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from keras. datasets import mnist
from keras. models import Sequential
from keras. layers import Dense
from keras. layers import Dropout
from keras. layers import Flatten
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from keras. layers . convolutional import Conv2D
from keras. layers . convolutional import MaxPooling2D
from keras. utils import np_utils
from keras import backend as K
K . set_image_dim_ordering ( 'th' )
import cv2
import matplotlib. pyplot as plt
#% inline matplotlib # If you are using Jupyter, it will be useful for plotting graphics or figures inside cells
#Divided the data into subsets of training and testing.
( X_train , y_train ) , ( X_test , y_test ) = mnist. load_data ( )
# Since we are working in gray scale we can
# set the depth to the value 1.
X_train = X_train . reshape ( X_train . shape [ 0 ] , 1 , 28 , 28 ) . astype ( 'float32' )
X_test = X_test . reshape ( X_test . shape [ 0 ] , 1 , 28 , 28 ) . astype ( 'float32' )
# We normalize our data according to the
# gray scale. The floating point values are in the range [0,1], instead of [.255]
X_train = X_train / 255
X_test = X_test / 255
# Converts y_train and y_test, which are class vectors, to a binary class array (one-hot vectors)
y_train = np_utils. to_categorical ( y_train )
y_test = np_utils. to_categorical ( y_test )
# Number of digit types found in MNIST. In this case, the value is 10, corresponding to (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9).
num_classes = y_test. shape [ 1 ]
def deeper_cnn_model ( ) :
model = Sequential ( )
# Convolution2D will be our input layer. We can observe that it has
# 30 feature maps with size of 5 × 5 and an activation function of type ReLU.
model.add ( Conv2D ( 30 , ( 5 , 5 ) , input_shape = ( 1 , 28 , 28 ) , activation = 'relu' ) )
# The MaxPooling2D layer will be our second layer where we will have a sample window of size 2 x 2
model.add ( MaxPooling2D ( pool_size = ( 2 , 2 ) ) )
# A new convolutional layer, with 15 feature maps of size 3 × 3, and activation function ReLU
model.add ( Conv2D ( 15 , ( 3 , 3 ) , activation = 'relu' ) )
# A new subsampling with a 2x2 dimension pooling.
model.add ( MaxPooling2D ( pool_size = ( 2 , 2 ) ) )
# We include a dropout with a 20% probability (you can try other values)
model.add ( Dropout ( 0.2 ) )
# We need to convert the output of the convolutional layer, so that it can be used as input to the densely connected layer that is next.
# What this does is "flatten / flatten" the structure of the output of the convolutional layers, creating a single long vector of features
# that will be used by the Fully Connected layer.
model.add ( Flatten ( ) )
# Fully connected layer with 128 neurons.
model.add ( Dense ( 128 , activation = 'relu' ) )
# Followed by a new fully connected layer with 64 neurons
model.add ( Dense ( 64 , activation = 'relu' ) )
# Followed by a new fully connected layer with 32 neurons
model.add ( Dense ( 32 , activation = 'relu' ) )
# The output layer has the number of neurons compatible with the
# number of classes to be obtained. Notice that we are using a softmax activation function,
model.add ( Dense ( num_classes, activation = 'softmax' , name = 'preds' ) )
# Configure the entire training process of the neural network
model.compile ( loss = 'categorical_crossentropy' , optimizer = 'adam' , metrics = [ 'accuracy' ] )
return model
model = deeper_cnn_model ( )
model.summary ( )
model.fit ( X_train , y_train, validation_data = ( X_test , y_test ) , epochs = 10 , batch_size = 200 )
scores = model. evaluate ( X_test , y_test, verbose = 0 )
print ( "\ nacc:% .2f %%" % (scores [1] * 100))
###enhance to check multiple numbers after the training is done
img_pred = cv2. imread ( 'five.JPG' , 0 )
plt.imshow(img_pred, cmap='gray')
# forces the image to have the input dimensions equal to those used in the training data (28x28)
if img_pred. shape != [ 28 , 28 ] :
img2 = cv2. resize ( img_pred, ( 28 , 28 ) )
img_pred = img2. reshape ( 28 , 28 , - 1 ) ;
else :
img_pred = img_pred. reshape ( 28 , 28 , - 1 ) ;
# here also we inform the value for the depth = 1, number of rows and columns, which correspond 28x28 of the image.
img_pred = img_pred. reshape ( 1 , 1 , 28 , 28 )
pred = model. predict_classes ( img_pred )
pred_proba = model. predict_proba ( img_pred )
pred_proba = "% .2f %%" % (pred_proba [0] [pred] * 100)
print ( pred [ 0 ] , "with probability of" , pred_proba )
最后,我尝试对我绘制和导入的数字 5 进行预测(我也尝试过其他手绘数字,但结果同样不佳):
img_pred = cv2. imread ( 'five.JPG' , 0 )
plt.imshow(img_pred, cmap='gray')
# forces the image to have the input dimensions equal to those used in the training data (28x28)
if img_pred. shape != [ 28 , 28 ] :
img2 = cv2. resize ( img_pred, ( 28 , 28 ) )
img_pred = img2. reshape ( 28 , 28 , - 1 ) ;
else :
img_pred = img_pred. reshape ( 28 , 28 , - 1 ) ;
# here also we inform the value for the depth = 1, number of rows and columns, which correspond 28x28 of the image.
img_pred = img_pred. reshape ( 1 , 1 , 28 , 28 )
pred = model. predict_classes ( img_pred )
pred_proba = model. predict_proba ( img_pred )
pred_proba = "% .2f %%" % (pred_proba [0] [pred] * 100)
print ( pred [ 0 ] , "with probability of" , pred_proba )
这是 5.jpg:
MNIST 测试编号将如下所示:
img_pred = cv2 读取 .jpg 的一个 channel 后。 imread ( ' Five.JPG' , 0 )
,背景像素接近白色,值在 215-238 附近。 X_train
中的训练数据,背景像素全部为零,数字为白色或接近白色(上部 210-255)。尝试在 X_train
另一个问题是 cv2.resize()
中的默认插值不会保留数据的缩放比例。调整数据大小后,最小值会跳至 60,而不是 0。比较 img.pred.min()
和 img.pred.max()
的值> 重新调整步骤之前和之后。
您可以使用如下函数反转和缩放数据,使其看起来更像 MNIST 输入数据:
def mnist_bytescale(image):
# Use float for rescaling
img_temp = image.astype(np.float32)
#Re-zero the data
img_temp -= img_temp.min()
#Re-scale and invert
img_temp /= (img_temp.max()-img_temp.min())
img_temp *= 255
return 255 - img_temp.astype('uint')
这将翻转您的数据,并将其从 0 线性缩放到 255,就像网络正在训练的数据一样。但是,如果您绘制 mnist_bytescale(img_pred)
,您会注意到大多数像素中的背景级别仍然不完全为 0,因为原始图像的背景级别不是恒定的(可能是由于 JPEG 压缩) 。)如果您的网络仍然存在此翻转和缩放数据的问题,您可以尝试使用 np.clip将背景水平清零,看看是否有帮助。
关于Python机器学习数字识别,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49741671/
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