- html - 出于某种原因,IE8 对我的 Sass 文件中继承的 html5 CSS 不友好?
- JMeter 在响应断言中使用 span 标签的问题
- html - 在 :hover and :active? 上具有不同效果的 CSS 动画
- html - 相对于居中的 html 内容固定的 CSS 重复背景?
我的文件 - 和 csproj 文件solutionfolder\Libraries\BL\interfaces\projectname\
我的文件 - 和 csproj 文件我想要的是:
我的文件和csproj文件我试过了<CreateNewFolder> false </CreateNewFolder>
<SolutionFolder Name="Libraries">
<SolutionFolder Name="BL">
<SolutionFolder Name="Interfaces">
<ProjectTemplateLink ProjectName="BL_$safeprojectname$_Interfaces">Libraries\BL\Interfaces\MyTemplate.vstemplate</ProjectTemplateLink>
<ProjectTemplateLink ProjectName="BL_$safeprojectname$">Libraries\BL\MyTemplate.vstemplate</ProjectTemplateLink>
您可以通过创建向导模板来移动文件夹和项目项。只需将逻辑放在 ProjectFinishedGenerating() 方法中。
我使用此文件作为我自己模板的引用,特别是 MoveProjectTo() 方法。
WizardImplementation.cs (
original link
, cached )
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TemplateWizard;
using VSLangProj;
using EnvDTE;
using EnvDTE80;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Threading;
using System.Xml;
namespace SharpArchApplicationWizard
// Class that implements the IWizard() interface
internal class WizardImplementation : IWizard
/// <summary>
/// Provide a means for sub-projects to have access to the solution name
/// </summary>
private static string solutionName;
private static string guidAssignedToCore = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}";
private static string guidAssignedToData = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}";
private static string guidAssignedToApplicationServices = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}";
private static string guidAssignedToControllers = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}";
private EnvDTE._DTE dte;
private WizardRunKind runKind;
private Dictionary<string, string> replacementsDictionary;
// RunStarted() method gets called before the template wizard creates the project.
void IWizard.RunStarted(object application, Dictionary<string, string> replacementsDictionary, WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams) {
this.dte = application as EnvDTE._DTE;
this.runKind = runKind;
this.replacementsDictionary = replacementsDictionary;
// Store the solution name locally while processing the solution template
if (runKind == WizardRunKind.AsMultiProject) {
solutionName = replacementsDictionary["$safeprojectname$"];
replacementsDictionary.Add("$solutionname$", solutionName);
if (runKind == WizardRunKind.AsNewProject) {
// Make the solution root path available for all the projects
replacementsDictionary.Add("$solutionrootpath$", GetSolutionRootPath() + solutionName + "\\");
/// <summary>
/// Makes the project GUIDs, which are collected during the project creation process,
/// available to subsequent projects
/// </summary>
private static void AddProjectGuidsTo(Dictionary<string, string> replacementsDictionary) {
replacementsDictionary.Add("$guidAssignedToCore$", guidAssignedToCore);
replacementsDictionary.Add("$guidAssignedToData$", guidAssignedToData);
replacementsDictionary.Add("$guidAssignedToApplicationServices$", guidAssignedToApplicationServices);
replacementsDictionary.Add("$guidAssignedToControllers$", guidAssignedToControllers);
/// <summary>
/// Runs custom wizard logic when a project has finished generating
/// </summary>
void IWizard.ProjectFinishedGenerating(EnvDTE.Project project) {
if (project != null) {
if (project.Name == "SolutionItemsContainer") {
else if (project.Name == "ToolsSolutionItemsContainer") {
else if (project.Name == "CrudScaffolding") {
Project movedProject = MoveProjectTo("\\tools\\", project, "Code Generation");
else if (project.Name == GetSolutionName() + ".Tests") {
MoveProjectTo("\\tests\\", project);
else if (project.Name == GetSolutionName() + ".Web.Controllers" ||
project.Name == GetSolutionName() + ".ApplicationServices" ||
project.Name == GetSolutionName() + ".Core" ||
project.Name == GetSolutionName() + ".Data" ||
project.Name == GetSolutionName() + ".Web") {
Project movedProject = MoveProjectTo("\\app\\", project);
// Give the solution time to release the lock on the project file
private void CaptureProjectGuidOf(Project project) {
if (IsProjectReferredByOtherProjects(project)) {
string projectPath = GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + "\\app\\" + project.Name + "\\" + project.Name + ".csproj";
