw new ArgumentException($"You've tampered with {filename}!");
// Todo: Find out how to hide these hash strings and to avoid inline hardcode
/// <summary>
/// Collects a string[] containing all strings in the file
/// </summary>
private string[] ReadFile(string directoryName, string fileName) {
var dir = GetPath(directoryName);
string path = Path.Combine(dir, fileName);
return File.ReadAllLines(path);
/// <summary>
/// Extracts ASCII characters from the txt file and appends it
/// to an array. Later we will use this array to draw pictures.
/// </summary>
private List<char> GetAllTiles(string[] txtFile) {
var charList = new List<char>();
for (int i = 0; i < 23; i++) {
foreach (var j in txtFile[i]) {
return charList;
/// <summary>
/// Adds all objects to the appropriate map being loaded
/// We iterate from top-left (0,1) of the screen to bottom-right (1,0)
/// </summary>
private void AddEntities(List<char> map) {
float tmpX = Constants.X_MIN;
float tmpY = Constants.Y_MAX;
int index = 0;
// Going from top (y 1.0) to bottom (y 0.0)
while (tmpY > Constants.Y_MIN) {
// Going from left (x 0.0) to right (x 1.0)
while (tmpX < Constants.X_MAX) {
// There can be empty strings in our list of strings.
if (map[index].ToString() == " ") {
index += 1;
} else {
// Adds obstacles
if (Obstacles.ContainsKey(map[index])) {
var shape = new StationaryShape(new Vec2F(tmpX, tmpY),
new Vec2F(Constants.WIDTH, Constants.HEIGHT));
var file = Path.Combine(GetPath("Assets"),
"Images", Obstacles[map[index]]);
ObstacleEntities.Add(new Entity(shape, new Image(file)));
// Adds platforms
if (Platforms.ContainsKey(map[index])) {
var shape = new StationaryShape(new Vec2F(tmpX, tmpY),
new Vec2F(Constants.WIDTH, Constants.HEIGHT));
var file = Path.Combine(GetPath("Assets"), "Images",
PlatformEntities.Add(new Platform(shape, new Image(file), map[index]));
// Adds exits
if (Exits.ContainsKey(map[index])) {
var shape = new StationaryShape(new Vec2F(tmpX, tmpY),
new Vec2F(Constants.WIDTH, Constants.HEIGHT));
var file = Path.Combine(GetPath("Assets"), "Images",
ExitEntities.Add(new Entity(shape, new Image(file)));
// Update index
index += 1;
tmpX += Constants.WIDTH;
tmpX = 0;
tmpY -= Constants.HEIGHT;
public partial class LevelParser {
public Dictionary<string, Tuple<int, char, string, int, int, Entity>>
GetCustomerInfo(string[] txtFile) {
// Creates a dictionary containing all info about the customer
var retDict = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<int, char, string, int, int, Entity>>();
// Iterates over the entire txtFile and finds certain string
IEnumerable<string> findName = txtFile.Where(l => l.StartsWith("Customer: "));
foreach (var line in findName)
// Parses file
var name = line.Split(' ')[1];
var timeBeforeSpawn = Convert.ToInt32(line.Split(' ')[2]); // seconds
var spawnOnPlatform = Convert.ToChar(line.Split(' ')[3]);
var destinationPlat = line.Split(' ')[4]; // string
var patienceTime = Convert.ToInt32(line.Split(' ')[5]); // seconds
var rewardPoints = Convert.ToInt32(line.Split(' ')[6]);
// Adds an entity
var shape = new DynamicShape(new Vec2F(), new Vec2F());
var image = new Image(Path.Combine("Assets", "Images", "CustomerStandLeft.png"));
var entity = new Entity(shape, image);
retDict.Add(name, new Tuple<int, char, string, int, int, Entity>(timeBeforeSpawn,
spawnOnPlatform, destinationPlat, patienceTime, rewardPoints, entity));
// Now we have everything we need in one dictionary
return retDict;
还有 3 个文件,每个文件都包含相同的部分类,但有一个方法与其他文件不同。
Partial classes 在这个世界中的角色是代码生成器 和设计师。此外,作为开发人员,您可以利用扩展类的优势,而不会弄乱生成的代码。
至于设计模式,设计模式通常是针对软件设计中给定上下文中常见问题的可重用解决方案。部分类是设计模式吗?嗯,不是真的,就像 C# 中的扩展方法 不是。
public partial class Test
public int testing1 {get;set;}
public partial class Test
public int testing2 {get;set;}
生成为 this
public class Test
private int <testing1>k__BackingField;
private int <testing2>k__BackingField;
public int testing1
return <testing1>k__BackingField;
<testing1>k__BackingField = value;
public int testing2
return <testing2>k__BackingField;
<testing2>k__BackingField = value;
关于c# - 使用部分类是一种好的做法/设计吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56488529/
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