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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
namespace Sieve_Of_Eratosthenes
class Controller
public static int upperLimit = 1000000000;
public static bool[] primeArray = new bool[upperLimit];
static void Main(string[] args)
DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
Initialize initial1 = new Initialize(0, 249999999);
Initialize initial2 = new Initialize(250000000, 499999999);
Initialize initial3 = new Initialize(500000000, 749999999);
Initialize initial4 = new Initialize(750000000, 999999999);
int sqrtLimit = (int)Math.Sqrt(upperLimit);
Sieve sieve1 = new Sieve(249999999);
Sieve sieve2 = new Sieve(499999999);
Sieve sieve3 = new Sieve(749999999);
Sieve sieve4 = new Sieve(999999999);
for (int i = 3; i < sqrtLimit; i += 2)
if (primeArray[i] == true)
int squareI = i * i;
if (squareI <= 249999999)
else if (squareI > 249999999 & squareI <= 499999999)
else if (squareI > 499999999 & squareI <= 749999999)
else if (squareI > 749999999 & squareI <= 999999999)
int count = 0;
primeArray[2] = true;
for (int i = 2; i < upperLimit; i++)
if (primeArray[i])
Console.WriteLine("Total: " + count);
DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan elapsedTime = endTime - startTime;
Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time: " + elapsedTime.Seconds);
public class Initialize
public Thread thread;
private int lowerLimit;
private int upperLimit;
public Initialize(int lowerLimit, int upperLimit)
this.lowerLimit = lowerLimit;
this.upperLimit = upperLimit;
thread = new Thread(this.InitializeArray);
thread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
private void InitializeArray()
for (int i = this.lowerLimit; i <= this.upperLimit; i++)
if (i % 2 == 0)
Controller.primeArray[i] = false;
Controller.primeArray[i] = true;
public class Sieve
public Thread thread;
public int i;
private int upperLimit;
public Sieve(int upperLimit)
this.upperLimit = upperLimit;
public void set(int i)
this.i = i;
thread = new Thread(this.primeGen);
public void primeGen()
for (int j = this.i * this.i; j <= this.upperLimit; j += i)
Controller.primeArray[j] = false;
public LinkedList<int> GetPrimeList(int limit) {
LinkedList<int> primeList = new LinkedList<int>();
bool[] primeArray = new bool[limit];
Console.WriteLine("Initialization started...");
Parallel.For(0, limit, i => {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
primeArray[i] = false;
} else {
primeArray[i] = true;
Console.WriteLine("Initialization finished...");
/*for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
primeArray[i] = false;
} else {
primeArray[i] = true;
int sqrtLimit = (int)Math.Sqrt(limit);
Console.WriteLine("Operation started...");
Parallel.For(3, sqrtLimit, i => {
lock (this) {
if (primeArray[i]) {
for (int j = i * i; j < limit; j += i) {
primeArray[j] = false;
Console.WriteLine("Operation finished...");
/*for (int i = 3; i < sqrtLimit; i += 2) {
if (primeArray[i]) {
for (int j = i * i; j < limit; j += i) {
primeArray[j] = false;
int count = 1;
Console.WriteLine("Counting started...");
Parallel.For(3, limit, i => {
lock (this) {
if (primeArray[i]) {
Console.WriteLine("Counting finished...");
/*for (int i = 3; i < limit; i++) {
if (primeArray[i]) {