Log("CaptureProjectGuidOf: Does " + projectPath + " exist? " + File.Exists(projectPath).ToString());
Log("CaptureProjectGuidOf: About to open " + projectPath);
XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList projectGuidNodes = xmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName("ProjectGuid");
if (projectGuidNodes == null || projectGuidNodes.Count == 0)
throw new ApplicationException("Couldn't find a matching node in the project file for ProjectGuid");
StoreCapturedGuidForLaterUse(project, projectGuidNodes);
Log("CaptureProjectGuidOf: Captured the GUID " + projectGuidNodes[0].InnerText + " for " + project.Name);
private void StoreCapturedGuidForLaterUse(Project project, XmlNodeList projectGuidNodes) {
if (project.Name == GetSolutionName() + ".ApplicationServices") {
guidAssignedToApplicationServices = projectGuidNodes[0].InnerText;
else if (project.Name == GetSolutionName() + ".Core") {
guidAssignedToCore = projectGuidNodes[0].InnerText;
else if (project.Name == GetSolutionName() + ".Web.Controllers") {
guidAssignedToControllers = projectGuidNodes[0].InnerText;
else if (project.Name == GetSolutionName() + ".Data") {
guidAssignedToData = projectGuidNodes[0].InnerText;
private bool IsProjectReferredByOtherProjects(Project project) {
return project.Name == GetSolutionName() + ".ApplicationServices" ||
project.Name == GetSolutionName() + ".Core" ||
project.Name == GetSolutionName() + ".Web.Controllers" ||
project.Name == GetSolutionName() + ".Data";
/// <summary>
/// Sets up the solution structure and performs a number of related initialization steps
/// </summary>
private void PerformSolutionInitialization(EnvDTE.Project project) {
/// <summary>
/// Runs custom wizard logic when the wizard has completed all tasks
/// </summary>
void IWizard.RunFinished() {
// Only copy the solution items once, right after processing the solution template
if (runKind == WizardRunKind.AsMultiProject) {
// Operations after this must take into account that the solution path has changed
private void ExcludeProjectFromBuildProcess(EnvDTE.Project project) {
Solution2 solution = dte.Solution as Solution2;
SolutionBuild2 solutionBuild = (SolutionBuild2)solution.SolutionBuild;
foreach (SolutionConfiguration solutionConfiguration in solutionBuild.SolutionConfigurations) {
foreach (SolutionContext solutionContext in solutionConfiguration.SolutionContexts) {
if (solutionContext.ProjectName.IndexOf(project.Name) > -1) {
Log("ExcludeProjectFromBuildProcess: Setting build to false for project " + solutionContext.ProjectName +
" within the " + solutionConfiguration.Name + " configuration");
solutionContext.ShouldBuild = false;
private Project MoveProjectTo(string targetSubFolder, EnvDTE.Project project) {
return MoveProjectTo(targetSubFolder, project, null);
private Project MoveProjectTo(string targetSubFolder, EnvDTE.Project project, string solutionFolderName) {
string projectName = project.Name;
string originalLocation = GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + "\\" + projectName;
if (Directory.Exists(originalLocation)) {
Solution2 solution = dte.Solution as Solution2;
Log("MoveProjectTo: Removing " + projectName + " from solution");
// Give the solution time to release the lock on the project file
PerformManualProjectReplacementsTo(originalLocation + "\\" + projectName + ".csproj");
string targetLocation = GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + targetSubFolder + projectName;
Log("MoveProjectTo: Moving " + projectName + " from " + originalLocation + " to target location at " + targetLocation);
Directory.Move(originalLocation, targetLocation);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(solutionFolderName)) {
SolutionFolder solutionFolder = (SolutionFolder)solution.AddSolutionFolder(solutionFolderName).Object;
Log("MoveProjectTo: Adding " + projectName + " to solution folder " + targetLocation);
return solutionFolder.AddFromFile(targetLocation + "\\" + projectName + ".csproj");
else {
Log("MoveProjectTo: Adding " + projectName + " to solution");
return solution.AddFromFile(targetLocation + "\\" + projectName + ".csproj", false);
else {
throw new ApplicationException("Couldn't find " + originalLocation + " to move");
/// <summary>
/// This does any manual value replacement on project files when it can't be handled
/// (or is being handled incorrectly by the VS templating process.
