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c# - 在二叉搜索树中查找最低共同祖先

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 12:50:46 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我有以下代码来查找最低的共同祖先(具有 a 和 b 作为后代的最低节点):

public static Node LCA(Node root, Node a, Node b)
if (root == null)
return null;

if (root.IData == a.IData || root.IData == b.IData)
return root;

if (root.RightChild != null && (root.RightChild.IData == a.IData || root.RightChild.IData == b.IData))
return root;

if (root.LeftChild != null && (root.LeftChild.IData == a.IData || root.LeftChild.IData == b.IData))
return root;

if (root.IData > a.IData && root.IData > b.IData)
return LCA(root.LeftChild, a, b);
else if (root.IData < a.IData && root.IData < b.IData)
return LCA(root.RightChild, a, b);
return root;


/ \
8 22
/ \
4 12
/ \
10 14



LCA (4, 8) = 20 but should be 8.

LCA (8, 12) = 20 but should be 8

LCA (8, 23) = 20, non-existent number (23) as parameter.



class Node
public int IData {get; set;}
public Node RightChild {get; set;}
public Node LeftChild {get; set;}


如果 rootIData 不同于 ab,但是root 的子级之一与两者中的任何一个具有相同的 IData,您返回 root,但根据您的定义,您应该返回如果两个节点都在同一子树中,则为子节点。由于您还想检查两个节点是否确实在树中,因此必须在任何返回之前执行该检查。

public static Node LCA(Node root, Node a, Node b)
if (root == null) return null;
// what if a == null or b == null ?
Node small, large, current = root;
if (a.IData < b.IData)
small = a;
large = b;
small = b;
large = a;
if (large.IData < current.IData)
current = current.LeftChild;
}while(current != null && large.IData < current.IData);
if (current == null) return null;
if (current.IData < small.IData) return LCA(current,small,large);
// if we get here, current has the same IData as one of the two, the two are
// in different subtrees, or not both are in the tree
if (contains(current,small) && contains(current,large)) return current;
// at least one isn't in the tree, return null
return null;
else if (current.IData < small.IData)
// the symmetric case, too lazy to type it out
else // Not both in the same subtree
if (contains(current,small) && contains(current,large)) return current;
return null; // at least one not in tree

public static bool contains(Node root, Node target)
if (root == null) return false;
if (root.IData == target.IData) return true;
if (root.IData < target.IData) return contains(root.RightChild,target);
return contains(root.LeftChild,target);

关于c# - 在二叉搜索树中查找最低共同祖先,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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