return primeList;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class UltimatePrimesSoE : IEnumerable<ulong> {
#region const and static readonly field's, private struct's and classes
//one can get single threaded performance by setting NUMPRCSPCS = 1
static readonly uint NUMPRCSPCS = (uint)Environment.ProcessorCount + 1;
//the L1CACHEPOW can not be less than 14 and is usually the two raised to the power of the L1 or L2 cache
const int L1CACHEPOW = 14, L1CACHESZ = (1 << L1CACHEPOW), MXPGSZ = L1CACHESZ / 2; //for buffer ushort[]
const uint CHNKSZ = 17; //this times BWHLWRDS (below) times two should not be bigger than the L2 cache in bytes
//the 2,3,57 factorial wheel increment pattern, (sum) 48 elements long, starting at prime 19 position
static readonly byte[] WHLPTRN = { 2,3,1,3,2,1,2,3,3,1,3,2,1,3,2,3,4,2,1,2,1,2,4,3,
2,3,1,2,3,1,3,3,2,1,2,3,1,3,2,1,2,1,5,1,5,1,2,1 }; const uint FSTCP = 11;
static readonly byte[] WHLPOS; static readonly byte[] WHLNDX; //look up wheel position from index and vice versa
static readonly byte[] WHLRNDUP; //to look up wheel rounded up index positon values, allow for overflow in size
static readonly uint WCRC = WHLPTRN.Aggregate(0u, (acc, n) => acc + n); //small wheel circumference for odd numbers
static readonly uint WHTS = (uint)WHLPTRN.Length; static readonly uint WPC = WHTS >> 4; //number of wheel candidates
static readonly byte[] BWHLPRMS = { 2,3,5,7,11,13,17 }; const uint FSTBP = 19; //big wheel primes, following prime
//the big wheel circumference expressed in number of 16 bit words as in a minimum bit buffer size
static readonly uint BWHLWRDS = BWHLPRMS.Aggregate(1u, (acc, p) => acc * p) / 2 / WCRC * WHTS / 16;
//page size and range as developed from the above
static readonly uint PGSZ = MXPGSZ / BWHLWRDS * BWHLWRDS; static readonly uint PGRNG = PGSZ * 16 / WHTS * WCRC;
//buffer size (multiple chunks) as produced from the above
static readonly uint BFSZ = CHNKSZ * PGSZ, BFRNG = CHNKSZ * PGRNG; //number of uints even number of caches in chunk
static readonly ushort[] MCPY; //a Master Copy page used to hold the lower base primes preculled version of the page
struct Wst { public ushort msk; public byte mlt; public byte xtr; public ushort nxt; }
static readonly byte[] PRLUT; /*Wheel Index Look Up Table */ static readonly Wst[] WSLUT; //Wheel State Look Up Table
static readonly byte[] CLUT; // a Counting Look Up Table for very fast counting of primes
class Bpa { //very efficient auto-resizing thread-safe read-only indexer class to hold the base primes array
byte[] sa = new byte[0]; uint lwi = 0, lpd = 0; object lck = new object();
public uint this[uint i] {
get {
if (i >= this.sa.Length) lock (this.lck) {
var lngth = this.sa.Length; while (i >= lngth) {
var bf = (ushort[])MCPY.Clone(); if (lngth == 0) {
for (uint bi = 0, wi = 0, w = 0, msk = 0x8000, v = 0; w < bf.Length;
bi += WHLPTRN[wi++], wi = (wi >= WHTS) ? 0 : wi) {
if (msk >= 0x8000) { msk = 1; v = bf[w++]; } else msk <<= 1;
if ((v & msk) == 0) {
var p = FSTBP + (bi + bi); var k = (p * p - FSTBP) >> 1;
if (k >= PGRNG) break; var pd = p / WCRC; var kd = k / WCRC; var kn = WHLNDX[k - kd * WCRC];
for (uint wrd = kd * WPC + (uint)(kn >> 4), ndx = wi * WHTS + kn; wrd < bf.Length; ) {
var st = WSLUT[ndx]; bf[wrd] |= st.msk; wrd += st.mlt * pd + st.xtr; ndx = st.nxt;
else { this.lwi += PGRNG; cullbf(this.lwi, bf); }