/// </summary>
private void PerformManualProjectReplacementsTo(string projectFilePath) {
if (File.Exists(projectFilePath)) {
Log("PerformManualProjectReplacementsTo: Going to PerformManualProjectReplacementsTo on " + projectFilePath);
// Open a file for reading
StreamReader streamReader;
streamReader = File.OpenText(projectFilePath);
// Now, read the entire file into a string
string contents = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
// Write the modification into the same fil
StreamWriter streamWriter = File.CreateText(projectFilePath);
streamWriter.Write(contents.Replace("PLACE_HOLDER_COMMON_ASSEMLY_INFO_LOCATION", "..\\..\\CommonAssemblyInfo.cs"));
else {
throw new ApplicationException("Couldn't find " + projectFilePath + " to PerformManualProjectReplacementsTo");
private void MoveCommonAssemblyInfoToRoot(EnvDTE.Project solutionItemsContainerProject) {
string originalFileLocation = GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + "\\SolutionItemsContainer\\CommonAssemblyInfo.cs";
if (File.Exists(originalFileLocation)) {
string targetFileLocation = GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + "\\CommonAssemblyInfo.cs";
Log("MoveCommonAssemblyInfoToRoot: Moving CommonAssemblyInfo.cs from " + originalFileLocation + " to root at " + targetFileLocation);
File.Move(originalFileLocation, targetFileLocation);
else {
throw new ApplicationException("Couldn't find CommonAssemblyInfo.cs to move");
private void MoveSolutionItemsToLib(EnvDTE.Project solutionItemsContainerProject) {
string originalLocation = GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + "\\SolutionItemsContainer\\Solution Items";
if (Directory.Exists(originalLocation)) {
string targetLibFolder = GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + "\\lib";
Log("MoveSolutionItemsToLib: Moving solution items from " + originalLocation + " to lib at " + targetLibFolder);
Directory.Move(originalLocation, targetLibFolder);
Solution2 solution = dte.Solution as Solution2;
// Give the solution time to release the lock on the project file
Directory.Delete(GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + "\\SolutionItemsContainer", true);
else {
throw new ApplicationException("Couldn't find " + originalLocation + " to move");
private void MoveSolutionItemsToToolsLib(EnvDTE.Project toolsSolutionItemsContainerProject) {
string originalLocation = GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + "\\ToolsSolutionItemsContainer\\Solution Items";
if (Directory.Exists(originalLocation)) {
string targetToolsLibFolder = GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + "\\tools\\lib";
Log("MoveSolutionItemsToToolsLib: Moving tools solution items from " + originalLocation + " to tools lib at " + targetToolsLibFolder);
Directory.Move(originalLocation, targetToolsLibFolder);
Solution2 solution = dte.Solution as Solution2;
// Give the solution time to release the lock on the project file
Directory.Delete(GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + "\\ToolsSolutionItemsContainer", true);
else {
throw new ApplicationException("Couldn't find " + originalLocation + " to move");
/// <summary>
/// Note that this is called BEFORE the SLN is moved to the solution folder; therefore, we have
/// to add the solution name after the root path.
/// </summary>
private void CreateSolutionDirectoryStructure() {
Directory.CreateDirectory(GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + "\\app");
Directory.CreateDirectory(GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + "\\build");
Directory.CreateDirectory(GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + "\\db");
Directory.CreateDirectory(GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + "\\docs");
Directory.CreateDirectory(GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + "\\logs");
Directory.CreateDirectory(GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + "\\tests");
Directory.CreateDirectory(GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + "\\tools");
private void MoveSolutionFileToProjectsDirectory() {
GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + "\\" + GetSolutionFileName());
private void DeleteSuoFile() {
string suoFile = GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + ".suo";
if (File.Exists(suoFile)) {
Log("DeleteSuoFile: Deleting " + suoFile);
private void Log(string message) {
StreamWriter streamWriter = File.AppendText(GetSolutionRootPath() + GetSolutionName() + "\\logs\\" + LOG_FILE_NAME);
streamWriter.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + "\t" + message);
private string GetSolutionName() {
return replacementsDictionary["$solutionname$"];
private string GetSolutionFileName() {
return GetSolutionName() + ".sln";
private string GetSolutionFileFullName() {
return dte.Solution.Properties.Item("Path").Value.ToString();
private string GetSolutionRootPath() {
return GetSolutionFileFullName().Replace(GetSolutionFileName(), "");
// This method is called before opening any item which is marked for opening in the editor in the
// .vstemplate file using the "OpenInEditor" attribute.
