gpt4 book ai didi

python - 组合模型时不考虑批量尺寸

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 09:45:23 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我有一个 Keras 模型,在训练期间将其定义为:

   img = keras.Input(shape=[65, 65, 2])
bnorm = keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(img)
model = keras.Model(img, outputprob)

不过,在服务期间,我的输入有所不同。因此,我定义了一个输入层(验证 to_img 形状也是 (65, 65, 2))并尝试使用以下方法进行模型组合:

  to_img = keras.layers.Lambda(...)(json_input)
model_output = model(to_img)
serving_model = keras.Model(json_input, model_output)


Shape must be rank 4 but is rank 3 for
'model/batch_normalization/cond/FusedBatchNorm' (op:
'FusedBatchNorm') with input shapes: [65,65,2],
[2], [2], [0], [0].



(1) 在所有层中显式设置 trainable=False 但这似乎没有任何区别:

  model_core = model
for layer in model_core.layers:
layer.trainable = False
model_output = model_core(to_img)

(2) 尝试扩展预处理的结果:

   to_img = keras.layers.Lambda(
lambda x : preproc(x))(json_input)
to_img = keras.layers.Lambda(
lambda x : tf.expand_dims(x, axis=0) )(to_img)

这会导致错误:AttributeError: 'Model' object has no attribute '_name' on the line serving_model = keras.Model(json_input, model_output)

(3) 更改 lambda 层以执行 map_fn 来单独处理数据:

to_img = keras.layers.Lambda(
lambda items: K.map_fn(lambda x: preproc, items))(json_input)

这导致了形状错误,表明 preproc 函数正在获取 [65,2] 项而不是 [65,65,2]。这表明 Lambda 层一次将该函数应用于一个示例。

(4) 这是模型的完整代码:

  img = keras.Input(shape=[height, width, 2])

# convolutional part of model
cnn = keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(img)
for layer in range(nlayers):
nfilters = nfil * (layer + 1)
cnn = keras.layers.Conv2D(nfilters, (ksize, ksize), padding='same')(cnn)
cnn = keras.layers.Activation('elu')(cnn)
cnn = keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(cnn)
cnn = keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))(cnn)
cnn = keras.layers.Flatten()(cnn)
cnn = keras.layers.Dropout(dprob)(cnn)
cnn = keras.layers.Dense(10, activation='relu')(cnn)

# feature engineering part of model
engfeat = keras.layers.Lambda(
lambda x: engineered_features(x, height//2))(img)

# concatenate the two parts
both = keras.layers.concatenate([cnn, engfeat])
ltgprob = keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(both)

# create a model
model = keras.Model(img, ltgprob)
def rmse(y_true, y_pred):
import tensorflow.keras.backend as K
return K.sqrt(K.mean(K.square(y_pred - y_true), axis=-1))
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=params['learning_rate'],
metrics=['accuracy', 'mse', rmse])


def reshape_into_image(features, params):
# stack the inputs to form a 2-channel input
# features['ref'] is [-1, height*width]
# stacked image is [-1, height*width, n_channels]
n_channels = 2
stacked = tf.concat([features['ref'], features['ltg']], axis=1)
height = width = PATCH_SIZE(params)
return tf.reshape(stacked, [height, width, n_channels])


  # 1. layer that extracts multiple inputs from JSON
height = width = PATCH_SIZE(hparams)
json_input = keras.layers.concatenate([
keras.layers.Input(name='ref', dtype=tf.float32, shape=(height * width,)),
keras.layers.Input(name='ltg', dtype=tf.float32, shape=(height * width,)),
], axis=0)

# 2. convert json_input to image (what model wants)
to_img = keras.layers.Lambda(
lambda x: reshape_into_image(features={
'ref': tf.reshape(x[0], [height * width, 1]),
'ltg': tf.reshape(x[1], [height * width, 1])
}, params=hparams),

# 3. now, use trained model to predict
model_output = model(to_img)

# 4. create serving model
serving_model = keras.Model(json_input, model_output)


考虑到样本轴,模型的输入形状为 (?, 65, 65, 2),其中 ? 可以是一个或多个。因此,您需要修改 Lambda 层(实际上是包装在其中的函数),使其输出也为 (?, 65, 65, 2) 。一种方法是在包装函数中使用 K.expand_dims(out, axis=0) ,以便输出的形状为 (1 , 65, 65, 2).

顺便说一下,K 指的是后端:from keras import backend as K

此外,请注意,您必须定义由 Lambda 包装的函数,以便它保留批处理轴;否则,您很可能在该函数的定义中做错了什么。


由于您将 json_input 作为模型的输入传递,因此会引发错误 AttributeError: 'Model' object has no attribute '_name'。然而,它不是输入层。相反,它是串联层的输出。要解决此问题,首先定义输入层,然后将它们传递给 concatenation 层和 Model 类,如下所示:

inputs = [keras.layers.Input(name='ref', dtype=tf.float32, shape=(height * width,)), 
keras.layers.Input(name='ltg', dtype=tf.float32, shape=(height * width,))]

json_input = keras.layers.concatenate(inputs, axis=0)

# ...
serving_model = keras.Model(inputs, model_output)

更新 2:我认为你可以把这个写得更简单,而不会陷入那么多不必要的麻烦。您想要从两个形状为 (?, h*w) 的张量转换为形状为 (?, h, w, 2) 的张量。您可以使用Reshape层,因此将是:

from keras.layers import Reshape

inputs = [keras.layers.Input(name='ref', dtype=tf.float32, shape=(height * width,)),
keras.layers.Input(name='ltg', dtype=tf.float32, shape=(height * width,))]

reshape_layer = Reshape((height, width, 1))
r_in1 = reshape_layer(inputs[0])
r_in2 = reshape_layer(inputs[1])
img = concatenate([r_in1, r_in2])

output = model(img)

serving_model = keras.Model(inputs, output)

无需任何自定义函数或 Lambda 层。


return tf.reshape(stacked, [height, width, n_channels])

reshape 时您没有考虑批处理轴。

关于python - 组合模型时不考虑批量尺寸,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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