var c = count(PGRNG, bf); var na = new byte[lngth + c]; sa.CopyTo(na, 0);
for (uint p = FSTBP + (this.lwi << 1), wi = 0, w = 0, msk = 0x8000, v = 0;
lngth < na.Length; p += (uint)(WHLPTRN[wi++] << 1), wi = (wi >= WHTS) ? 0 : wi) {
if (msk >= 0x8000) { msk = 1; v = bf[w++]; } else msk <<= 1; if ((v & msk) == 0) {
var pd = p / WCRC; na[lngth++] = (byte)(((pd - this.lpd) << 6) + wi); this.lpd = pd;
} this.sa = na;
} return this.sa[i];
static readonly Bpa baseprms = new Bpa(); //the base primes array using the above class
struct PrcsSpc { public Task tsk; public ushort[] buf; } //used for multi-threading buffer array processing
#region private static methods
static int count(uint bitlim, ushort[] buf) { //very fast counting method using the CLUT look up table
if (bitlim < BFRNG) {
var addr = (bitlim - 1) / WCRC; var bit = WHLNDX[bitlim - addr * WCRC] - 1; addr *= WPC;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) buf[addr++] |= (ushort)((unchecked((ulong)-2) << bit) >> (i << 4));
var acc = 0; for (uint i = 0, w = 0; i < bitlim; i += WCRC)
acc += CLUT[buf[w++]] + CLUT[buf[w++]] + CLUT[buf[w++]]; return acc;
static void cullbf(ulong lwi, ushort[] b) { //fast buffer segment culling method using a Wheel State Look Up Table
ulong nlwi = lwi;
for (var i = 0u; i < b.Length; nlwi += PGRNG, i += PGSZ) MCPY.CopyTo(b, i); //copy preculled lower base primes.
for (uint i = 0, pd = 0; ; ++i) {
pd += (uint)baseprms[i] >> 6;
var wi = baseprms[i] & 0x3Fu; var wp = (uint)WHLPOS[wi]; var p = pd * WCRC + PRLUT[wi];
var k = ((ulong)p * (ulong)p - FSTBP) >> 1;
if (k >= nlwi) break; if (k < lwi) {
k = (lwi - k) % (WCRC * p);
if (k != 0) {
var nwp = wp + (uint)((k + p - 1) / p); k = (WHLRNDUP[nwp] - wp) * p - k;
else k -= lwi; var kd = k / WCRC; var kn = WHLNDX[k - kd * WCRC];
for (uint wrd = (uint)kd * WPC + (uint)(kn >> 4), ndx = wi * WHTS + kn; wrd < b.Length; ) {
var st = WSLUT[ndx]; b[wrd] |= st.msk; wrd += st.mlt * pd + st.xtr; ndx = st.nxt;
static Task cullbftsk(ulong lwi, ushort[] b, Action<ushort[]> f) { // forms a task of the cull buffer operaion
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { cullbf(lwi, b); f(b); });
//iterates the action over each page up to the page including the top_number,
//making an adjustment to the top limit for the last page.
//this method works for non-dependent actions that can be executed in any order.
static void IterateTo(ulong top_number, Action<ulong, uint, ushort[]> actn) {
PrcsSpc[] ps = new PrcsSpc[NUMPRCSPCS]; for (var s = 0u; s < NUMPRCSPCS; ++s) ps[s] = new PrcsSpc {
buf = new ushort[BFSZ],
tsk = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { })
var topndx = (top_number - FSTBP) >> 1; for (ulong ndx = 0; ndx <= topndx; ) {
ps[0].tsk.Wait(); var buf = ps[0].buf; for (var s = 0u; s < NUMPRCSPCS - 1; ++s) ps[s] = ps[s + 1];
var lowi = ndx; var nxtndx = ndx + BFRNG; var lim = topndx < nxtndx ? (uint)(topndx - ndx + 1) : BFRNG;
ps[NUMPRCSPCS - 1] = new PrcsSpc { buf = buf, tsk = cullbftsk(ndx, buf, (b) => actn(lowi, lim, b)) };
ndx = nxtndx;
} for (var s = 0u; s < NUMPRCSPCS; ++s) ps[s].tsk.Wait();
//iterates the predicate over each page up to the page where the predicate paramenter returns true,
//this method works for dependent operations that need to be executed in increasing order.
