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c# - 模拟复杂的第 3 方库

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 12:49:07 39 4
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我有一个使用第三方 FTP 库的类我想模拟它,这样我就可以只测试那个类而不是 FTP 库。我已经做到了,但对我来说感觉很乱。详细地说,该类使用 AlexPilotti.FTPS.Client.FTPSClient 类的这些方法:

public string Connect(string hostname, ESSLSupportMode sslSupportMode)
public ulong PutFile(
string localFileName, string remoteFileName,
FileTransferCallback transferCallback)

委托(delegate) AlexPilotti.FTPS.Client.FileTransferCallback 如下所示:

public delegate void FileTransferCallback(
FTPSClient sender, ETransferActions action,
string localObjectName, string remoteObjectName,
ulong fileTransmittedBytes, ulong? fileTransferSize, ref bool cancel);

您会看到一个问题,因为 PutFile 从 FTP 库中获取委托(delegate),而该委托(delegate)也从库中获取两种不同的类型。我决定使用泛型来与这些类型分离。

为了能够创建模拟对象,我创建了一个接口(interface),然后创建了一个派生类,它是 FTP 库功能的包装器。

// Interface so that dependency injection can be used.
public delegate void FileTransferCallback<T1, T2>(T1 sender, T2 action,
string localObjectName, string remoteObjectName,
ulong fileTransmittedBytes, ulong? fileTransferSize,
ref bool cancel);

public interface IFTPClient<T1, T2> : IDisposable
string Connect(string hostname, System.Net.NetworkCredential credential);
ulong PutFile(
string localFileName, string remoteFileName,
FileTransferCallback<T1, T2> transferCallback);

// Derived class, the wrapper
using FTPSClient = FTPS.Client.FTPSClient;
using ETransferActions = FTPS.Client.ETransferActions;

public class FTPClient : IFTPClient<FTPSClient, ETransferActions>
public FTPClient()
client = new AlexPilotti.FTPS.Client.FTPSClient();

public ulong PutFile(
string localFileName, string remoteFileName,
FileTransferCallback<FTPSClient, ETransferActions> transferCallback)
callback = transferCallback;
return client.PutFile(localFileName, remoteFileName, TransferCallback);

public void Dispose()

public string Connect(
string hostname, System.Net.NetworkCredential credential)
return client.Connect(hostname, credential,

void TransferCallback(
FTPS.Client.FTPSClient sender, FTPS.Client.ETransferActions action,
string localObjectName, string remoteObjectName,
ulong fileTransmittedBytes, ulong? fileTransferSize,
ref bool cancel)
callback.Invoke(sender, action, localObjectName, remoteObjectName,
fileTransmittedBytes, fileTransferSize, ref cancel);

private AlexPilotti.FTPS.Client.FTPSClient client;
private FileTransferCallback<FTPSClient, ETransferActions> callback;

这是一个使用此接口(interface)的类,我对其进行了单元测试。我将其精简了一点,因此只使用了 Connect 方法,但我希望它仍然能说明我的问题。

public class FTPServerConnection<T1, T2>
public void Init(
IFTPClient<T1, T2> client, string serverName,
string userName, string passwd)
IsConnected = false;

ServerName = serverName;
UserName = userName;
Passwd = passwd;

ftpClient = client;


public void Connect()
new System.Net.NetworkCredential(UserName, Passwd));

public string ServerName { protected set; get; }
public string UserName { protected set; get; }
public string Passwd { protected set; get; }

public bool IsConnected { protected set; get; }

private IFTPClient<T1, T2> ftpClient;


public void FTPServerConnectionConstructorTest()
var ftpClient = new Mock<IFTPClient<object, object>>();
var ftpServer = new FTPServerConnection<object, object>();
ftpServer.Init(ftpClient.Object, "", "user", "passwd");

Assert.AreEqual("", ftpServer.ServerName);
Assert.AreEqual("user", ftpServer.UserName);
Assert.AreEqual("passwd", ftpServer.Passwd);




我唯一的意见是FTPServerConnection 的结构看起来有点不标准;按照它的编写方式,您必须在无效状态下实例化一个(没有客户端详细信息的状态),然后调用 Init(),它本身调用 Connect() (从测试的角度来看,服务器类的客户端永远不会调用它)。我会说在 FTPServerConnection 构造函数中提供 Init() 的参数,然后删除 Init() 会更正常方法并让客户这样做:

var ftpClient = new Mock<IFTPClient<object, object>>();

using (var ftpServer = new FTPServerConnection<object, object>(

...但是,关于您抽象 FTP 库的方式,我认为这是一种不错的方式:)

关于c# - 模拟复杂的第 3 方库,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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