void IWizard.BeforeOpeningFile(EnvDTE.ProjectItem projectItem) {
// This method is only applicable for item templates and does not get called for project templates.
void IWizard.ProjectItemFinishedGenerating(EnvDTE.ProjectItem projectItem) {
// This method is only applicable for item templates and does not get called for project templates.
bool IWizard.ShouldAddProjectItem(string filePath) {
return true;
private const string LOG_FILE_NAME = "SharpArch.VSharpArchTemplate.log";
关于c# - VisualStudio 多项目模板,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9792278/
namespace std { template <> class hash{ public : size_t operator()( cons
我正在构建一个 Javascript 交互性有限的 Django 应用程序,并且正在研究如何将 Vue 模板与 Django 模板合并以实现相同的内容。 想象一个无限滚动的页面,其中 SEO 非常重要
我需要一个由游戏逻辑组成的外部类,调用 LitElement 组件,并向其传递一个 html 模板文字,该组件将使用该文字来更新其自己的 html 模板文字的一部分。 在下面的代码中,您将看到组件的一
很简单,我不想在 html 文件中定义所有 Handlebars 模板 我试过了 但这并没有奏效。我是否可以不以编程方式定义模板,甚至只是加载 Handlebars 文件,以便我可以重用,而且我觉得
在此代码中,j 正确地成为对象:j.name、j.addr、j.city、j.state 和 j.zip。但是,成功函数有一个 JavaScript 错误 .tmpl() 不是函数。 {{t
Django模板不会?点进来,总结了模板语法传值取值、过滤器和自定义过滤器、模板标签的分类、中间件403报错如何解决、如何继承模板~👆 Django 模板 模板传值取值 后端传值 键值对形式:{‘n
哈喽大家好,我是鹿 九 丸 \color{red}{鹿九丸}鹿九丸,今天给大家带来的是C++模板。 如果大家在看我的博客的过程中或者学习的过程中以及在学习方向上有什么问题或者想跟我交流的话可以加我的企
我正在用 PHP 编写一个简单的模板层,但我遇到了一些困难。目前它是这样工作的: 首先,我使用 fetch_template 从数据库中加载模板内容 - 这可行(如果您有兴趣,我会在启动时收集所有模板
我正在制作有关模板的 Django 教程。我目前处于此代码: from django.template import Template, Context >>> person = {'name': '
我正在使用 Jquery 模板来显示传入的 JSON 数据我想将模板加载到可缓存的外部文件中。我该怎么做? 更新 http://encosia.com/2010/12/02/jquery-templa
这是我的观点.py: from django.http import HttpResponse from django.template.loader import get_template from
我试图说服一位同事在项目的前端使用 Mustache/Hogan,我提出了以下建议: 有一个 templates.js 文件,大致如下所示: var tpl_alert = '{{msg}}'; va
我想创建一个通用的数组函数。在我的 API 中,我有一个通用容器,我需要将其转换为正确的类,但我想让它通用 template void UT::printArray(CCArray* arr, T t
有谁知道是否有办法在 Genshi 中创建 javascript 模板?我的意思是,我需要一个 .js 文件,可以在其中使用 等指令。等等。 有什么想法吗?谢谢! 最佳答案 你可以直接在html中这
我想知道是否可以设置某种 HTML 模板系统,基本上我有 3 个不同的文件: - header.html - footer.html - landing.html(landing.html 是包含页面
我正在尝试构建以下 HTML 模板: 这很简单,如果我使用红色容器 1-4,语法如下: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 https://jsfi
#include "boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp" using namespace boost::numeric::ublas; template class Lay
我在一个类中有一个函数,它传递了一个函数及其参数,然后将它们绑定(bind)到一个函数调用中并调用该函数等。 这已经被快速组合在一起以测试我知道代码不是很好的概念。 class Profiling {
是否有一个 c++ 结构或模板(在任何库中)允许我在十进制和任何其他基数之间进行转换(很像 bitset 可以做的)? 最佳答案 是的,你可以使用unsigned int: unsigned int
数据类型给程序设计带来的困扰及解决方案 int maxt(int, int); double maxt(double, double); 若有一种占位符T,能够代替类型,便可以简化代码的冗余编写