//it is somewhat slower than the above as the predicate function is executed outside the task.
static void IterateUntil(Func<ulong, ushort[], bool> prdct) {
PrcsSpc[] ps = new PrcsSpc[NUMPRCSPCS];
for (var s = 0u; s < NUMPRCSPCS; ++s) {
var buf = new ushort[BFSZ];
ps[s] = new PrcsSpc { buf = buf, tsk = cullbftsk(s * BFRNG, buf, (bfr) => { }) };
for (var ndx = 0UL; ; ndx += BFRNG) {
ps[0].tsk.Wait(); var buf = ps[0].buf; var lowi = ndx; if (prdct(lowi, buf)) break;
for (var s = 0u; s < NUMPRCSPCS - 1; ++s) ps[s] = ps[s + 1];
ps[NUMPRCSPCS - 1] = new PrcsSpc {
buf = buf,
tsk = cullbftsk(ndx + NUMPRCSPCS * BFRNG, buf, (bfr) => { })
#region initialization
/// <summary>
/// the static constructor is used to initialize the static readonly arrays.
/// </summary>
static UltimatePrimesSoE() {
WHLPOS = new byte[WHLPTRN.Length + 1]; //to look up wheel position index from wheel index
for (byte i = 0, acc = 0; i < WHLPTRN.Length; ++i) { acc += WHLPTRN[i]; WHLPOS[i + 1] = acc; }
WHLNDX = new byte[WCRC + 1]; for (byte i = 1; i < WHLPOS.Length; ++i) {
for (byte j = (byte)(WHLPOS[i - 1] + 1); j <= WHLPOS[i]; ++j) WHLNDX[j] = i;
WHLRNDUP = new byte[WCRC * 2]; for (byte i = 1; i < WHLRNDUP.Length; ++i) {
if (i > WCRC) WHLRNDUP[i] = (byte)(WCRC + WHLPOS[WHLNDX[i - WCRC]]); else WHLRNDUP[i] = WHLPOS[WHLNDX[i]];
Func<ushort, int> nmbts = (v) => { var acc = 0; while (v != 0) { acc += (int)v & 1; v >>= 1; } return acc; };
CLUT = new byte[1 << 16]; for (var i = 0; i < CLUT.Length; ++i) CLUT[i] = (byte)nmbts((ushort)(i ^ -1));
PRLUT = new byte[WHTS]; for (var i = 0; i < PRLUT.Length; ++i) {
var t = (uint)(WHLPOS[i] * 2) + FSTBP; if (t >= WCRC) t -= WCRC; if (t >= WCRC) t -= WCRC; PRLUT[i] = (byte)t;
WSLUT = new Wst[WHTS * WHTS]; for (var x = 0u; x < WHTS; ++x) {
var p = FSTBP + 2u * WHLPOS[x]; var pr = p % WCRC;
for (uint y = 0, pos = (p * p - FSTBP) / 2; y < WHTS; ++y) {
var m = WHLPTRN[(x + y) % WHTS];
pos %= WCRC; var posn = WHLNDX[pos]; pos += m * pr; var nposd = pos / WCRC; var nposn = WHLNDX[pos - nposd * WCRC];
WSLUT[x * WHTS + posn] = new Wst {
msk = (ushort)(1 << (int)(posn & 0xF)),
mlt = (byte)(m * WPC),
xtr = (byte)(WPC * nposd + (nposn >> 4) - (posn >> 4)),
nxt = (ushort)(WHTS * x + nposn)
MCPY = new ushort[PGSZ]; foreach (var lp in BWHLPRMS.SkipWhile(p => p < FSTCP)) {
var p = (uint)lp;
var k = (p * p - FSTBP) >> 1; var pd = p / WCRC; var kd = k / WCRC; var kn = WHLNDX[k - kd * WCRC];
for (uint w = kd * WPC + (uint)(kn >> 4), ndx = WHLNDX[(2 * WCRC + p - FSTBP) / 2] * WHTS + kn; w < MCPY.Length; ) {
var st = WSLUT[ndx]; MCPY[w] |= st.msk; w += st.mlt * pd + st.xtr; ndx = st.nxt;
#region public class
// this class implements the enumeration (IEnumerator).
