gpt4 book ai didi

arrays - 数组洗牌后不会出现重复的结果

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 12:42:23 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


var rank = ["A","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","J","Q","K"]
var suit = ["♠", "♥","♦","♣"]
var deck = [String]()

我有一个 for 循环来创建牌组

    for t in suit {
for r in rank {

然后,我在一个函数中调用一个我创建的扩展来洗牌。 (这让我带回 52 张随机分类的卡片)


唯一的事情是,虽然结果是随机的,但我不希望卡片重复。例如,如果结果是 2♠,我不希望在打印列表中出现 2♥、2Check、2♣。



我认为最好的方法是使用改进的 Knuth shuffle。下面的代码是一个完整的示例。将内容保存在 customshuffle.swift 中后,只需在 shell 中使用 swiftc -o customshuffle customshuffle.swift && ./customshuffle 运行即可。

import Foundation

let decksize = 52

let rankStrings = ["A","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","J","Q","K"]
let suitStrings = ["♠", "♥","♦","♣"]

struct card : Hashable, Equatable, CustomStringConvertible {
var rank: Int //1,2...,11,12,13
var suit: Int // 1,2,3,4

var hashValue: Int {
return rank + suit
static func == (lhs: card, rhs: card) -> Bool {
return lhs.rank == rhs.rank && lhs.suit == rhs.suit

var description: String {
return rankStrings[self.rank - 1] + suitStrings[self.suit - 1]

// seems like Swift still lacks a portable random number generator
func portablerand(_ max: Int)->Int {
#if os(Linux)
return Int(random() % (max + 1)) // biased but I am in a hurry
return Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(max)))

// we populate a data structure where the
// cards are partitioned by rank and then suit (this is not essential)

var deck = [[card]]()
for i in 1...13 {
var thisset = [card]()
for j in 1...4 {

// we write answer in "answer"
var answer = [card]()
// we pick a card at random, first card is special
var rnd = portablerand(decksize)
answer.append(deck[rnd / 4].remove(at: rnd % 4))

while answer.count < decksize {
// no matter what, we do not want to repeat this rank
let lastrank = answer.last!.rank
var myindices = [Int](deck.indices)
myindices.remove(at: lastrank - 1)
var totalchoice = 0
var maxbag = -1
for i in myindices {
totalchoice = totalchoice + deck[i].count
if maxbag == -1 || deck[i].count > deck[maxbag].count {
maxbag = i
if 2 * deck[maxbag].count >= totalchoice {
// we have to pick from maxbag
rnd = portablerand(deck[maxbag].count)
answer.append(deck[maxbag].remove(at: rnd))
} else {
// any bag will do
rnd = portablerand(totalchoice)
for i in myindices {
if rnd >= deck[i].count {
rnd = rnd - deck[i].count
} else {
answer.append(deck[i].remove(at: rnd))

for card in answer {


关于arrays - 数组洗牌后不会出现重复的结果,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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