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ios - Swift iOS Firebase - 如何组合 queryOrdered(byChild) 和 GeoFireobserve(.keyEntered) 以同时获取快照和位置结果?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 11:03:25 25 4
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使用 UISearchController 如果我想搜索用户最喜欢的书,书名是《哈利·波特》,我会执行以下操作来获取它的快照:

func updateSearchResults(for searchController: UISearchController) {

// the searchText the user entered is Harry Potter
guard let searchText = searchController.searchBar.text?.lowercased() else { return }

let favoriteBooksRef = Database.database().reference().child("searchFavoriteBooks").queryOrdered(byChild: "titleLowercased").queryStarting(atValue: searchText).queryEnding(atValue: searchText+"\u{f8ff}")

favoriteBooksRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in

如果我想搜索某个位置的用户,我将使用 GeoFire 执行以下操作:

let geofireRef = Database.database().reference().child("users_locations")
let geoFire = GeoFire(firebaseRef: geofireRef)
let center = CLLocation(latitude: myLat, longitude: myLon)

let circleQuery = geoFire.query(at: center, withRadius: 5)

var queryHandler = circleQuery.observe(.keyEntered, with: { (key: String!, location: CLLocation!) in

如何使用 UISearchController 来组合这两个查询,以便我可以获得距离我所在位置 5 公里范围内最喜欢的《哈利·波特》书名的所有用户的快照?

根据to this link该人说只需在 GFQueryResultBlock 中添加第三个参数作为快照,但它没有解释该快照如何到达不同的节点以从中提取数据。

我的数据库(显示 1 个用户,但附近可能有 20 个用户将出现在搜索结果中):

| |
| @---uid789
| |
| |--username: "avidBookReader"
| |--lat: 34.111
| |--lon: -34.222
| @---postId001
| |
| |--title: "Harry Potter"
| |
| @---uid789
| |
| |--g: xyz234
| @--l:
| |--0: 34.111
| |--1: -34.222
|--uid: "uid789"
|--titleLowercased: "harry potter"
|--lat: 34.111
|--lon: -34.222

到目前为止我尝试过的。我基本上首先检查距离设备最近的所有用户,然后将它们放入名为 usersInRadius 的数组中。之后,我检查了对搜索栏中输入的文本运行查询并将这些结果添加到名为 favoriteBooks 的数组中。我将它们都转换为 Set 并尝试使用 Set 的 .intersection() 函数比较其中包含的项目,但没有成功,并且收到警告

Result of call to 'intersection' is unused

然后,我将该函数的最终结果放入名为 finalResults 的数组中,以显示在 collectionView 中。

搜索有效,我从 finalResults 数组中获取了《哈利·波特》书籍,但对与我关系密切的用户的过滤并没有过滤掉所有书籍。我认为问题发生在第 19 步:

favoriteBooksAsSet.intersection(usersInRadiusAsSet) // I get the warning message above


let radius: Double = 5.0
let usersInRadius = [SearchModels] // an arr of all the users in the vicinity
let favoriteBooks = [SearchModels] // an arr of all the results that contain the searchText
let finalResults = [SearchModels] // the final array that will display the results of the users in the vicinity with the search text by comparing the 2 above arrays as Sets

// 1. user enters text into the searchBar
func updateSearchResults(for searchController: UISearchController) {

// 2. the text is Harry Potter
guard let searchText = searchController.searchBar.text?.lowercased() else { return }

// 3. look for all the users in the devices proximity
getAlltheUsersInTheChosenRadius(radius: radius, searchText: searchText)

func getAlltheUsersInTheChosenRadius(radius: Double, searchText: String) {

// 4. check for location authorization
if (CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() == .authorizedWhenInUse ||
CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() == .authorizedAlways) {

currentLocation = locationManager.location

// 5. get the device's lat and lon
let myLat = currentLocation.coordinate.latitude
let myLon = currentLocation.coordinate.longitude

// 6. use them to create a CLLocation
let center = CLLocation(latitude: myLat, longitude: myLon)

// 7. create the geoFire node to search on
let geofireRef = Database.database().reference().child("users_location")
let geoFire = GeoFire(firebaseRef: geofireRef)

// 7. center in a 5 meter radius
let circleQuery = geoFire.query(at: center, withRadius: radius)