// it works by farming out tasks culling pages, which it then processes in order by
// enumerating the found primes as recognized by the remaining non-composite bits
// in the cull page buffers.
class nmrtr : IEnumerator<ulong>, IEnumerator, IDisposable {
PrcsSpc[] ps = new PrcsSpc[NUMPRCSPCS]; ushort[] buf;
public nmrtr() {
for (var s = 0u; s < NUMPRCSPCS; ++s) ps[s] = new PrcsSpc { buf = new ushort[BFSZ] };
for (var s = 1u; s < NUMPRCSPCS; ++s) {
ps[s].tsk = cullbftsk((s - 1u) * BFRNG, ps[s].buf, (bfr) => { });
} buf = ps[0].buf;
ulong _curr, i = (ulong)-WHLPTRN[WHTS - 1]; int b = -BWHLPRMS.Length - 1; uint wi = WHTS - 1; ushort v, msk = 0;
public ulong Current { get { return this._curr; } } object IEnumerator.Current { get { return this._curr; } }
public bool MoveNext() {
if (b < 0) {
if (b == -1) b += buf.Length; //no yield!!! so automatically comes around again
else { this._curr = (ulong)BWHLPRMS[BWHLPRMS.Length + (++b)]; return true; }
do {
i += WHLPTRN[wi++]; if (wi >= WHTS) wi = 0; if ((this.msk <<= 1) == 0) {
if (++b >= BFSZ) {
b = 0; for (var prc = 0; prc < NUMPRCSPCS - 1; ++prc) ps[prc] = ps[prc + 1];
ps[NUMPRCSPCS - 1u].buf = buf;
ps[NUMPRCSPCS - 1u].tsk = cullbftsk(i + (NUMPRCSPCS - 1u) * BFRNG, buf, (bfr) => { });
ps[0].tsk.Wait(); buf = ps[0].buf;
} v = buf[b]; this.msk = 1;
while ((v & msk) != 0u); _curr = FSTBP + i + i; return true;
public void Reset() { throw new Exception("Primes enumeration reset not implemented!!!"); }
public void Dispose() { }
#region public instance method and associated sub private method
/// <summary>
/// Gets the enumerator for the primes.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The enumerator of the primes.</returns>
public IEnumerator<ulong> GetEnumerator() { return new nmrtr(); }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the enumerator for the primes.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The enumerator of the primes.</returns>
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return new nmrtr(); }
#region public static methods
/// <summary>
/// Gets the count of primes up the number, inclusively.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="top_number">The ulong top number to check for prime.</param>
/// <returns>The long number of primes found.</returns>
public static long CountTo(ulong top_number) {
if (top_number < FSTBP) return BWHLPRMS.TakeWhile(p => p <= top_number).Count();
var cnt = (long)BWHLPRMS.Length;
IterateTo(top_number, (lowi, lim, b) => { Interlocked.Add(ref cnt, count(lim, b)); }); return cnt;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the sum of the primes up the number, inclusively.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="top_number">The uint top number to check for prime.</param>
/// <returns>The ulong sum of all the primes found.</returns>
public static ulong SumTo(uint top_number) {
if (top_number < FSTBP) return (ulong)BWHLPRMS.TakeWhile(p => p <= top_number).Aggregate(0u, (acc, p) => acc += p);
