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javascript - 找到短语时替换整个句子

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 12:57:57 25 4
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我正在寻找一个 JavaScript 正则表达式,它会在句子中查找一个短语,例如“seem to be new”,如果找到那个短语,它会用“seem”替换整个句子。所以下面所有的句子都会被“seem”代替

How do I get rid of the "You seem to be new" message?
How do I get kill the "You seem to be new" message?
How do I stop the "You seem to be new" message from appearing?



var str = 'How do I get rid of the "You seem to be new" message? How do I get kill the "You seem to be new" message? How do I stop the "You seem to be new" message from appearing?'
str = str.replace(/[^?!.]*You seem to be new[^?!.]*[?!.]/g,"seem");
console.log(str); // "seemseemseem"



var str = 'How do I get rid of the "You seem to be new" message? How do I get kill the "You seem to be new" message? This sentence doesn\'t seem to contain your phrase. How do I stop the "You seem to be new" message from appearing?'
str = str.replace(/[^?!.]*You seem to be new[^?!.]*[?!.]/g,"seem");
console.log(str); //seemseem This sentence doesn't seem to contain your phrase.seem



var str = 'How do I get rid of the "You seem to be new" message? How do I get kill the "You seem to be new" message? This sentence doesn\'t seem to contain your phrase. How do I stop the "You seem to be new" message from appearing?'
str = str.replace(/[^?!.]*You seem to be new[^?!.]*([?!.])/g," seem$1");
console.log(str); // seem? seem? This sentence doesn't seem to contain your phrase. seem?


关于javascript - 找到短语时替换整个句子,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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