// 8. get the .keyEntered info
let queryHandler = circleQuery.observe(.keyEntered, with: {
(key: String!, location: CLLocation!) in

// 9. create a SearchModel object and set the key to the userId's key and the location to the location
let searchModel = SearchModel()
searchModel.userId = key
searchModel.location = location

// 10. append these objects to an array of all the users who are in the vicinity

// 11. geoFire is done now query the searchText

self.queryTheSearchFavoriteBooksNode(searchText: searchText)

func queryTheSearchFavoriteBooksNode(searchText: searchText) {

// 12. set the ref for the searchFavoriteBooks to search on
let favoriteBooksRef = Database.database().reference().child("searchFavoriteBooks").queryOrdered(byChild: "titleLowercased").queryStarting(atValue: searchText).queryEnding(atValue: searchText+"\u{f8ff}")

favoriteBooksRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in

guard let dictionaries = snapshot.value as? [String: Any] else {

// 14. grab all the key/values pairs that have a value named "harry potter"
dictionaries.forEach({ (key, value) in

guard let dict = value as? [String: Any] else { return }

// 15. init a SearchModel with the values from the dict
let searchModel = SearchModel(dict: dict)

// 16. check if the result is in the favoriteBooks array
let isContained = self.favoriteBooks.contains(where: { (post) -> Bool in
return searchModel.userId == post.userId

// 17. if it's not in the favoriteBooks array the append it to it
if !isContained {

if self.favoriteBooks.count > 1 {

// 18. if there is more then 1 item in the favoriteBooks then cast it as a Set and also cast the userInRadius from step 10 as a Set
let favoriteBooksAsSet = Set(self.favoriteBooks)
let usersInRadiusAsSet = Set(self.usersInRadius)

// 19. compare the items in both sets and remove what I don't want. This ISN'T working

// 20. append the results from the favoriteBooksAsSet in step 19 to the final finalResults which should display the UISearchController's results
self.finalResults.append(contentsOf: Array(favoriteBooksAsSet))

// this is the SearchModel
class SearchModel: : Equatable, Hashable {

var hashValue: Int {
guard let uid = userId, let loc = location else {
return Int(arc4random())
return uid.djb2hash ^ loc.hashValue

var postId: String?
var title: String?
var userId: String?
var location: CLLocation?
var lat: CLLocationDegrees?
var lon: CLLocationDegrees?

convenience init(dict: [String: Any]) {

postId = dict["postId"] as? String
title = dict["title"] as? String
userId = dict["userId"] as? String
location = dict["location"] as? CLLocation
lat = dict["lat"] as? CLLocationDegrees
lon = dict["lon"] as? CLLocationDegrees

static func == (lhs: SearchModel, rhs: SearchModel) -> Bool {
return lhs.userId == rhs.userId

// String extension for the hash value in the SearchModel
extension String {
var djb2hash: Int {
let unicodeScalars = { $0.value }
return unicodeScalars.reduce(5381) {
($0 << 5) &+ $0 &+ Int($1)


我得到了 answer from this SO answer

问题出在我在步骤 18 和 19 中对集合的分离:

// 18. if there is more then 1 item in the favoriteBooks then cast it as a Set and also cast the userInRadius from step 10 as a Set
let favoriteBooksAsSet = Set(self.favoriteBooks)
let usersInRadiusAsSet = Set(self.usersInRadius)

// 19. compare the items in both sets and remove what I don't want. This ISN'T working

// 20. append the results from the favoriteBooksAsSet in step 19 to the final finalResults which should display the UISearchController's results
self.finalResults.append(contentsOf: Array(favoriteBooksAsSet))

正确的解决方案是使用 SO 答案中的内容并将两个数组组合为集合,然后无论交集方法的结果是什么,都将其放入步骤 20:

// steps 18 and 19 combined
let tempSet = Set(self.favoriteBooks).intersection(Set(self.usersInRadius))

// 20. append the results from the tempSet in step 18 and 19 to the final finalResults which should display the UISearchController's results
self.finalResults.append(contentsOf: Array(tempSet))

关于ios - Swift iOS Firebase - 如何组合 queryOrdered(byChild) 和 GeoFireobserve(.keyEntered) 以同时获取快照和位置结果?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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