var sum = (long)BWHLPRMS.Aggregate(0u, (acc, p) => acc += p);
Func<ulong, uint, ushort[], long> sumbf = (lowi, bitlim, buf) => {
var acc = 0L; for (uint i = 0, wi = 0, msk = 0x8000, w = 0, v = 0; i < bitlim;
i += WHLPTRN[wi++], wi = wi >= WHTS ? 0 : wi) {
if (msk >= 0x8000) { msk = 1; v = buf[w++]; } else msk <<= 1;
if ((v & msk) == 0) acc += (long)(FSTBP + ((lowi + i) << 1));
} return acc;
IterateTo(top_number, (pos, lim, b) => { Interlocked.Add(ref sum, sumbf(pos, lim, b)); }); return (ulong)sum;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the prime number at the zero based index number given.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The long zero-based index number for the prime.</param>
/// <returns>The ulong prime found at the given index.</returns>
public static ulong ElementAt(long index) {
if (index < BWHLPRMS.Length) return (ulong)BWHLPRMS.ElementAt((int)index);
long cnt = BWHLPRMS.Length; var ndx = 0UL; var cycl = 0u; var bit = 0u; IterateUntil((lwi, bfr) => {
var c = count(BFRNG, bfr); if ((cnt += c) < index) return false; ndx = lwi; cnt -= c; c = 0;
do { var w = cycl++ * WPC; c = CLUT[bfr[w++]] + CLUT[bfr[w++]] + CLUT[bfr[w]]; cnt += c; } while (cnt < index);
cnt -= c; var y = (--cycl) * WPC; ulong v = ((ulong)bfr[y + 2] << 32) + ((ulong)bfr[y + 1] << 16) + bfr[y];
do { if ((v & (1UL << ((int)bit++))) == 0) ++cnt; } while (cnt <= index); --bit; return true;
}); return FSTBP + ((ndx + cycl * WCRC + WHLPOS[bit]) << 1);
关于c# - 如何使用多线程C#实现Eratosthenes筛网?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4700107/
#include using namespace std; class C{ private: int value; public: C(){ value = 0;
这个问题已经有答案了: What is the difference between char a[] = ?string?; and char *p = ?string?;? (8 个回答) 已关闭
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我想在第二台显示器中移动一个窗口 (HWND)。问题是我尝试了很多方法,例如将分辨率加倍或输入负值,但它永远无法将窗口放在我的第二台显示器上。 关于如何在 C/C++/c# 中执行此操作的任何线索 最
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有没有办法强制将另一个 窗口置于顶部? 不是应用程序的窗口,而是另一个已经在系统上运行的窗口。 (Windows, C/C++/C#) 最佳答案 SetWindowPos(that_window_ha
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下面的测试代码,我将输出信息放在注释中。我使用的是 gcc 4.8.5 和 Centos 7.2。 #include #include class C { public:
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我的客户将使用名为 annoucement 的结构/类与客户通信。我想我会用 C++ 编写服务器。会有很多不同的类继承annoucement。我的问题是通过网络将这些类发送给客户端 我想也许我应该使用
我在 C# 中有以下函数: public Matrix ConcatDescriptors(IList> descriptors) { int cols = descriptors[0].Co
我有一个项目要编写一个函数来对某些数据执行某些操作。我可以用 C/C++ 编写代码,但我不想与雇主共享该函数的代码。相反,我只想让他有权在他自己的代码中调用该函数。是否可以?我想到了这两种方法 - 在
我使用的是编写糟糕的第 3 方 (C/C++) Api。我从托管代码(C++/CLI)中使用它。有时会出现“访问冲突错误”。这使整个应用程序崩溃。我知道我无法处理这些错误[如果指针访问非法内存位置等,
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已关闭。此问题不符合Stack Overflow guidelines 。目前不接受答案。 要求我们推荐或查找工具、库或最喜欢的场外资源的问题对于 Stack Overflow 来说是偏离主题的,因为
我有一些 C 代码,将使用 P/Invoke 从 C# 调用。我正在尝试为这个 C 函数定义一个 C# 等效项。 SomeData* DoSomething(); struct SomeData {
这个问题已经有答案了: Why are these constructs using pre and post-increment undefined behavior? (14 个回答) 已关闭 6